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The Legend of Lilith: The Origins of Evil and the Fall of Man<br />

In contrast to religion, the ancient sages taught, “L’fum Tza’arah Agrah” (in accordance to one’s efforts,<br />

so will be one’s rewards).The meaning is clear to those with spiritual ears. We create our own personal<br />

heaven or hell here on earth. When the human mind is clouded by deception and clear insight into the nature<br />

of the true reality, then whatever we wish to impose on the world is by nature defective and harmful<br />

to others. Our behavior and actions are like ripples of a pebble thrown in a pond that reach out and have<br />

lasting affects upon us and all that they touch. It is only the selfish and irresponsible souls that do not take<br />

responsibility for their own actions and the results of those actions. Mankind brings its own destruction<br />

down on its own head by its sinful behavior. We have taken the Garden of Eden and turned it into a dangerous<br />

jungle.<br />

Religion is the greatest form of mass mind control yet invented by man and it has been the most important<br />

weapon in the agenda of the Other Side since Creation. It has imprisoned the minds of the masses and<br />

kept them in perpetual fear and servitude. They accept their, often grotesque, plight on the word of men in<br />

long frocks and collars who tell them what is "G-d's plan".<br />

The blueprint for control by religion was honed and polished in ancient Babylon. Babylon is also the location<br />

from where the global financial scam was foisted on the world. This scam involves lending people<br />

money that doesn't exist and charging interest on it. It just so happens that Babylon became the new headquarters<br />

after the Sumer Empire collapsed. Their operational centre later moved to Rome and it was then<br />

that we had the Roman Empire and the founding of the Roman Church, which, understandably, was a<br />

copy of the religion of Babylon. It uses the same methods, symbols, and stories. Unfortunately, as Truths<br />

always become perverted into falsehoods, and are falsehoods when misapplied, this Truth became the<br />

Gospel of Chaos and Anarchy, soon after it was first preached.<br />

As we mature as students and scholars, new teachers have arisen that have determined not to let Divine<br />

mysteries slip into oblivion and have recovered and taught them. This generation has come to better understand<br />

the wisdom and power of the mystical traditions and their relationship to our beliefs. If you think<br />

that the Creator as a big and powerful, old man sitting up in heaven and pulling all the strings as the puppet<br />

master, you are going to have a hard time understanding the teachings in this book.<br />

Behind every falsehood hides this mysterious and dangerous being known as “Lilith”. Since the fall and<br />

exile from the Gan Eden, she has become the worst enemy of the children of Adam and Chawah. She<br />

seeks their destruction at every turn. We are all too familiar with her corrupting ways as she uses her feminine<br />

wiles to seduce mankind and force them to become her slaves and servants. Lilith is the spirit of<br />

degradation and sexual perversion that turns the daughters of Chawah into harlot daughters of the Great<br />

Whore.<br />

This study into this fascinating “female” will hopefully be a major step for the reader to be set free from<br />

the prison that has been built for their mind by this world’s institutions and help bring about the tikkun<br />

olam and the Messiah just a little sooner. Tikkun 12 Olam means the betterment of this world. Raising the<br />

sparks is a psychological, social, spiritual, ethical, and political event. May we all become participants in<br />

the psychological and spiritual fulfillment, and devote our lives to the Tikkun Olam.<br />

before the evil comes; while a bitter death breaks the wicked like as a tree." Hell has been used by over-zealous<br />

Christian preachers for centuries to frighten their flocks into obedience. But it has no basis in scripture.<br />

12 The meaning of rectification means “enclothing”. It is the taming and harnessing of unbounded, chaotic powers,<br />

talents, and energies by limiting, defining and directing them. The challenge of any spiritual life is to retain the unbounded<br />

energy of Tohu (chaos) even after having restrained them in the vessels of Tikkun.<br />


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