Homages from ISKCON Centers

Homages from ISKCON Centers

Homages from ISKCON Centers


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<strong>Homages</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>ISKCON</strong> <strong>Centers</strong><br />

character. As the äcärya, you are the ideal example, and we will never be interested in replacing you<br />

with another model, no matter how great someone else may seem to be. You are our Guru Mahäräja and<br />

your society’s äcärya. May we be an äcäryavän, one who knows the purpose of the äcäryas. We only beg<br />

to continue to be given the chance to represent you as a pure messenger, bringing relief to all suffering<br />

conditioned souls and motivation to your devotees.<br />

Please pray to your Lords, Çré Çré Gaura-Nitäi and Çré Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa, to continue to purify us and<br />

help us on the path of pure devotional service at your lotus feet.<br />

Your servants at New Tälavana, <strong>ISKCON</strong>’s farming community in Mississippi, USA.<br />

(written by Yogéndra Vandana Däsa)<br />

New Vraja-dhäma<br />

Dear Çréla Prabhupäda,<br />

Please accept our respectful obeisances. All glories to Your Divine Grace!<br />

First let me thank you for giving me the opportunity to write an offering for your Vyäsa-püjä book.<br />

I feel deep purification and bliss when I’m thinking about your divine qualities.<br />

Let us express our greatest gratitude for what you have given us! If I tried to list everything, I would<br />

never reach the end. You personally trained your disciples how to cook for Kåñëa, how to distribute<br />

prasädam, how to put on tilaka, how to dress and worship the Deities, how to play mådaìga, how to give<br />

class on Çrémad-Bhägavatam, how to open a temple and a gurukula, how to start a farm community, how<br />

to establish varëäçrama, and how to write books and then distribute them. Yes, you showed us how to<br />

distribute books. In India you personally went out and sold Back to Godhead magazines, and in New York<br />

when you first came to the West you personally sold your Çrémad-Bhägavatam volumes to bookstores.<br />

But your greatest focus was on teaching us how to chant Hare Kåñëa without offense. You often<br />

quoted this verse <strong>from</strong> the Padma Puräëa:<br />

smartavyaù satataà viñëur vismartavyo na jätucit<br />

sarve vidhi-niñedhäù syur etayor eva kiìkaräù<br />

“Kåñëa is the origin of Lord Viñëu. He should always be remembered and never forgotten at any time.<br />

All the rules and prohibitions mentioned in the çästras should be the servants of these two principles.”<br />

In your purport to this verse, at Caitanya-caritämåta Madhya 22.113, you strongly recommend that your<br />

disciples follow this principle. “Of all the regulative principles,” you write, “the spiritual master’s order to<br />

chant at least sixteen rounds is most essential.” We can clearly understand that to remember Kåñëa we<br />

have to chant Hare Kåñëa. You clearly explain it in your purports to those four verses in the Bhagavadgétä<br />

(8.5–8) where Kåñëa speaks about remembrance of Him. In every purport you mention the Hare<br />

Kåñëa mahä-mantra, and you reach the conclusion that in this age especially chanting Hare Kåñëa is the<br />

best and easiest way to remember Kåñëa.<br />

Dear Çréla Prabhupäda, let us express our deepest gratitude to you for giving us the holy name. We<br />

pray we can continue to accept this matchless gift with all humility, and that our appreciation for this<br />

gift will steadily grow. We are convinced that this will please you.<br />

Your servants at New Vraja-dhäma, <strong>ISKCON</strong>’s rural community in Hungary.<br />

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