Homages from ISKCON Centers

Homages from ISKCON Centers

Homages from ISKCON Centers


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<strong>Homages</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>ISKCON</strong> <strong>Centers</strong><br />

Fall” (following a famous statement you made in March of 1976 in Mäyäpur) because this is what so many<br />

devotees in our <strong>ISKCON</strong> movement feel is one of the main necessities nowadays.<br />

O divine master, you are the very root of our life, and therefore, as always, I feel very deep appreciation<br />

and gratitude for what you have done for us— undergoing so many difficulties and austerities to bring<br />

Kåñëa consciousness to faraway countries such as Italy.<br />

Today, March 8 th , we are celebrating Gaura Pürëimä here in our temple in Bergamo, known as Villaggio<br />

Hare Kåñëa. On this very auspicious anniversary of the appearance of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu, my<br />

mind goes to you, dearmost Çréla Prabhupäda. I meditate on your first Gaura Pürëimä in the West, in<br />

New York, on the March 6, 1966. Alone, elderly, not in the best of health, you stood on the battlefield<br />

of America trying to spread Kåñëa consciousness. Çré Kåñëa, Janärdana, the father of all living entities,<br />

and all the previous äcäryas of our sampradäya had great concern for the precarious situation of the<br />

conditioned souls of Kali-yuga, and you were there in New York representing all of them. Therefore . . .<br />

Your mission was the most important one!<br />

Your conditions were the most difficult ones!<br />

Your determination was the strongest of anyone!<br />

Our good fortune to meet you? I can only say: a matchless gift!<br />

You wandered here and there in Manhattan, trying to distribute your books. The winter was a most<br />

difficult one, with lots of snow, blasting wind, and temperatures reaching an icy -18 degrees C!<br />

Çréla Prabhupäda, you were alone in your poor and humble rented room, No. 307 at Dr. Mishra’s<br />

yoga ashram in Manhattan (paying $72 a month), when you wrote in your diary:<br />

According to Mayapur Panjika [calendar] today is Adhivas day of Gour Purnima. Devotees at<br />

Vrindaban and Nabadwipa are enjoying the celebration. I am here alone without any devotee<br />

companion. But I have come here to serve the Lord and not for personal happiness. I am prepared<br />

to live in hell even if I am able to serve the Lord. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu wanted that His<br />

mission should be propagated all over the world and that is my objective. I do not mind the<br />

inconvenience personally felt.<br />

This was the cause of our salvation—your deep and strong determination in propagating the mercy<br />

of Çré Caitanya Mahaprabhu under the order of your spiritual master.<br />

You were never alone, as you said on several occasions. You always felt the presence of your spiritual<br />

master. Similarly, we learned <strong>from</strong> you to always feel your presence in our efforts to preach Kåñëa<br />

consciousness. We remember the picture of you walking down a street in New York City wearing a big<br />

black coat in the freezing winter of 1965–66. Your face looks somber, not lighthearted, because at that<br />

time you seemed not to be making any progress in your preaching and your condition was very poor.<br />

But nothing, nothing, nothing could stop you.<br />

So today we can boldly say that you are still here with us: you are here with your instructions;<br />

you are here with your strong and unbreakable desire to save us; you are here with your movement,<br />

<strong>ISKCON</strong>; you are here with your servants; you are here in your mürti; you are here in the hearts of those<br />

who serve you, continuing your mission of saving the fallen souls. You told us that preaching means<br />

undergoing austerity with tolerance and compassion to help others become Kåñëa conscious. As said<br />

in the Çrémad-Bhägavatam (8.7.44), in the verse beginning tapyante loka-täpena, real saints voluntarily<br />

undergo sufferings to relieve the sufferings others. This is the best form of worship (paramärädhanam)<br />

by the best devotees (sädhavaù)—devotees like you, dearmost Çréla Prabhupäda!<br />

Çréla Prabhupäda, we miss you so much, but we also feel that you are here next to us, enthusiastic<br />

as always, full of youthful energy as always, never wanting to rest and stop your preaching. Once in New<br />

York in 1976, when you were entering the elevator of the 55th Street building, you turned to Rameçvara<br />

Prabhu, who had suggested you rest and recuperate at Gétä-nägaré for some time, and exclaimed: “I want<br />

to die on the battlefield of preaching, just like Arjuna!”<br />

But simultaneously you were always asking help <strong>from</strong> us. As you said, “Alone, what can I do?” When<br />

in March 1966 a thief stole your tape recorder and typewriter, you asked your visitors and friends for<br />

advice on what to do.<br />

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