Publicaciones Geolo_gicas Especiales Del lngeominas

Publicaciones Geolo_gicas Especiales Del lngeominas

Publicaciones Geolo_gicas Especiales Del lngeominas


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(Upper Albian ? pars-Turonia!" pars?)<br />

The name "Churuvita Group" was first<br />

proposed by Etayo Serna (1968b), with the type<br />

locality a section on Quebrada Churuvita (a<br />

tributary of Rio Samaci) along the Sachica­<br />

Puente Samac& highway; According to Etayo<br />

Serna, the Churuvita Group is comprised of the<br />

Churuvita Fonnation and the overlying San Rafael<br />

Fonnation.<br />

The Churuvita Fonnation was originally<br />

described by Etayo Serna (1968a) who selected<br />

as the type locality the exposures on Quebrada<br />

Churuvita along the Sachica-Puente Samaca<br />

road. In the area of interest, the Churuvita Formation<br />

forma the highest ridge on the west<br />

flank of the Arcabuco anticlinorium; it is also<br />

exposed on the limbs of the Churuvita syncline<br />

along the Sachica-Puente Samaca highway. A<br />

tripartite division of the formation is observed;<br />

(a) a basal unit consisting essentially of gray,<br />

thick-bedded, quartzose sandstones with thin<br />

interbeds of claystone and siltstone; (b) a mid·<br />

dle interval of lenticular limestone beds, sometimes<br />

argillaceous, rich in Exogyra, which alternate<br />

with claystone and siltstone as well as occasional<br />

quartzose sandstones; and (c) an upper<br />

unit comprised of massive beds of fine to medium<br />

grained sandstones and equally massive<br />

limestones interbedded with claystones and siltstones.<br />

In general the formation changes facies<br />

toward the west where it becomes more arena·<br />

ceous. The three subdivisions of the formation,<br />

from bottom to top, measure 105 meters (244<br />

feet), 75 meters (246 feet) and 225 meters (738<br />

feet), respectively, giving a total of 405 meters<br />

(1328 feet). The fonnation thins toward the<br />

north. Contact with the San Gil Group is con·<br />

formable at some localities and transitional at<br />

others whereas the relationship with the overl·<br />

ying San Rafael is everywhere conformable.<br />

Fauna collected from the Churuvita Formation<br />

consists for the most part of bivalve mollusks;<br />

they are not described in the present report;<br />

after Etayo Serna (1968, p.41) the mollusks are<br />

the following:<br />

Exogyra boussingaultii Dietrich (non<br />

D'Orbigny)<br />

Plicatulopecten concentricus Brtiggen<br />

Ostrea syphax Coquand?<br />

Pecten tenouklensis Coquand<br />

Exogyra squamata d'Orbigny<br />

Paleontological data from the underlying<br />

and overlying strata suggest that the unit may<br />

be assigned to the Albian pars (?)·Cemomanian.<br />

The report of Venezoliceras (?), previously<br />

(cp.cit)tentatively assigned to the base of the<br />

unit iS now considered unreliable information.<br />


· (Lower Turonian)<br />

Etayo Serna (1968a) first proposed the<br />

fonnation. As type locality he chose the que·<br />

brad a whose source is 200 meters south of Chircal<br />

San Rafael. The San Rafael Formation crops<br />

out to the east of the Serrania de Arcabuco; it<br />

is also exposed along the axis of the Churuvita<br />

syncline. At its type locality, the formation<br />

may readily be divided into: (a) a lower unit of<br />

gray shales which weather to lighter tones with<br />

minor beds of thinly interbedded limestones;<br />

and (b) an upper unit consisting of thinly bedded,<br />

siliceous siltstones with several narrow<br />

bands of chert and toward the top, a single sha·<br />

le bed. The lower unit of the San Rafael is 60<br />

meters (197 feet) thick at the type section, the<br />

upper unit is 14 meters (46 feet), giving a total<br />

fonnational thickness of 74 meters (243 feet).<br />

Whereas the lower unit is variable, the upper<br />

one is of remarkably uniform thickness. From<br />

the lower unit of the San Rafael Formation<br />

near the axis of the Churuvita syncline along<br />

the Sachica·Puen te·Samaca highway, several ce·<br />

phalopods have been collected; Paramammites<br />

colombianus n. sp., is described in the present<br />

report.<br />


(Upper Turonian ? -Lower Senonian pars)<br />

The Conejo Formation was first named<br />

by Renzoni (1967; published in Etayo Serna<br />

1968a). Its type locality is the Alto del Conejo<br />

located on the Oicata.Chivata road, some 9 kilometers<br />

(5.6 miles) due northeast of Tunja.<br />

In the study area, the Conejo Formation crops<br />

out on the folds forming the margins of the Sa·<br />

maca-Sora Valley. The Formation is comprised<br />

of three units: (a) an unnamed lower part con·<br />

sisting predominantly of black shales with occa·<br />

sional thin interbeds of fine·grained sandstones<br />

or siltstones; (b) the middle, Cucaita Member<br />

which is exposed in the core of the Cucaita an·<br />

ticline. Its lower part is a series of calcareous<br />

shales alternating with several sandy limestones<br />

beds, the shales containing abundant calcareous<br />

concretions. The member as a whole takes on a<br />

whitish-yellow color due to the claystones toward<br />

the upper part which become progressively<br />

more arenaceous upward; and (c) an upper in·<br />

t.;rval, also unnamed, composed of yellow·white,<br />

quartzose sandstones intercalated with dark·<br />

gray, usually sandy shales. Near the top of the<br />

interval are found highly fossiliferous lenses of<br />

limestone. The total thickness of the Conejo<br />

Formation is 370 meters (1214 feet), divided as<br />

follows: lower interval, 80 meters (262 feet);<br />

Cucaita Member, 170 meters (558 feet); upper<br />

interval, about 120 meters (394 feet). In the<br />

area of this study, the contact with both the si·<br />

liccous siltstones of the San Rafael Formation<br />

and the overlying Plaeners Formation are con·<br />

fom1able. The middle, or Cucaita Member, has<br />

yielded the following assemblage described in<br />

the systematic part of this report.<br />

Nice{oroceras boyacaense n. sp.<br />

Peroniceras robertogarciae n. sp.<br />

Peroniceras diabloi n. sp.<br />

Peroniceras guerrai n. sp.<br />

Prionocycloceras (?) cucaitaense n. sp.<br />

Gloriaceras correai n. sp.<br />


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