02 July 27, 2002 - ObserverXtra

02 July 27, 2002 - ObserverXtra

02 July 27, 2002 - ObserverXtra


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Taking it “easy” in the middle-aged market<br />

It seems like every<br />

town or city has a<br />

radio station that<br />

promotes itself as “easy<br />

listening.” This is a<br />

euphemism for “old<br />

people’s music.” Any<br />

phrase that starts with the<br />

word “easy” is generally<br />

aimed at the middle-aged<br />

market. Easy living, easy<br />

payments, easy chair. The<br />

only exception is “easy<br />

women,” which is geared<br />

to a younger crowd. The<br />

reason that the word<br />

“easy” is so irresistible to<br />

those of us higher mileage<br />

types is that we’ve<br />

experienced enough<br />

“difficult” in so many<br />

areas of our lives that<br />

we’re not looking for<br />

another challenge. And<br />

there’s an implication that<br />

your other choices are not<br />

JULY <strong>27</strong>, 20<strong>02</strong> • OPINION&LETTERS • WOOLWICH OBSERVER 9<br />


"Age is a very high price to pay for maturity."<br />

Why are we surprised by financial turmoil?<br />

If your RRSPs are<br />

performing like mine,<br />

then we’ve just taken<br />

care of that labour shortage<br />

that Statistics Canada<br />

was warning about last<br />

week; most of us will need<br />

to keep working until age<br />

85 just to put food on the<br />

table. Until a year ago,<br />

many people seemed to<br />

believe that the stock<br />

market only went up; now<br />

it appears that the market<br />

may never go up again.<br />

How did this happen?<br />

Let’s start by examining<br />

the role of the media in<br />

creating the bubble that<br />

was bound to burst. In a<br />

chapter of the book “Just<br />

Making Change” (entitled<br />

“The fix is in. Big<br />

time”), journalist Bruce<br />

Rogers accurately predicted<br />

that “the bias of<br />

the media could burn the<br />

unwary. Business interests<br />

have helped define<br />

the newspaper and serious<br />

journalism for centuries,<br />

and most business<br />

journalism in radio and<br />

television is uncritical<br />

cheerleading.”<br />

Now, RRSPs and private<br />

pension plans are taking<br />

the biggest hit as stocks<br />

spiral down the toilet –<br />

and the hand on the toilet<br />

handle is none other than<br />

good old-fashioned corporate<br />

greed (something<br />

which we apparently<br />

didn’t mind so much, as<br />

long as our mutual funds<br />

were going up). Think<br />

how much worse the situation<br />

could have been if<br />

the Canadian Alliance<br />

nearly as pleasant. If Exhibit<br />

A is an easy chair,<br />

then Exhibit B must be a<br />

hard chair. And doesn’t<br />

easy living sound more<br />

appealing than hard<br />

living? Even with the radio<br />

station comparison, the<br />

one with the music you<br />

like is called “easy<br />

listening.” The others are<br />

“difficult listening,”<br />

believe me. Especially on a<br />

Saturday morning coming<br />

out of my neighbour’s<br />

son’s van at full volume. I<br />

am definitely not on Easy<br />

Street.<br />

TENURE<br />

You can generally figure<br />

out how good an idea is by<br />

how long it lasts. A<br />

hundred years later, we’re<br />

still talking on phones and<br />

driving cars, while<br />

dirigibles and bomb<br />

had got what they have<br />

long advocated: the complete<br />

privatization of the<br />

Canada Pension Plan.<br />

Imagine what would have<br />

happened if these funds<br />

were invested in the stock<br />

market, along with your<br />

RRSP.<br />

NDP labour critic Pat<br />

Martin has called for immediate<br />

government action<br />

in response to the financial<br />

crisis. In particular,<br />

he asked the Prime<br />

Minister to “raise the<br />

standard of auditing practices<br />

in financial reporting,”<br />

to impose regulations<br />

to prohibit auditors<br />

from providing other financial<br />

services to the<br />

companies they audit, and<br />

to remove the firm Arthur<br />

Andersen, implicated in<br />

the Enron and Worldcom<br />

collapses, immediately as<br />

auditors for the Bank of<br />

Canada.<br />

It’s highly unlikely that<br />

Chretien will even do the<br />

tentative posturing being<br />

practiced on this issue by<br />

“Dubya.” That’s because,<br />

more than any other federal<br />

party, his Liberals<br />

rely on major corporations<br />

for funding.<br />

With a leadership review<br />

underway and individual<br />

party members<br />

jumping off his bandwagon,<br />

he’ll be even more<br />

reliant on the Power Corporations,<br />

the BCEs, and<br />

the Bombardiers of the<br />

country for support. He<br />

won’t pass a law prohibiting<br />

the federal government<br />

from doing business<br />


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shelters have fallen off the<br />

