IB Econ Intro Study Guide - Sunny Hills High School

IB Econ Intro Study Guide - Sunny Hills High School

IB Econ Intro Study Guide - Sunny Hills High School


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Scarcity<br />

lntroduction<br />

The fu ndarnentd I prob enr allsoc et es face is that of scarcity, defined as the excess of<br />

human wanh over what can actually be produced to fulf lthese wants Human wants are<br />

un m ted. On the other hand the nleari of fu fil ng these human wants are mlt€d becalrse<br />

the word has on y a inrted amount of resources.<br />

As a resu t, choces have to be made. The opportunity €ost of a choice G defined as the<br />

value ol the next best alternative sacll ced.<br />

Resources<br />

Land and raw materials {natural resoutcet<br />

These are inputs into production that are prov ded by<br />

'dr . e e.g. ,r . p'ov"d ard r,rd - e'dld€po( . ^<br />

the ground, forests, pastures, elc The world3 and area<br />

and raw materials are mited. Some r€sources are nonrenewable.<br />

lf they.re used now, theywill not be availab e<br />

n the fuiure, e.9 oil, coa deposits. Other reso!rces are<br />

renewab e, e.q. foresrs (timber), rhe stock of fish<br />

Labour (human resources)<br />

This s al foms of hurnan nput, both physical and<br />

menta, into.urrent producton. The aboLrr force s,<br />

at any po nt n t me, I mited both ln number and n<br />

skl s The total nlrmber of peop e ava abe for work s<br />

'" p,eo .o.o ".<br />

\ey d.-'" o.eo<br />

"oo.r,<br />

popu<br />

^ortirs<br />

dton. Note thatthe tem human capital refers to<br />

the education, tra nlng and sk ls €rnbodied in the labour<br />

useful<br />

Normative economic 5tatements:they ar€ value<br />

jldgements, opinions, statements that cannot be fasif€d,<br />

or proven rght or wronq' statements that cannot be<br />

rp.tFodgo r.. dL.'daLar Fq<br />

"rt.ioli)r,no,o,<br />

fasf or th€ ncome d nibuton is not fal. Key words n<br />

normative statements inc ude: ought to be, shou d be,<br />

too much, too tte, fair, unfa r.<br />

Positive economic statemenls: stat€m€nts that can be<br />

fa sifi€d, or proven, at e.st npdncip€,rghtorwrong<br />

Th€y can be tesled .ga nst facts (data), €.9 'a m n mum<br />

waq€ policyw ll n.reaEe unemploym€nt among unskiled<br />

<strong>Econ</strong>omic goods:goods and servces that requ re<br />

scarce resources to be sacrificed in orderfor them 10 b€<br />

. capital<br />

Physicalcapta incud€s manlfactured r€sources, n other<br />

words, prodlrced means of prodLrctlon (or goods us€d to<br />

produce oth€r goods). The world has a m ted stock C)l<br />

cap tal: im ted suppy offactoies, machin€s, tools and<br />

other equ pm€nt Note that the mean ng of captd in<br />

economics is dlfferent from that used n ord nary sp€ech<br />

where people refer to fioney as cap ta.<br />

. Entrepreneu|ship<br />

A t€rm that is related blt not ident ca to management.<br />

When a newv€nture s being cons der€d, tsks exist<br />

lh€/ rr o\" rLr-<br />

.o-aorp r r. dsso\<br />

these rsks and makejudqements aboutwhether or not<br />

to undertake them. The people who do so are called<br />

entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship rcfers to the wil ngness<br />

and abilityto take risks and mobilze the r€rnain nq<br />

factols of prodrrction.<br />

Free goods (in contrast to economic goods): goods<br />

that have a zero oppoiruniiy cost of prodLrcton (ther€ ar€<br />

veryfew rca -world examples, perhaps sea watef and alr)<br />

No- t".Sood,"/" ab"" r"a.eno f-.r<br />

".eop<br />

the economist3 sense l scarce resources may have been<br />

Competitive market:a market rs considered<br />

competitlve f th€re are v€ry nrany smal firms, the good<br />

s homogeneous ( i is consid€red ident ca acrcss frrms<br />

by consumert and noth nq prevents a new f rm lrom<br />

Factor endorsements:the quantity and qua ity of factors<br />

of productlon ava ab€.

