Homages from ISKCON Centers

Homages from ISKCON Centers

Homages from ISKCON Centers


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<strong>Homages</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>ISKCON</strong> <strong>Centers</strong><br />

kutaù punaù çaçvad abhadram éçvare<br />

na cärpitaà karma yad apy akäraëam<br />

“When pure knowledge is beyond all material affinity but is not dedicated to the Supreme Personality<br />

of Godhead [Kåñëa], it does not appear very beautiful, although it is knowledge without a material<br />

tinge. What, then, is the use of fruitive activities—which are naturally painful <strong>from</strong> the beginning<br />

and transient by nature—if they are not utilized for the devotional service of the Lord? How can<br />

they be very attractive?”<br />

[PURPORT] This is a quotation <strong>from</strong> Çrémad-Bhägavatam (1.5.12). Even after writing many<br />

Vedic literatures, Vyäsadeva felt very morose. Therefore his spiritual master, Näradadeva, told<br />

him that he could be happy by writing about the activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.<br />

Up to that time, Çréla Vyäsadeva had written the karma-käëòa and jïäna-käëòa sections of<br />

the Vedas, but he had not written about upäsanä-käëòa, or bhakti. Thus his spiritual master,<br />

Närada, chastised him and advised him to write about the activities of the Supreme Personality<br />

of Godhead. Therefore Vyäsadeva began writing Çrémad-Bhägavatam.<br />

tapasvino däna-parä yaçasvino<br />

manasvino mantra-vidaù su-maìgaläù<br />

kñemaà na vindanti vinä yad-arpaëaà<br />

tasmai subhadra-çravase namo namaù<br />

“Those who perform severe austerities and penances, those who give away all their possessions<br />

out of charity, those who are very famous for their auspicious activity, those who are engaged<br />

in meditation and mental speculation, and even those who are very expert in reciting the Vedic<br />

mantras are not able to obtain any auspicious results, although they are engaged in auspicious<br />

activities, if they do not dedicate their activities to the service of the Supreme Personality of<br />

Godhead. I therefore repeatedly offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Personality<br />

of Godhead, whose glories are always auspicious.” [Çrémad-Bhägavatam 2.4.17]<br />

Because I was born in India, which is full of seemingly spiritual activities, I didn’t understand the<br />

complexities of genuine spiritual life. But you, Çréla Prabhupäda, being empowered by Lord Caitanya, were<br />

able to explain such complex things to my dull brain so expertly that I was easily able to understand.<br />

Indeed, you were so expert that in twelve short years hundreds of thousands of people in countries<br />

throughout the world started practicing the highest process of bhakti-yoga and became preachers of<br />

the same.<br />

Of course, it is not surprising that genuine spiritual life was a mystery before I met you. As you<br />

explain in your purport above, even Lord Vyäsadeva, the incarnation of Kåñëa and a clairvoyant sage,<br />

couldn’t quite understand it until his mahä-bhägavata guru Närada Muni explained it to him. Närada<br />

addresses Vyäsadeva as mahä-bhäga, “greatly fortunate one,” and amogha-dåk, “one whose vision is<br />

infallible (i.e., one who can see past, present, and future).” Näradajé told him, “Even though you are the<br />

most learned person in the entire universe, you are feeling unfulfilled and anxious because you have not<br />

described pure bhakti-yoga, free <strong>from</strong> karma, jïäna, and yoga. That is why you feel something missing<br />

in your heart.” After this inspiring meeting with Närada, Vyäsa compiled the pure devotional scripture<br />

Çrémad-Bhägavatam, which is the highest literature in the world.<br />

That in such a short time you were able to expertly transmit such confidential, exalted knowledge to<br />

Kali-yuga’s most fallen creatures surely proves that Lord Kåñëa personally empowered you, Otherwise,<br />

it simply would not have been possible.<br />

kali-kälera dharma—kåñëa-näma-saìkértana<br />

kåñëa-çakti vinä nahe tära pravartana<br />

“The fundamental religious system in the Age of Kali is the chanting of the holy name of Kåñëa. Unless<br />

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