Gauge theory for embedded surfaces, II

Gauge theory for embedded surfaces, II

Gauge theory for embedded surfaces, II


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<strong>Gauge</strong> <strong>theory</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>embedded</strong> <strong>surfaces</strong>, <strong>II</strong> 51<br />

the natural inclusion O⊂O (c) gives an equality µ(O)=µ O (c) . This situation<br />

is a local model <strong>for</strong> the natural inclusion<br />

µ ϕ ∗ ( ¯ F) ⊂ µ ϕ ∗ ( ¯ F) ⊗O (c) ,<br />

which must there<strong>for</strong>e be an equality also. So (8.9) is indeed isomorphic to ¯ F.<br />

Now consider the other direction: let F be an orbifold line bundle of weight<br />

b, define ¯ F by (8.5) and then apply the construction (8.8) to ¯ F to <strong>for</strong>m the line<br />

bundle<br />

G = ϕ ∗<br />

µ F⊗O ([ν/2])<br />

⊗O (b) .<br />

In general, ϕ∗ (µ(F)) can be identified with the OX-module which is generated,<br />

on each Ũ, by the invariant sections of F. There is there<strong>for</strong>e a natural inclusion<br />

ϕ∗ (µ(F)) →F, and hence in our case a map<br />

ɛ : G→F⊗O (b+[ν/2]) .<br />

Since b +[ν/2] is positive, F is a subsheaf of the orbifold sheaf on the righthand<br />

side. This subsheaf is precisely the image of ɛ, as one can verify locally by<br />

considering the case F = O (b) ,whereϕ ∗ µ F⊗O ([ν/2]) is equal to ϕ ∗ (O ¯ X),<br />

which is OX. This completes the verification that the two constructions are<br />

mutually inverse.<br />

The correspondence defined by (8.7) is functorial, as is the inverse construction.<br />

This is manifest when the line-bundles involved all have the same weight.<br />

When the weights are different, suppose (to take just one of two directions) that<br />

θ :( ¯ F1,β1)→( ¯ F2,β2) is a map between parabolic line bundles, with βi = bi/ν.<br />

If b1 ≤ b2 then O (b1) ⊂O (b2) ,andsoθinduces a natural map<br />

ϕ ∗ ( ¯ F1) ⊗O (b1) θ ′<br />

−→ ϕ ∗ ( ¯ F 2) ⊗O (b1) ↩→ϕ ∗ ( ¯ F2)⊗O (b2) ,<br />

as required. If b1 >b2 then the definition of map in the parabolic setting requires<br />

that θ should vanish along Σ in ¯ X. The first map θ ′ above is still there in this<br />

case, but its image lies in the subsheaf<br />

ϕ ∗ ( ¯ F2) ⊗O (b1−ν) ;<br />

and this is contained in ϕ ∗ ( ¯ F2)⊗O (b2) now, because b2 >b1−ν.Soineithercase<br />

we obtain a map between the corresponding orbifold bundles as defined by (8.8).<br />

To summarize, then:<br />

Proposition 8.10. The correspondence (8.7) is invertible and functorial, from<br />

the category of orbifold line bundles to the category of parabolic line bundles<br />

whose weights are rational with denominator ν. ⊓⊔<br />

We can now repeat these constructions with vector bundles in place of line<br />

bundles. Let E be an orbifold SL(2, C) bundle: a locally free orbifold OX module<br />

of rank 2, with Λ 2 E ∼ = OX. Locally, such bundle is isomorphic to O (a) ⊕O (−a)

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