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The Legend of Lilith: The Origins of Evil and the Fall of Man<br />

• R. Isaac said: ‘It is written: AND <strong>THE</strong> CHILDREN STRUGGLED TOGE<strong>THE</strong>R WITHIN HER; AND SHE SAID,<br />

IF IT BE SO, WHEREFORE DO I LIVE? AND SHE WENT TO ENQUIRE <strong>OF</strong> YHWH. Whither did she go? To<br />

the Academy of Shem and Eber. “And the children struggled together within her”, for there already Esau declared<br />

war against Jacob. The term vayithrozzu (and they struggled) is akin to a root meaning “to break”, and<br />

thus it implies that they broke asunder and drifted away from each other. Observe that the one was of the side of<br />

him who rides the serpent, whilst the other was of the side of Him who rides on the sacred and perfect throne;<br />

Zohar Bereshith 1:137b<br />

In the Torah, the archetype of evil is Esav and the archetype of good is Ya’aqob. They both came from the same womb<br />

and at the same time. They were bound together by the same blood and the same source. This teaches the student of the<br />

Torah a great truth concerning good and evil. They are not the dualistic opposites in some great cosmic struggle for creation.<br />

This relationship between good and evil did not begin with this set of twins. The Zohar says that in regards to the<br />

Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil therein is Metatron and Samael. 52<br />

Good and evil are both agents of YHWH and serve Heaven to accomplish the Divine purpose. We are commanded to<br />

serve good and avoid what is evil. Just because something has been created by Elohim, its existence does not mean that<br />

such a thing is a benefit for mankind. What most people do not realize is that it is not always easy to clearly discern the<br />

difference between evil and good. The visage of Esav sometimes is mistaken for the visage of Ya’aqob. Thinking we are<br />

embracing Esav, we may actually be embracing Ya’aqob. Ya’aqob came to blind Yitzchak in Esav’s garments and Yitzchak<br />

exclaimed, “The hands are the hands of Esav, but the voice is the voice of Ya’aqob.” Ya’aqob can turn to the ways of<br />

Esav’s hands, but his power is in his voice.<br />

The hands of Esav, representing human endeavors that follow the natural course of the human intellect, can never guide<br />

us in the true path of righteousness. Esav thus represents all those in life who follow the level of a detached intellect,<br />

without the balance of the spiritual voice of Ya’aqob that ascends above and unites the conscious mind with the unconscious.<br />

This is why the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is forbidden to mankind. It is rational intellectualism<br />

without any psychic, spiritual, intuitive interaction that leaves a bitter taste in the mouth of those who partake of its<br />

fruit. Each bite from that forbidden fruit allows us to fall under the domination of HaSatan (the yetzor harah). The bloodline<br />

of Esav is not just physical, but rather includes all mankind who walk in the footsteps of Esav. Righteousness is not<br />

always defined by one’s actions, since evil people can perform good deeds. Righteousness is a state of mind that leads to a<br />

state of being. To be righteous one has not to eat of the forbidden fruit of detached rationalism devoid of any spiritual<br />

awareness. This is the way of religion, but not the path of spirituality. Religion elevates rationalism and mistakes it for<br />

holiness. Most Torah study actually is following the ways of Esav and not Ya’aqob. These hypocritical leaders have the<br />

lost the ability to discern between good and evil by mistaking Esav for Ya’aqob and do as Esav does, instead of speaking<br />

as Ya’aqob.<br />

• R. Hiya and R. Hizkiah were once sitting underneath a tree in the field of Ono. R. Hiya fell into a slumber and beheld<br />

Elijah. He said to him: ‘The whole field is illumined with your presence.’ Elijah answered: ‘I am come to tell<br />

you that Jerusalem is about to be laid waste together with all the towns of the sages, for the reason that Jerusalem<br />

is the embodiment of judgment, and is preserved by judgment, and now judgment demands its destruction; and<br />

children of Esav and the Children of Yisrael cannot exist, or even be reconciled in the same country. Yisrael must go their own way.<br />

The child of Yisrael has the blessings of their parents (Chochmah and Binah/Adam and Chawah), but these are only partially comprehended.<br />

He knows he cannot exist in subjection to the laws of Edom, but he does not know how to leave the country. In his bondage,<br />

he cries to YHWH for deliverance. He seeks the Door to Paradise. The “Chosen People” does not mean just a nationality. It is anyone<br />

who chooses the Torah that was offered at Mt. Sinai by YHWH. If one accepts the teachings and instruction Elohim gave to Yisrael,<br />

then they are a Yisraelite. They have taken on the yoke of Torah and the obligation to learn and teach it to others. It is not that the<br />

people have been chosen, it is that the people have chosen. See Romans chapters 2-3, 11.<br />

52<br />

Jung taught that the Self is made manifest in opposites and conflicts between them; it is called coincidentia oppositorum. For Jung,<br />

the measure of an individual and a whole culture is the ability to recognize polarity and paradox and to balance and unify oppositions.<br />

Thus, Elohim is both male and female and man himself is incomplete unless he is both male and female; that Ein Sof is the ultimate<br />

being and yet nothingness; man in order to achieve redemption must pay his due to the realm of evil; creation is both negation and<br />

progress; etc.<br />


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