fn Partíal Fulfillnent - MSpace

fn Partíal Fulfillnent - MSpace

fn Partíal Fulfillnent - MSpace


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Of the cereal grains, barley and especially<br />

sorghun contain significanb amounts of tannins (thang<br />

and Fuller, 19ó4; Eserun, 1968). the true nitrogen<br />

digestibilities of 2Ç sources of barley, ranging in tannin<br />

content from 0.55 to 1.23f" ïere nieasured on rats (Eggu¡n<br />

and Christeasen, 1975). The tannin content was r,reasured<br />

accordíng to AOAC (1965) procedures. The nitrogen content<br />

of the 29 barley samples varied frorn 1.55 Lo 3.221ø. Therefore,<br />

the relationship betwêen nitrogen digestibility and<br />

content of nitrogen (which also affects nitrogen dige stibili-uy )<br />

aná tannin was determined by use of a mulliple regression<br />

equation, which was as follows: lÐ1 = 82.60 + 3.Sg<br />

x N (Ø) - 6.27 x tannin (íá) (Eeeun and Christensen,<br />

1975). For exaraple, barley containing 2.f nitrogen and, O.55,ii<br />

tannin and barlel/ containing 2/. nlLrogen and, 1.23% tannin<br />

will result in true nitrogen digestibilities of 86.9 and<br />

ð¿. ^^ ^.4 /)o respecllvely.<br />

. tr''Ihe at and rye, and to a lesser extent rice, oats<br />

and corn were found. to contain a trypsin inhibitor (iaporte<br />

-<br />

and Tremolieres, 1!62). The anti-trypsin factor seems to<br />

1TÐ,<br />

of nitrogen in<br />

bàr1ey.<br />

true nitrogen<br />

barley; tannin ciigestibility; N (ií): percentage<br />

lit): percentage of tannin in<br />


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