Publicaciones Geolo_gicas Especiales Del lngeominas

Publicaciones Geolo_gicas Especiales Del lngeominas

Publicaciones Geolo_gicas Especiales Del lngeominas


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The section of the whorl between the ribs<br />

is suboval, almost as high as wide, but at ribs it<br />

is polygonal with the umbilical wall subvertical<br />

and high.<br />

DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized<br />

by A) its high whorl section and B) the oma·<br />

ment of its adult whorl -which varies from two<br />

to more intercalary ribs between primaries or<br />

coupl«!S of primaries.<br />

Meuurement.l D Euw H W DJEuw% D/H%<br />

C·604 4'1 26 22 7 44 38<br />

. COMMENTS • .COmpared. to Chelanicerll$<br />

(Epicheloniceros) barreroi n. sp. the angle for·<br />

med by the segments of the ribs between lateral<br />

aJ1d . adventral tubercles is obtuse in the latter<br />

out in. Ch. (E.) pardai it is very steep, almost<br />

ninety degrees; in the latter species the bifurca·<br />

tion of the ribs is irregular contrary to the for·<br />

mer species.<br />

OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper<br />

J\ptlan.<br />

This species is named in honor of geologist<br />

Rafael Pardo.<br />

Cheloni§ W te H fichelonicerizs.L<br />

Jfonhar _q__ n. sp.<br />

Pt 6, fig, 3; Text-fig. 4U.<br />

1938 Cheloniceras clanseyense Jac., Riedel, p.<br />

. 22, pl. 5, fig. 4,5, pl. 14, fig. 5.<br />

1957 .Cheloniceras clanseyerue Jacob, Bilrgl, p.<br />

.. 135. .<br />

1965 Chetoniceros clanseyerue Jacob, Biirgl, in<br />

·. Campbell and Btirgl.<br />

Ilolotype. Specimen figured by Riedel, 1938,<br />

Hypotype. l(UN.M.H.N.C.P. Hy. N.6)<br />

.·· .. Only two specimens available (C-223].<br />

The earliest part of the shell observed is distor·<br />

d by .a malformation. On the adapical part of<br />

e last preserved whorl the first rib that can be<br />

observed res.embles a low rounded ridge which<br />

attenuates and fades out near the umbilical rim;<br />

it describes.a tenuous,.wide adoral concavity on<br />

the whorlSlde and on the venter they project<br />

formlilg a. wide adoral arc. These ribs have a co·<br />

nical . tubercle in the middle of the flank and a<br />

slight bump on both sides of the ventral median<br />

lb:u. Th.e ribs are distant from each other and<br />

are s.eparated by flat intercos spaces. Advan·<br />

· u clng adorally the next rib has a slight periumbi·<br />

cal mammiform tubercle which become<br />

P.tominent on the next (3rd) rib. On subsequent<br />

n,bs a.· . continuous strengthenir.g of the lateral<br />

and yentrolateral tubercles is initiated but the<br />

.rnbdical tubercles scarcely increase in size.<br />

ar · groth lines describe a wide adoral<br />

. ·ie w . c . begrns at the umbilical seam and<br />

e:J;. nds to the periventral margin from which<br />

.tnt they- project onto venter; in general their<br />

·<br />

trace follows that of the ribs. The whorl section<br />

· at the preserved apertural end is transversely<br />

subrectangular: the umbilical wall is oblique<br />

and it rounds smoothly Into the convex sides<br />

which themselves round smoothly into a<br />

flattened or broadly arched venter. The umbili·<br />

cal wall seems to become oblique in the adoral<br />

portion of the last whorl. There are 13 ribs on<br />

the last whorl preserved.<br />

DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized<br />

by: A) its tapering ridge-like ribs slightly exten·<br />

ding onto venter, B) the uneven development of<br />

the size and shapes of the tubercles: mamml·<br />

form, conical spinose and ·nod6Se: for adumbill·<br />

cal, centrolateral and periventral respectively'<br />

and C) its wide flattened intercostal spaces with<br />

only fine growth striae.<br />

Meuurementa D Euw H W D/E1.1,w% DfH%<br />

C·223 33 14 12 16 43 36<br />

COMMENTS. This species was referred<br />

by Riedel to Jacob's species (1905, p.413, pl.13,<br />

figs. 4a, 4b, 4c; 1906, pl.l, fig. 7a.7b) but on<br />

the latter the ribs bifurcate from the lateral<br />

tubercle, the opposite is true for the Colombian<br />

species.<br />

OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper<br />

Aptian.<br />

This species is named in honor of Dr.<br />

Leonhardt Riedel.<br />

.f!Jelonic!Jr! C¥EJchelonf!:eras} huertasf.. n.<br />

sp.<br />

Pl.2, fig. 4; Text-figs. 4Y, 4$ .<br />

Holotype. VL-7-Sa-11. (U.N.C.M,H.N.C.P.Ht.<br />

N.4).<br />

Paratype. (U.N.CM.H.N.P. Pt. 24,25).<br />

A) Up to 10 mm D. The second whorl of<br />

the phragmocone is coronate, it has a row of<br />

spiniform tubercles along the periventral margins<br />

(=involution line); from this row of tubercles<br />

the flanks descend into the subvertical umbilical<br />

wall. On the third whorl, ridge like folds extend<br />

from the umbilical seam, describing a tenuous<br />

adoral concavity, up to the periventral tubercles<br />

with the maximum depth of the concavity at<br />

the umbilical rim; however on the adventral<br />

half of the whorl they are slightly convex<br />

ad orally or nearly straight. One or two of such<br />

folds however bend on the adumbilical half of<br />

the flank in such a fashion that they appear to<br />

arise from the umbilical rim of the preceding<br />

fold. From the periventral tubercle the ribs<br />

cross the venter; the intercostal spaces are more<br />

than twice as wide as the ribs; they are natte·<br />

ned and they are at times interrupted by<br />

a constriction-like groove. The whorl section<br />

has a sub trapezoidal outline, with a broad roun·<br />

ded venter.<br />

B) Up to 25 mm D (same specimen). The<br />

ribs are stronger, they describe a continuous<br />

shallow adoral concavity from the umbilical<br />

seam to the periventral margins from where

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