Publicaciones Geolo_gicas Especiales Del lngeominas

Publicaciones Geolo_gicas Especiales Del lngeominas

Publicaciones Geolo_gicas Especiales Del lngeominas


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seems to be a tendency to decrease the number<br />

of the ribs on venter between the constrictions,<br />

from 8 to 6 or 5. The living chamber has been<br />

preserved as a quarter of a volution.<br />

DIAGNOSIS. This species is characterized<br />

by: A) the decreasing number of the ribs between<br />

contrictions from...S to 5 through growth,<br />

B) the stressed ribs gathered in bundles toward<br />

the umbilical margins, ands C) the inflated<br />

whorl section.<br />

Meuurements<br />

Holotype<br />

Puatype<br />

D Euw<br />

57 22<br />

37 ?<br />

H W DfEuw% D/H %<br />

22a 20a 38 38<br />

? ? 7 7<br />

COMMENTS. The disposition of the<br />

constriction in this species is close to that des·<br />

cribed by Jacob (1905, p. 402, pl. 12, Fig. 1)<br />

for ''Desmocerasakuschaense Anthula" although<br />

in the French species the flare is divided at the<br />

bend at the midpoint of the flank. This species<br />

resembles "Desmoceras " sparsicosta Boese<br />

(1923, p. 107, pl. 7, fig. 1-3) from Mexico; the<br />

latter, however, possesses intermediate ribs that<br />

bifurcate twice at differente levels on flank<br />

(Boese, ibid., p. 107), whereas in the Colombian<br />

species the bifurcation occurs only once;<br />

the ribbing is much more prominent on theMexican<br />

species, which in addition, is less inflated<br />

than the Colombian species.<br />

OCCURRENCE. Socota Member. Upper<br />

Aptian.<br />

== pseu doha plc er a s }.!:1!-oo:_<br />

Pseudohaploceras Hyatt, 1900, p. 570.<br />

TYPE SPECIES. Haploceras liptoviense Zeuschner,<br />

in Uhlig 1883, original<br />

designation.<br />

uf!l!jaeJ ceras leivaense.l}· sp.<br />

P g:-'1 , Text-fig. au, au.<br />

Holotype. VI-10-17 (U. N. C. M. H. N. C. P. Ht.<br />

N. 10).<br />

The inner whorls are apparently smooth.<br />

The section of the second whorl is vaulted.<br />

Flanks diverging from the rather narrow venter,<br />

reach their maximum width near the external<br />

part of the adumbiliclil third of the flank and<br />

then grade abruptly into the vertical umbical<br />

wall. The last whorl has a cross section much<br />

the same but more inflated.<br />

The test of the last preserved whorl is<br />

ivided into seven trapezoidal areas by flared<br />

nbs which begin irregularly on the adumbilical<br />

thir of the flank although the growth lines<br />

project obliquely onto the umbilical wall. The<br />

intercostal distance between flaring ribs increases<br />

toward the aperture; between two of the<br />

fiared major ribs there are from 7 to 9 finer<br />

alcoi ribs which begin as stressed growth<br />

lines. Independently or in bundles (barely<br />

bulgmg), and which become clearly defined just<br />

adumbilical to mid-venter; they are rounded<br />

and are half as wide as Ule intercostal spaces;<br />

some of Ulem widen irregularly on venter. On<br />

the living chamber Ule ribs become very accen·<br />

tuated especially where Uley fonn bundles but<br />

they do not develop real bullae.<br />

DIAGNOSIS. This species in characteri·<br />

zed by: A) its ogival whorl section, B) the in·<br />

creasing width between its flaring ribs or constrictions<br />

through growth, and C) the progressive<br />

stressing of the primary ribs on the flanks.<br />

COMMENTS. There is some resemblance<br />

between this species and "Puzosia Douvillei"<br />

Fallot rFallot, 1920, p. 259, pro. "Puzosia Matherom<br />

d'Orbigny" H. Douville (1916, p. 103,<br />

pl.13, Figs. 1 to 7)'J, especially"in the tendency<br />

of ribs to gather in prominent bundles adumbi·<br />

lically without, however, Conning heavy bullae<br />

as in Uhlige lla (Jacob, 1907). The African spe·<br />

cies shows more discrete and finer ribbing. Mo·<br />

re similar in appearance, however are several of<br />

the specimens figured by Boese from Mexico as<br />

different species of "Desmoceras " in which the<br />

tendency of the ribs to gather in umbilical bundles<br />

is much more accentuated; one of the most<br />

similar species would be "Desmoceras alzatei"<br />

Boese (1923, p. 114, pl. 8, Fig. 15-18) but the<br />

Mexican species has closer, less distinct ribbing<br />

than the Colombian species.<br />

OCCURRENCE. Paja Formation. (Arcillolitas<br />

abigarradas;segment E). Upper Aptian .<br />

· ·-ae-nus __ -- · ·_-r:coae-;c!{.3n.·<br />

g. ;;. _; J<br />

_<br />

TYPE SPECIES. Carloscaceresiceras caceresi n.<br />

sp.<br />

DIAGNOSIS. Moderately evolute conchs,<br />

with low ogival whorl section; the umbilical<br />

wall is vertical and merges abruptly into the<br />

flanks. The ornament consists of sinuous to bi·<br />

concave growth striae gathered in bundles or<br />

weak riblets which sometimes produce on the<br />

internal mold a ribbon-like subdued costation,<br />

particularly visible on venter. There are cons·<br />

trictions preceded by a prominent rounded<br />

swelling visible both on test and the internal<br />

mold but which develop on the adventral<br />

third of the flank only; adorally the constric·<br />

tion is margined by a blunt ridge extending<br />

across the flank down to the umbilical edge, it<br />

is not noticeable on the test. The constrictions<br />

are accentuated progressively with growth,<br />

from almost incospicuos on the early wh·oris to<br />

very wide on the living chamber. The constric·<br />

tions cross normal to the ventral median line.<br />

The apertural border is plain and follows the<br />

path of the growth striae.<br />

The suture line has E shorter than L,<br />

which is deep and very incised.<br />

COMMENTS. . This _<br />

_new _ __genus .. difters<br />

JI(J.ffi_}3_eudanticeras m_i! ... 19_95) because of<br />

its lomr ·mer wider whorl section, its more<br />

evolute whorl and the strengthening of the<br />

internal sculpture during growth. It differs from<br />

Pseudorbulites [Casey , 1961, p.145, ex Breistro·

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