Homages from ISKCON Centers

Homages from ISKCON Centers

Homages from ISKCON Centers


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<strong>Homages</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>ISKCON</strong> <strong>Centers</strong><br />

Prague-Luzce<br />

Dear Çréla Prabhupäda,<br />

Please accept our respectful obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to Your Divine Grace!<br />

This day is a source of joy and gratitude not only for us, the members of your transcendental <strong>ISKCON</strong><br />

movement, but also for millions of other people around the world who, only by your mercy, have had<br />

the opportunity to come in contact with Kåñëa consciousness through çré-kåñëa-saìkértana, which is the<br />

only hope for saving the conditioned souls in this Age of Kali.<br />

No renewal in modern world history, whether spiritual or social, was as successful as your spreading<br />

the mission of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu through <strong>ISKCON</strong>. Çréla Prabhupäda, you once said that historians<br />

would note the appearance of the saìkértana movement in the West as a breakthrough in the history of<br />

modern civilization.<br />

Before your arrival in the West there was only a spiritual wasteland. Frustration and hopelessness<br />

reigned in the lives of millions of souls.<br />

But since your arrival and your development of <strong>ISKCON</strong>, your books have become the source of<br />

essential knowledge in the lives of millions of people. Your books have gradually been affecting the<br />

curriculum of many teachers at schools of all levels, and ultimately they will become the law books for<br />

all mankind for the next ten thousand years.<br />

In your commentary on Çrémad-Bhägavatam 4.20.25 you explain:<br />

Although when a pure devotee speaks the articulation of his voice may resemble the sound of<br />

this material sky, the voice is spiritually very powerful because it touches the particles of saffron<br />

dust on the lotus feet of the Lord. As soon as a sleeping living entity hears the powerful voice<br />

emanating <strong>from</strong> the mouth of a pure devotee, he immediately remembers his eternal relationship<br />

with the Lord, although up until that moment he had forgotten everything.<br />

Therefore demons fear your books immensely, as confirmed by legal efforts attempting to ban them.<br />

The benediction moon of Kali-yuga, harinäma-saìkértana, purifies our hearts and changes the shape<br />

of society, or at least polarizes it. People are joining the joyful singing and dancing of nägara-kértana.<br />

Kértana in the association of devotees guarantees the bliss that each of us desires.<br />

The temples where you taught us to worship and serve the merciful form of Çré Kåñëa, His arcä-mürti,<br />

are the real shelter for all souls yearning for a perfect reciprocal loving relationship.<br />

Kåñëa-prasädam has become a very “dangerous drug.” After experiencing it for the first time, people<br />

often ask us to open a Hare Kåñëa restaurant in their city.<br />

The idea of a Kåñëa conscious self-sufficient farm project is a great attraction and inspiration for<br />

people who perceive the growing calamity of godless modern society and understand the futility of<br />

trying to achieve happiness by animalistic sense gratification.<br />

The Näma Haööa community allows the greatest number of people to engage in devotional service.<br />

Hundreds and thousands are getting a new taste for life in the nectar of bhakti-yoga.<br />

To sum it up, people are become happy because of the spread of Kåñëa consciousness in the Czech<br />

Republic.<br />

Our eager desire is to see a smile of satisfaction on your lotus face due to our efforts at properly<br />

following the process of devotional service and assisting you in spreading Kåñëa consciousness.<br />

Your servants at the <strong>ISKCON</strong> temple in Prague-Luzce, Czech Republic.<br />

(written by Néla Mädhava Däsa and Rädhikä Sundaré Devé Däsé)<br />

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