Publicaciones Geolo_gicas Especiales Del lngeominas

Publicaciones Geolo_gicas Especiales Del lngeominas

Publicaciones Geolo_gicas Especiales Del lngeominas


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are very prominent but fade out on the adult<br />

earlier than the lateral and adumbilical, B) its<br />

simple, well separated club-shaped ribs, and C)<br />

its subrectangular, dome-like whorl section.<br />

Measurement. D Euw li w DfEuw%D{HO/o!"o. R.<br />

c23·t 25 14 9 1'3· 66 36 ·J0(1/2)<br />

C·223•2 36 16 13 18 44 16<br />

c-22a-3 33 14 15 19 42<br />

43 19<br />

46 19<br />

36<br />

.<br />

C-223-4 12 13 14 40 30<br />

C·223·1i 41 19 16 20 46 19<br />

C·223.0 32 14 12 16 40 38<br />

39<br />

9(1/2)<br />

C·223·7 41 20 16 ? 48 39 19<br />

C·223-8 7 7 7 7 ? 7 9(1/2)<br />

C-223·9 1 1 7 1 ? 7 9(1/2)<br />

43<br />

C·223·10 19 16 21 44 39 22<br />

C·223·11 63 25 20 26 47 38 19<br />

C-223·12 47 21 19 22 44 40 ?<br />

c-223·13 --33 22 20 25 41 38 10(1/2)<br />

C·223·1 4 1 1 ? ? ? ? 10(1/2)<br />

(·223·15 57 26 21 27<br />

44<br />

46 20 37<br />

C:·223·16 73 32 25 36 34 23<br />

COMMENTS. This species is similar to<br />

Cheloniceras (Ep icheloniceros) subnodosocos·<br />

ta tum (Sinzow) [1907, p. 175, text- fig_. 4-5,<br />

pl. 2, figs. 1 • 8, especially plate 2 fig. 8 j, but<br />

on the Russian species is a secondary rib which<br />

arises from the lateral tubercles and a single in·<br />

tercalary also occurs, a charateristic that does<br />

not occur on the Colombian species; the latter<br />

also seems to attain a larger size than Sinzow's<br />

species. From the preceding table it is clear that<br />

the number of ribs is very constant in the Co·<br />

lombian species, contrary to the Russian species<br />

in which this number is variable. The record of<br />

Sinzow's species in the Villa de Leiva by Biirgl<br />

(1954, p. 16) and quoted by myself (1968, p.<br />

28), is now considered doubtful.<br />

OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper<br />

Aptian.<br />

This species is named in honor of Profe·<br />

ssor Carlos E. Acosta, Department of Geocien·<br />

cias, Universidad Nacional. Bogota.<br />

Chelonicera (EpJcheloniceras) jimenqL<br />

n. sp.<br />

Pl. 2, Fig. 8; Text-Fig. 4X.<br />

Holotype. C-514 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Ht.N.21).<br />

Paratype. C-514 (U.N.C.M.H.N.C.P.Pt.N.22,23)<br />

A) Up to 15 mm D [C-514 ]. The whorl<br />

section is renifonn. The sculpture consists of<br />

veey faint ribs, slmost plaits, prorsiradiate, they<br />

describe a wide arc on the venter; the adapical<br />

half of the last whorl on this specimen has the<br />

shell preserved; the ornament visible on it :s low,<br />

belt-like ribs ventrally arched and separated by<br />

wide intercostal spaces which are covered with<br />

growth striae; fine flat ribs may interpose ado·<br />

rally. The whorl section is a smooth arc. On the<br />

adoral half of the last whorl of this srecimen,<br />

inconspicuous mammiform prominences begin<br />

to form on the ribs at the middle of the flanks.<br />

:rhe ribs begin at the umbilical rim but some<br />

mtercalary ribs begin on the adumbilical third<br />

of the flank. The umbilicus is deep.<br />

B) Up to 21 mm (C· 5141. The ribs have a<br />

tendency to develop a second, faint, radially<br />

elongated tubercle at the periumbilical margin;<br />

on the venter they te··tQ.l\*tpress along the<br />

median line and to raise' sl}gJ:ill!:on both sides;<br />

the ribs are very fine, thread-like to moderately<br />

strong, feebly sigmoidal on the flank and projec·<br />

ted as a wide arc on venter. ..<br />

C) Up to 30 mm D [C-514). The periven·<br />

trai and lateral tubercles accentuate for a short<br />

distance and then soon fade out. Sporadically<br />

some intercalary ribs detach from a node on a<br />

primary at the middle of the flank or from its<br />

periumbilical region. There is a tendency toward<br />

an alternation of a secondary rib between two<br />

primary ones; at the anteriormost observed part<br />

the whorl section is subquadrate.<br />

D) Up to 60 mm D [C-5141. Only half of<br />

a specimen is available on which four whorls<br />

can be observed. The umbilicus is deep, funnel<br />

shaped. On the second internal whorl there are<br />

low ribs which disappear before the umbilical<br />

rim; the umbilical wall is subvertical, high, it<br />

rounds smoothly into the convex sides. On the<br />

third whorl the ribs are rounded imd extend<br />

as sharp ridges to the umbilical" seam, they des·<br />

cribe an adoral ccncavity on the umbilical wall<br />

and part of the adumbilical third of the flank<br />

but on the remainder of the flank they describe<br />

an adoral arc; at this stage of development the<br />

intercostal spaces are two to four times as wide<br />

as the ribs when no intercalary -ribs are develo·<br />

ped.<br />

Intercalary ribs are rare. On the last whorl<br />

the ribs are thread-like, acu te and conspicuous;<br />

they begin near the middle of the umbilical wall<br />

and trend rursiradiate to the umbilical rim where<br />

they bend abruptly, then they trend nearly stra·<br />

ight or in a feeble forward arc on the central<br />

third of the flank, then they cross the venter .<br />

straight or bent forward. On both sides of ven·<br />

ter the ribs raise in a feeble bullae and the me·<br />

median ventral region appears slightly excava·<br />

ted. The intercostal spaces are very wide, cha·<br />

nne!-like, three to five times as wide as the ribs.<br />

The whorl section is nearly rectangular with<br />

rounded periventral margins, flattened venr<br />

and moderately oblique umbilical wall.<br />

DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized<br />

by: A) the transitory development of the lateral<br />

tubercles, B) the numerous fine, acute ribs on<br />

the adult whorls with nearly no intercalary ribs,<br />

and C) its subquadrate whorl section.<br />

MeiL:Iurements. D Euw H w D/Euw% D/H0k<br />

c. 514 15 6 6 7 40 40<br />

c. 614 21 8 8 10 38 38<br />

c. 514 30 12 12 15 40 40<br />

c. 614 60 30 21 26 50 35<br />

COI\IMENTS. This species is comparable<br />

to "Douvilleiceras Martini d'Orb" as figured by<br />

Sinzow (1906, p.171, pl.2, fig.13-17) but the<br />

latter differs by the stronger development of the

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