radar. This creates an<br />

opportunity for you to feel<br />

good about something and,<br />

if you’re around my age,<br />

that doesn’t happen often.<br />

So take a look at your life<br />

and see if you can find<br />

anything that’s lasted for a<br />

while. Maybe it’s a tool or<br />

a radio or a car or a hat.<br />

The longer you’ve had it,<br />

the better the idea to get it<br />

was in the first place. If<br />

you’ve lived in the same<br />

house for more than five<br />

years, take credit for a<br />

good idea, rather than<br />

blame your inability to sell<br />

it based on the fact that you<br />

paid too much for it in the<br />

first place. It even works on<br />

a personal level. Any<br />

marriage that’s lasted<br />

more than 20 years must<br />

have been a good idea.<br />



with companies convicted<br />

of fraud. He won’t require<br />

auditors to maintain their<br />

independence from the<br />

companies that they are<br />

supposed to be policing.<br />

He certainly won’t ban<br />

corporate contributions to<br />

political parties. In other<br />

words, don’t expect much<br />

help from Ottawa on this<br />

one, folks.<br />

Since we’re largely on<br />

our own in trying to make<br />

the best of the financial<br />

morass, freelance journalist<br />

Harvey Schachter suggests<br />

that we read “Financial<br />

Shenanigans” by<br />

Howard Schilit. In last<br />

Friday’s Globe, Schachter<br />

notes that the book “reminds<br />

us that accounting<br />

sleight-of-hand is not a recent<br />

phenomenon.<br />

(Schilit) presents a long<br />

list of well-known companies<br />

that in the past 15<br />

years resorted to questionable,<br />

though not necessarily<br />

fraudulent accounting…<br />

But the message<br />

is clear: This isn’t<br />

new and it isn’t going to go<br />

away easily, because as his<br />

book shows, accounting<br />

NORTH OF40<br />


Look at yourself and how<br />

long you’ve lasted. Your<br />

parents may have not<br />

thought you were such a<br />

good idea away back when,<br />

but every time you<br />

celebrate another<br />

birthday, you prove them<br />

more and more wrong.<br />


FASTER<br />

They say that most<br />

things slow down as you<br />

get older. Well here are a<br />

can be flexible and when<br />

companies hit tough times<br />

— individually or collectively<br />

— some will be<br />

tempted to disguise it by<br />

using the most favourable<br />

accounting interpretation<br />

possible.” According to<br />

Schilit, companies cheat<br />

because “(1) it pays to do<br />

it, (2) it’s easy to do, and (3)<br />

it’s unlikely you will get<br />

caught… Even when they<br />

are caught, the penalty is<br />

often too little, too late.”<br />

Vermont Representative<br />

Bernie Sanders (the only<br />

self-declared socialist in<br />

the U.S. Congress) points<br />

out that the financial meltdown<br />

is “not just about ac-<br />

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few that go faster:<br />

• Your energy.<br />

• Your patience.<br />

• Your trick knee.<br />

• A long weekend.<br />

• Spicy food.<br />


We went up to a friend’s<br />

cottage this past weekend,<br />

and my wife did all the<br />

driving. It works better<br />

that way. She’s a little<br />

better driver than I am, but<br />

I’m a way better passenger<br />

than she is. I was looking<br />

out the window at the<br />

other cars, and quite often<br />

the cars contained two<br />

couples. So I would try to<br />

guess whether the couples<br />

were double-dating or<br />

whether they were just two<br />

married couples going<br />

counting.” He argues that<br />

“the American people<br />

have a much better understanding<br />

than members of<br />

the Bush administration<br />

or members of Congress<br />

that this is not just about<br />

a few bad rules or a few<br />

bad apples. This is about<br />

how corporations do business<br />

in America today, and<br />

about what members of<br />

Congress who take immense<br />

amounts of corporate<br />

money to finance<br />

their campaigns allow<br />

those corporations to get<br />

away with.<br />

Sure, corporations and<br />

their accountants have<br />

taken advantage of loop-<br />

somewhere together. I<br />

think I got pretty good at<br />

it. My first observation<br />

was that if it was daylight<br />

outside, they’re probably<br />

married. If the men are in<br />

the front seat, they’re also<br />

married. If the men are in<br />

the back seat, they’re long<br />

married. If everybody’s in<br />

the back seat, they’re<br />

dating. If the men are<br />

doing the talking, they’re<br />

dating. If the women are<br />

doing the talking, they’re<br />

married. If nobody’s doing<br />

the talking, they’re long<br />

married. If they’re all<br />

giggling and laughing and<br />

having a great party,<br />

they’re either dating or<br />

married, just not to each<br />

other.<br />

holes and lax regulations to<br />

inflate their earnings statements,<br />

and sure they have<br />

used their campaign contributions<br />

to make sure<br />

that the loopholes stay<br />

open and that the regulators<br />

let them get away with<br />

murder. But if you close<br />

the loopholes and increase<br />

the level of oversight, that<br />

is not going to usher in a<br />

new era of corporate responsibility.<br />

If all that<br />

comes out of this are a few<br />

accounting reforms — necessary<br />

as they may be —<br />

most Americans are going<br />

to say, rightly, that the corporations<br />

were let off the<br />

hook again.”<br />

THE VIEW FROM HERE by S. Arnold<br />


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