Proverbs - John Cunyus

Proverbs - John Cunyus

Proverbs - John Cunyus


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<strong>Proverbs</strong>, 24<br />

3:29 ne moliaris amico tuo malum cum ille in te habeat fiduciam<br />

Do not plan evil<br />

for your friend,<br />

when he has faith in you.<br />

3:30 ne contendas adversus hominem frustra cum ipse tibi nihil mali fecerit<br />

Do not contend<br />

against a man,<br />

without cause,<br />

when he has done<br />

nothing bad to you.<br />

3:31 ne aemuleris hominem iniustum nec imiteris vias eius<br />

Do not copy<br />

an unfair man,<br />

nor imitate his ways.<br />

3:32 quia abominatio Domini est omnis inlusor et cum simplicibus sermocinatio eius<br />

because the Lord detests<br />

every scoffer,<br />

and his careful talk<br />

is with the simple.<br />

Consequence of Our Actions<br />

3:33 egestas a Domino in domo impii habitacula autem iustorum benedicentur<br />

Lack in an lawless house<br />

is from the Lord;<br />

but the dwelling of the fair man<br />

will be blessed.<br />

3:34 inlusores ipse deludet et mansuetis dabit gratiam<br />

He will deceive<br />

mockers,<br />

but will give grace<br />

to the gentle.

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