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The Legend of Lilith: The Origins of Evil and the Fall of Man<br />

light onto this controversial topic that many in the Nazarene 30 Yisraelite movement avoid due to widespread<br />

ignorance and trepidation among teachers concerning this legendary being.<br />

The fear of hellfire, the Devil, and missing the false “rapture” are the most powerful tools religion uses to<br />

keep their unruly flocks in line. This idea is so powerful that it has been repeated over and over and over<br />

for the last 1,680 years. Even in today’s enlightened world people today still have this terrible fear<br />

molded into their brains and are so afraid to think for themselves. If, by chance a person ever starts to<br />

think independently and freely they worry – they fear – “What if?”<br />

This concept of eternal torture was enforced with libraries of books written about the Christian devil, Lucifer<br />

and demons. It is an axiom that a picture is worth a thousand words. So, to keep that threatening image<br />

of the lake of fire and brimstone, and eternal damnation in front of the public religion has skillfully<br />

used the arts and movies to drive home that fear. Yet, the Torah never condemns the non-Yisraelite to an<br />

eternity of Hellfire and damnation. Demons are a favorite scapegoat that religious people use to explain<br />

their own evil thoughts, and deeds. It is the original blame-shifting defense mechanism that Adam used in<br />

the Gan Eden in order to shift the blame to Elohim and Chawah.<br />

One cannot think outside the box, while they are inside the box. One can deny that they are in the box as<br />

their thoughts and actions always give them away - they always return to the box and support their old<br />

beliefs. Words can be manipulated and often do not reflect one's actions. You may be able to speak in a<br />

different language, but until you are able to think in that language, you cannot experience it fully.<br />

True Spirituality is a sharp contrast to the current reactionary spirituality that is so common among the<br />

world religions. Reactionary spirituality assets that one group has exclusive authoritative possession of<br />

the Truth. It claims that only one person has the right to interpret the will of Elohim because of some special<br />

tie to Elohim that makes them superior to the rest of mankind. Or it can also claim that people of a<br />

certain kind are innately more attuned to truth than others. This is not saying that some ideas or not better<br />

than other ideas. It is not elitist to also claim that a certain people group came to those ideas first and deserve<br />

to be honored in giving those ideas to the rest of the world. However, it is elitist to claim that one<br />

group of people has an exclusive right to interpret sacred ideas or have an exclusive connection to the<br />

Ruach. So when anyone says they are spiritually superior because they were born in a certain family,<br />

group, or social status, we need to know about that person before accepting such claims.<br />

Reactionary spirituality rejects all the claims of modern science, rational or intelligent inquiry, and quantum<br />

physics rather than recognizing that the sciences have legitimate spheres that have a definite say.<br />

Reactionary spirituality usually backs the social elites and opposes the transformation of the economic,<br />

social, and political orders. It is unwilling to participate in the struggle for the tikkun process that would<br />

actually bring about social justice. It conforms of the values of the societies in which it holds power instead<br />

of seeking to build social, religious, economic, and political institutions that would promote love<br />

and compassion rather than seeking to serve mammon and power.<br />

True spirituality presents to mankind the challenge that the world can be changed. This fundamental truth<br />

has been denied by many rabbis, priests, leaders, and teachers. The religious world needs a call of restoration<br />

of true spirituality in order to change the true faith back to its Scriptural origins as the practice of<br />

healing, repairing, and transformation of the world. Any belief system that claims to be spiritual should<br />

30 The Nazoreans were a group of related sects about whom little is known. The word itself derives from the Hebrew<br />

Notsirim signifying “Keepers or Preservers…those who maintained the true teaching and tradition, or who cherished<br />

certain secrets which they did not divulge to others.” The Pentecost Revolution by Schonfield<br />


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