Wind Energy

Wind Energy

Wind Energy


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OffshOre #2 | The Magazine<br />

Europe’s<br />

energy future<br />

how electric cars and<br />

offshore wind power came together<br />

hamburg, 2030. The small cars of hamburg’s moneyed classes are<br />

swarming past the big power point on the bank of the alster. it was<br />

around 20 years ago that the first legions of electrically powered cars<br />

produced by BMW, Volkswagen and Smart started to appear on germany’s<br />

roads. Back then, there were only 1,436 electric cars out of a<br />

total of 41,183,594 registered vehicles. Most cars ran on petrol or diesel<br />

– evil-smelling liquids with dubious origins and an absurdly bad<br />

ecological balance. But the first oil price shock of the 21st century<br />

finally forced the government to take a serious look at alternatives<br />

to this waste of resources. electric cars seemed to offer a solution.<br />

But studies quickly showed that “if additional electricity needs are<br />

generated from coal-fired power stations, an average electric car will<br />

66<br />

produce up to 220g of CO 2 per kilometre,” as environmental organisations<br />

calculated. That could have put an end to this new dawn for the<br />

electric car. But the association of german power generators had recognised<br />

at the time that “wind energy alone would be able to replace<br />

all petrol consumption in germany.” Then some scientists came up with<br />

the brilliant idea of making drivers buy all the fuel for the car at the<br />

time they purchased the car itself. Power grid operators realised that<br />

in this way, especially in the cities of northern germany, they could<br />

acquire customers who would be certain to buy surplus wind power.<br />

The result is that today, in zero-emission cities such as hamburg, no oldfashioned<br />

combustion engine vehicles are allowed past the electronic<br />

city wall that keeps the polluting dinosaurs out.

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