Homages from ISKCON Centers

Homages from ISKCON Centers

Homages from ISKCON Centers


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<strong>Homages</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>ISKCON</strong> <strong>Centers</strong><br />

Ladysmith<br />

Jaya Oà Viñëupäda Paramahaàsa Parivräjakäcärya His Divine Grace Abhay Charanaravinda<br />

Bhaktivedanta Swami Mahäräja Çréla Prabhupäda-ké jaya!<br />

Dear Çréla Prabhupäda,<br />

Please accept our most humble obeisances at your lotus feet. Dear lord and master, <strong>from</strong> an objective<br />

view it would seem to be impossible to preserve and propagate the ancient Vedic bhakti culture in quickly<br />

changing and hectic modern world. But Your Divine Grace showed that it was possible, if we properly<br />

receive and follow Lord Kåñëa’s teachings, preserved through the revealed scripture, the writings of the<br />

äcäryas, and the spoken words of His pure devotee. In this way any sincere seeker of truth can have the<br />

opportunity to revive his dormant love for the Lord, even in the advanced stages of Kali-yuga. Dear Çréla<br />

Prabhupäda, your love, mercy, and compassion have, as in other parts of the world, become manifest<br />

in Ladysmith.<br />

In the year 1994 a small group of very enthusiastic devotees started a small center here. They had<br />

full faith in your teaching that obeying Kåñëa’s instructions is the perfection of all religions, and that your<br />

ISCKON, where Kåñëa’s instructions are obeyed, is the institution embodying the perfection of all religions.<br />

As we continued maintaining the ISCKON center in Ladysmith, it became quite apparent that the<br />

privilege of worshiping Your Divine Grace comes with the grave responsibility of caring for and extending<br />

ourselves to those who have not had the privilege of knowing Your Divine Grace. In 2007 this strong<br />

preaching spirit gave rise, by the mercy of mother Patita Pävané and her sons, to the establishment of<br />

the Çré Çré Rädhä-Çyämasundara cultural center. In 2008, under the guidance of His Grace Svarüpa<br />

Dämodara Prabhu, and with the invaluable encouragement and inspiration of His Holiness Krishna Däsa<br />

Swami and His Holiness Bhakti Caitanya Swami, we were privileged to have Your Divine Grace manifest<br />

yourself in your mürti form. Now that we had firmly linked ourselves with the paramparä, dear Çréla<br />

Prabhupäda, your mercy and compassion began to flow so powerfully that in 2011, once again under the<br />

guidance of His Grace Svarüpa Dämodara Prabhu and with the invaluable encouragement and inspiration<br />

of His Holiness Krishna Däsa Swami and His Holiness Bhakti Caitanya Swami, their Lordships Jagannätha,<br />

Baladeva, and Subhadrä took their place on the altar and joined our other worshipable Deities.<br />

Dear Çréla Prabhupäda, since the inception of ISCKON in Ladysmith we have encountered many<br />

challenges, and we know that there are many, many more challenges ahead of us. On this blessed day<br />

of your Çré Vyäsa-püjä, we devotees of Ladysmith pray that you will direct us <strong>from</strong> within and without<br />

so we can successfully meet these challenges accomplish your purpose. Please deepen our love for our<br />

worshipable Deities and protect us <strong>from</strong> the pitfalls of material existence.<br />

Jagat-guru Çréla Prabhupäda-ké jaya!<br />

Your servants at the <strong>ISKCON</strong> temple in Ladysmith, South Africa.<br />

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