Publicaciones Geolo_gicas Especiales Del lngeominas

Publicaciones Geolo_gicas Especiales Del lngeominas

Publicaciones Geolo_gicas Especiales Del lngeominas


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area the ribs describe a wide adoral arc and on<br />

both sides of this arc two narrow adoral conca­<br />

vities are formed; the ribs then trend obliquely<br />

and slightly arcuately across the flanks and fl.<br />

nallY they cross normal to th ventral medial<br />

axis where they become depressed and even<br />

very attenuated but not lnterrupted. The inter­<br />

costal spaces are channel like with rounded<br />

bottom and usually subequal in width to the<br />

ribs but occasionally are a bit wider. The moilt<br />

adapical preserved segments of shaft have ribs<br />

of uniform strength that bear low, rounded to<br />

compressed bullae on either side of the vef\tral<br />

median depression;· now and then however a<br />

fmer, almost ventrally nontuberculated rib<br />

occurs, likewise stronger and ventrally noded<br />

ribs are intercalated.<br />

With maturity a clear differentiation of<br />

the ribs occurs: one non stressed rib alternates<br />

with one strong rib which bears one spinose<br />

tubercle on the periventral margin and a second<br />

mammiform tubercle at the boundlllY betwen<br />

the peridorsal and central thirds of the flank;<br />

the costal whorl section acquires a beveling of<br />

its profile on the adventral third of the flank.<br />

With further growth the primlllY ribs develop<br />

an additional, smaller, mammiform tubercle<br />

near the rim of the dorsal side but the ribs are<br />

nearly interrupted on venter, developping a weak<br />

channel along the ventral median line; two<br />

intercalary ribs may occur on mature stages.<br />

Later the section of the whorl becomes roun·<br />

ded subrectangular, the segment of the ribs<br />

between the ventral and lateral tubercles is<br />

flattened, with a tendency to split longitudinally.<br />

DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized<br />

by A) the rapid increase in width of the shaft,<br />

B) the ontogenetic development of its ornament<br />

from undifferentiated barely tuberculate ·ribs,<br />

not interrupted on venter, to an alternation of<br />

trituberculate primary ribs and almost non tu·<br />

bereulate intercalatory ribs all of which become<br />

attenuated on venter, and C) the progressive<br />

development-of the lateral tubercles.<br />

COMMENTS. This species differs from<br />

.Toxoceratoides royerianus ("d'Orbigny) as emen·<br />

ded by Casey (1961, p. 77) because the ribs do<br />

not divide on the dorsum or if they do no more<br />

than two riblets appear; they differ also in the<br />

suture line which is less complicated in the Co·<br />

lombian species. However this difference may<br />

be due only to the diameter of the whorl at<br />

which the sutu:res were drawn.<br />

. This species is named in honor of the geo·<br />

logqt Giancario Renzoni.<br />

• OCCURRENCE. Paja Formation (Arci·<br />

llolitas ablgarradas. Segment E.). Upper Aptian.<br />

Toxcerutoides (Colomboceratoides} ren­<br />

zom n. sp.<br />

. (Morph I).<br />

Text-Fig. 3P.<br />

Paratype. (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.N.2.)<br />

The shaft Is slightly arched. The early section<br />

of the whorl is vaulted; the dorsal area ia<br />

arched with the sides rounding outwardly up to<br />

the center of the whorl then evenly rounding<br />

toward venter which is flat.<br />

The ornament consists of prominent<br />

rounded ribs which cross the dorsal area linearly<br />

or with a slight adoral bow, they cross the<br />

flanks forming frst a weak adoral concavity on<br />

the dorsal rim and then trending prorsiradiate<br />

or describing a slight arc, or even forming an<br />

adoral concavity; on venter they become interrupted<br />

-on the internal mold- or very attenuated<br />

on exterior of the test around the ven·<br />

tral medial line; the end of the ribs converge<br />

toward the siphonal line forming a wide V with<br />

its apex pointing adorally. All ribs •develop<br />

rounded to spinose periventral tubercles. Though<br />

sporadically one rib may show greater strength,<br />

the ribs gain strength progressively and do not<br />

develop a regular alternation of strong and<br />

weak ribs. The intercostal spaces are deep and<br />

twice as wide as the ribs on the internal mold,<br />

but they appear shallow and narrower when the<br />

shell is preserved. · · .<br />

NOTE: This morph is notabl_e- for the steady<br />

growth of the section of the shaft, by<br />

the strong, uniform and unituberculate<br />

ribbing and the early stressing of the<br />

ventral tuberculation.<br />

OCCURRENCE. Socoti Member. Upper<br />

Aptian.<br />

Family P Y HOCERATIDAE.<br />

Genus 1 Pse udoptychoceras n. (}<br />

.=:: £o.plyrh11u -""A. <br />

TYPE SPECIES. Pse udoptychocerrzs gilberti n.<br />

sp.<br />

DIAGNOSIS. Straight or slightly undula·<br />

ted, slowly increasing initial shaft, ornamented<br />

with prominent, oblique annular rounded ribs,<br />

separated by conspicuous constriction-like intercostal<br />

spaces; the section of the whorl is elliptical<br />

to almost circular, the first shaft bends to<br />

a shorter (?) branch which leaves an opening<br />

("needle hofe") before appressing against the<br />

:lorsum of the first shaft; this second branch is<br />

ornamented with annular acute ribs distant<br />

from each other. The suture line has short sub·<br />

rectangular elements, relatively undisected, L<br />

Is trifid.<br />

COMMENTS. This new genus differs<br />

from Ptychoceras because of its loop forming<br />

hook and its trifid L; from Euptychoceras<br />

(Breistroffer, 1947) because the fanner Is<br />

smaller and has strong ornamentation on both<br />

shaft and hook.<br />

Pseudoeachoceras gjlberti, n. sp.<br />

P[G, li'ig. 18; Text-Fig.3S, 3T.<br />

Holotype. C-223 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P. Ht. N. 6).<br />

Paratype. (U.N.C • .M.H.N.C.P.Pt. N.3) .<br />

There are three fragments of the shaft,<br />

two of them with part of the hook preserved.<br />

The shaft is straight, progreSBively tapering, It

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