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91. To substantiate such generalization it will clearly be necessary to proceed to a<br />

comparative census of "ephemeral" parties in Europe. Hans Daalder has made a useful<br />

beginning through his inventory of small parties in the Nctherlands since 1918, the<br />

country wilh the longest record of minimal-threshold PR; see "De kleine politiekc<br />

partijen*-een voorlopige poging tot inventarisatie," Acta politica, I (1965-66), pp. 172-<br />

96.<br />

92. See Chapter 5 by Linz.<br />

93. This is -a major theme in the Norwegian Program of electoral research; see<br />

especially S. Rokkan and H. Valen, "The Mobilization of the Periphery," pp. 111-58<br />

of S. Rokkan (ed.), Approaches to the Study ol Political Participation (Bergen: Chr.<br />

Michelsen IDstitute, 1962), and T. Hjellum, Partiene i lokalpolitikken (Oslo: Gyldendal,<br />

1967). The possibilities of comparativc research on the "politicization" of local govertrment<br />

are discussed in S. Rokkan, "Electoral Mobilization, Party Competition and National<br />

Integration" in J. LaPalombara and M. Weiner, op. cit., pp. 2a1-65..<br />

94. For -a general statemeot of the need for such controls for the character of the<br />

local party alternatives see S. Rokkan, "The Comparative Study of Political ParticiPation"<br />

in A. Ranney (ed.), Essays on the Behavioral Study ol Politics (Urbana: Univ.<br />

of Illinois Press, 1962), pp. 45-90.<br />

95. On the development of this type of data fiIes for computer processing see S.<br />

Rokkan (ed.), Data Archives for the Social Sciences (Paris: Mouton, 1966), and the<br />

forthcoming report by Mattei Dogan and S. Rokkan on the Symposium on Quatrtitative<br />

Ecological Analysis held at Evian, France, in September, 1966.<br />

96. In the United States the ceotral figures in tbis movement were V. O. Key and Lce<br />

Benson. It is interesting to note, however, that their work has in recent years been<br />

vigorously followed up by such experts on survey analysis as Angus Campbell and his<br />

colleagues Philip Converse, Warren Miller, and Donald Stokes; see Elections and the<br />

Polirical Order (New York: Wiley, 1966), Chaps. 1-3 and 9.<br />

97. For a detailed effort to integrate the fndings of various studies of American<br />

student activism see S. M. Lipset and Philip Altbach, "Student Politics and Higher Education<br />

in the United States," Comparative Education Rev., 10 (1966), pp. 320-49. This<br />

article appears also in revised and expanded form in S. M. Lipset (ed.), Sludents and<br />

Politics (New York: Basic Books, 1967). Thc Lipset-Altbach artible, as iell as other<br />

essays in this volume contain extensive bibliographic rcferences. Another comprehensivs<br />

discussion of the relevant literature may bc found in Jeanne Block, Norma Haan, and M.<br />

Brewster Smith, "Activism and Apathy in Contemporary Adolescents," in James F.<br />

Adams (ed.), Contribulions to the Understanding ol Adolescence (Boston: Allyn aud<br />

Bacon, in press). A special issue of the Journal ol Social Issres to be published latc in<br />

1967 will contah a number of articles dealing with "Protest otr the American Campus."<br />

One<br />

The English-Speoking Democrqcir

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