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nfril?-?:Jormallv integrated into the nation-state, the rurar<br />

/ -#:T*l<br />

The conditions to.<br />

ll: _devetopment ot<br />

{i,s1incL!ve working_"tu* purl.<br />

J#::"f il5itl,*:t'::,:lly",;",'tlyv';;d:#;il11{iT;'uift eiences<br />

48 .LEA'AGE srRucruREs' pARTy sysrEMs, AND vorER ALT.NMENT<br />

il" *;lfffi;:t"t'illt<br />

accentuated long-established tines ot Jivisioi within<br />

velopments.rrrieenougr,"in"iSii-"iji#T;':f"'"$::1"T.'.sff ,",3##,_.:-+r:,Li:*.r_f<br />

::rfs<br />

o:o.:ojprgdugclear_cutpredictionsof thesede_<br />

working-class movemenE gmerg.ed i" tu" ftogstant-dominated countries with<br />

the smoothest histories of o"fioo_Urritdog; g1i1ein, Denmark, and Sweden<br />

(types I and II rn ":::gtEq*ffi"f,o", the C;athotic_dominated coun_<br />

trics witb difficult or -verr- reccnt tiirtoii", o,f nation-buirrring also produced<br />

$:ii'jti:::+"H'rut;r,.ru"x'ffixH^ff t#:1:;I;Hii,I,,1I;<br />

account for variation: io-th9 iot"*.ai"d!99e-!etneen the protestant North_<br />

west and the Latin t"g qrJ* Itr;d *, Vrf and VIII). Both the Aus_<br />

uian and the German *-oti6ig*fu* iiJ".rot deveroped their distinctive<br />

countcr-cultures asainst the- do"minantl",i"ra efites. Th.e auit iuo sociarist<br />

Lag",, heavilv coicentrated * it ;;;-vi"*u, was able to maintain its<br />

unity in &e fice of the a"ii.rr-ll"r;;ilu., and the pan-German nationar_<br />

ish after the dissorutiol ot o" uffiri't-pi.".r, By contrast, the German<br />

working-class movement was deepry oviiea atpl ttre 6"r""ii. igr8. Sharpry<br />

contrasted conceptions of the *i"" ;i th;poltical g;;;;d opposed to<br />

each other and dere to prove t"t"r:io tn" nght against the wave of mass na_<br />

tionalism of the early tLilies.;;- I"' s;;-ii;4a- u" -N!,ri".r.""os ( both<br />

type IV in our scbenie), td i*;d -?iry c;;;;;ffi; produced<br />

a few disturbances- bur the leftwaJsptit-on, t oo, ,rr";;'*rking crass<br />

by parties were of iitu" rilnid.;;;:Hfilrked curtural and rerigious creav_<br />

to r tne -ioci"ri'1 p.,tl.l^ ;#il;i'"ditions or<br />

;ftrJ:ffi'"t _ uvrp<br />

,.'r Of a' ^, .L^-:_-- ttre_inten_r-.rv "i:"5::944' uctl cuuy_lnro natlonal politics.<br />

Iy to help their entry i"tb ouiiJ"ui;iil"..,<br />

rcnCi'*',ffi *!"ff YI1. :ii:' Tgd:r )<br />

a particularrv diffcurt r'i',"]i 6t<br />

""ii.*t"iff;;ffii, i$;lTrl,,l?"""t *'*<br />

ffit#"*1, ""* ili"ilffi; #T? ffi*31y1.:y-llis,case ffi;ffi<br />

tr,1'*"n""J' ffi ;? ffi;ffi#<br />

;1:T:"T.*:1:"q,,11","^"j:l"S-;;"Gfr..#TnffiTil'"'if; .::f :it&T:,S<br />

ilf-ffi gfrHff Belgian-French 1;Iil,Hyi"n"'i"i"l.i;;;,;h'i#:i:il'i::;i"$:f contrasts :f<br />

: 8{<br />

The reconciliation of<br />

social order. divirlarr ,Jl:"":t5l":.^1l.Hng class- to rhe political aod<br />

li?"ir,?"f il._q1*:,*::r1..{:1",-.,T'H""'ff :,fr.l&11ll*i,;<br />

11^ 1t Fremish-Walloon quesriron,<br />

lglon<br />

makes a vivid-coitrast witrr'itre<br />

;#::,TJ:"::*f .^"-^y:rin;;;;;;il"J,lilHrl#.ii:XI" t;i:f<br />

jff<br />

$j:',.Hi "*."":,:3;" ':.r:"""-*.-i:l,i,l""s#,iiii#ieg:#lH'l<br />

j":{,::^::1.:^::f _*J,-:-:,i"*ffi:;#:Hi;:.9:":::[<br />

HS;ffi i:r,:,:::*.:*:i:rl:i;";ij't"Um{"fi Jf':'il,':,:lJl'H:<br />

iii,:#J:L'l#i?,??1,."uu1ff :*-t,-"^i;i,;'.";1iliffi<br />

itfjl3ll:it::::::.{G;;n"ai-;;il:tlihff "",SXlil"i:lr'".,ti;;<br />

fi SJii;,,x",11"i,"J<br />

I'X*IX' ;;;;b;#' ffi i;:il:.'ii:,:1ff1:f "#,,:X:<br />

<strong>Cleavage</strong> <strong>Structures</strong>, Party Systems, and Voter Alignments 49<br />

t/_C@e<br />

"the cockpit of Europe," could not permit itself social aud political<br />

couflict td the breaking point. Perhapi France could not either, but it<br />

was harder for the bigger natiou to realize it.<br />

The cpntrastbetween France* Italy,-andspain-on-th" one b4pd^. and Austria'ana<br />

negium on in" othet suggeiis-a possiule generalization. G-woiking-*<br />

ctes*sorzemeglljg,14ld to be much more divided in the countries where the<br />

"nation-builders"<br />

other during the crucial phases of educational development and mass mobilizatiou<br />

(our "S" cases, types V and VI) than in the countries where the<br />

Church had, at least initially, sided with the nation-builders against some<br />

cornmon enemy outside (our "R" cases, an alliance against Protestant Prussia<br />

and the dependent Hapsburg peoples in the case of Austria; against the Calvinist<br />

Dutch in the case of Belgium). This fits the Irish case as well. The<br />

Catholic Church was no less hostile to the English than the secular nationalists,<br />

and the union of the two forces not only reduced the possibilities of a<br />

polarization of Irish politics on class lines but made the likelihood of a Communist<br />

splinter of any importance very small indeed.<br />

It is tempting to apply a si<br />

the greater the internal division during the struggle for nationhood,<br />

greaterlth-e-"flrgqglg!_lbe*Bugsleg,-Rev,qhtion_aU:be-tliviqions*ryithinlhg_<br />

-wor[fig class"-Wmntalreadt pointed to the profoundffiwithin the<br />

Geinrln Reich was a^late-comFiffiong European<br />

nations, and none of the_'lgrritolal icts within the<br />

=and.telig<br />

,,ladpg was anywhere near set ss parties<br />

- egte{-gd the political arena. ArUeIlg the northern countries the two oldest na-<br />

-tioni,DennrirkandSweden,w6iEist-Efec'tedtf<br />

rhe-Com:munist:SoCiliiit<br />

division. @om<br />

colonial status were much more<br />

directly affecte 14, a sovereign<br />

state from 1905) for only a brief period in the early 1920's; Finland (independent<br />

in 1917) aud Iceland (domestically independent in 1916 and a sovereign<br />

state from 1944) for a much longer period. These difierences among<br />

the northern countries,,hde been frequently commented on in the literature of<br />

comparative politigsiThe radicalization of the Norwegian Labor Party has<br />

beeJ interpreieatwittio seilrTfEleffidTE models, onE emphasizing the alliance<br />

options of the party leaders, another the grass-roots reactions to sudden<br />

industrialization in the peripheral counbryside, and a third the openness<br />

of th-e party st!rctfire and itre iossibilities oi quick feedback from i-he mobilized<br />

voterg4here is no doubt that the early-mo[!!!Eg!g_of the peasantry<br />

and the quick victory over the old regime of the officials had left the emerging<br />

Norwegian working-class party much more isolated, much less important<br />

as a coalition partuer, than its Danish and Swedish counterparts.ss There is<br />

also a great deal of evidence to support the old Bull hypothesis of the,radical- _<br />

tzing gflects-of sud-den i'ldustrielizslisn, but recent research suggests that this<br />

w)ffinly one element in'a b6atl-p-roeess of political change. The Labour<br />

Party recruited many more of its voters in the established cities and in the<br />

forestry and the fisheries districts, but the openness of the party structure<br />

gllowed the radicals to establish themselves very quickly and to take over the<br />

(najority winft the party during the crucial years just after the Russian<br />


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