I<br />

i.,.<br />

E<br />

i<br />

E<br />

The fundamental questions of economics<br />

<strong>Econ</strong>omic : -::.-:<br />

lj-.r.]ti.iil<br />

scarcty n€cesstates choce. As a resu t, a lsocieties,<br />

independently of the r eve ol econoril c deveopment or<br />

the economic synem adopted, face and nrLrsi answer the<br />

fo owing three quest ons:<br />

. What (i.e. which Soods)w be prodlced and n what<br />

. How wi each good be produced (us ng, say, a labouF<br />

inlensive or capita intensive tech no ogy)?<br />

. Fofwhom? {How w incorn€ be distdbuted?)<br />

How a society goes about answer ng th€se qu€nons<br />

d"oeldr o- .le elo orr' syter ' . ar<br />

"dopl -.o o ni<br />

sysrem can be broddly def ned as the nst turiona fra mework<br />

wthln which economic act vity takes place. lt s easy to<br />

distingu sh 1wo exveme cases but n ihe rea world the<br />

*'1,<br />

..]l<br />

A producion posslbilites frontier {PPF)refe6 to an<br />

econonry endowed w th a f xed a mounl of resources, s<br />

characterzed by a giv€n level of tech no oqy as wellas<br />

some nnitutional framework, and prodLrcing only two<br />

goods. lt shows for ev€ry amo!nt produced of good X,<br />

the max mum amount of good Y that it can prodLrce,<br />

f il fu y uti zes its im ted resources us ng the available<br />

technology. For examp e, ref€n ng to Fig. 1.1, lthe<br />

economy decidesto produce Xl units of good Xthen it<br />

can produce arthe most Y1 unlts of good Y assum ng<br />

ihat it fu y utihz€s ts im ted rcsources with th€ ava ab e<br />

technology. A PPF is a technolog cal relai onsh p and it<br />

prov des us no information about choces. lt shows what<br />

an econorny can do, not what t chooses to do.<br />

The niere exist€nce of a PPF ref ects scarcity: an economy<br />

s constra ned in production to only some comb nations<br />

of output. lt fo ows that po nts oulslde a PPF (such<br />

as po nt A in Fig I 1)denole output comb naton:<br />

of the two goods that are unattainab e g ven the<br />

amount of resources available and the present evel<br />

of technoogy. Po nts lrslde the PPF (such as poinr B<br />

1-g. l d.no.edddndbeb- reff.ier o,rrpL.<br />

combinatons in the sense that resources are not {uly<br />

uti zed, e.g. unemployment s pr€sent. Po nts on the PPF<br />

(such as points F and H)denote attainab€ and €fficient<br />

combinatons as no waste o{ scarce r€sources s present<br />

and it s not possibe to produce more of one good<br />

witholt sacll cinq some of the other<br />

The negatve slope of the PPF ref ects thai in orderto<br />

produce more of one qood, resources have to be diverted<br />

dwayfrom the prodLrction ofthe other good sothat less<br />

ol the atter can ,ow be at rro5r produced: there is th us<br />

an 'opportun ty cost' nvolved in producing an extra unit<br />

ol a good. lt s the arnount ofthe other good that hasto<br />

B€cause scarce resolrrces are rot€qua ywe su ted ior<br />

the prcduction of a goods (in otherwords, because<br />

varatons are very many. Countries h storica ly develop<br />

the r own set of institutons that answer these questons.<br />

The c!ffent Chin€se experence s a case n point The two<br />

extremes are market €conorn es and comrnand econorn es,<br />

with mixed economies being in between.<br />

. A market economy s an economywhere households<br />

and firms each act ng n ihe I own sef-interest determ ne<br />

answers to the three quenions abov€ throLrqh their<br />

nteraction in markets.<br />

. A command economy s on€ where the state prcvides<br />

. A mixed e€onomy is one where both m.rkets and the<br />

nate are responsible for the answers.<br />

figurer,t The production possibilitiesfrontier<br />

x2 x3 x4<br />

Unitsofg@dY<br />

resolrces tend 10 be specia zed)the PPF s bowed<br />

towards the or qln. The slope (the tangent at €ach point,<br />

, r.I as dr oo,tr, I and H\ becoreg. eppe, d,ld tFepFr.<br />

reiecting that the opportunity cost of producing more<br />

and more of good X lthe qood on the horzonta axt s<br />

lncreasing n Fg. 1.1, the oppo(un ty cost of produc ng<br />

X]X2 extra units of good X is the sacr f ce of Y1Y2 un t5<br />

of good Y Th€ oppo(un ty con of X3X4 extra un ts ofX<br />

(where X3X4 = X1X2) is thls b qq€r and equa to Y3Y4<br />

units ot good Y Th s s the law of ncreaslng cons. The<br />

typicalshape of ihe production poss bilties curve shows<br />

that t b€comes more and more conly to produce ever<br />

increasing quanijr es of a good as resources tend to be<br />

specalzed. lf, on the other hand, resources were perlecty<br />

substiiutabe ihen the PPF would be a negatvey soped<br />

nfa ght ine refecting constant opportunity costs.

Growth<br />

Growth of an economy can be ilustrated through an<br />

outward sh ft of the PPF. We can d sting! sh between<br />

Actual growth: th s ref€6 to an increas€ n the amounts<br />

of good5 and servces actua yprodLrced. trelerstoan<br />

ncrease if tota output. lt is lunrakd wth a movenreni<br />

from a po nt ins de the PPF to another point towdrds lhe<br />

northeanwith more of at least one good. Rea GDP (the<br />

terrn used ater to refer to th e total output produced n an<br />

economyl nas Incr€as€o.<br />

PotentialgroMh:the terrn reiers to the rdte at whrdr<br />

a country's ecorlomy could grow if all h resources werc<br />

fu y empoyed. Potentalgrowth is lustrated wth an<br />

oltwad shift of the PPF.<br />

. In Fig.l.2a, actua groMh i5 llLrstrated as a movement<br />

from pointAl to pointA2 wherc output m x A1 contains<br />

X] and Y1 un ts ofthe two qoods whl€ output mlx Az<br />

coniains more ofborh goods 1X2 units ot good X and<br />

Y2 lnits of good Y). Actual groMh can thus be ach eved<br />

by better uti zalon of exsting resources. Fgure 1.2b<br />

lunrat€s potentia growth as the producton possib lites<br />

of the economy have ncreased (expanded) from FF'to<br />

HH'. Th s economy s now able to produce comb nations<br />

of outputthat were in tia ly unatta nable. Potentia<br />

growth is the resull of an ncrcas€ in resolrrc€s (mor€<br />

labour and more captal)and/or better technology being<br />

ava abe (wh ch may a so rcferto improved innitltiont.<br />

More sp€cfcally groMh occurs if ther€ s an ifcrease n:<br />

. Land {natural resources): e g. if new metal d€posilv<br />

m nerals are discovered.<br />

. Labour: labour can ;ncrease if: popu ation ncreases<br />

(throLrgh a natura ncrease orthrough migration); fth€re<br />

rs a. n.?aa o peop . or ro \irg doe<br />

if there s an increas€ n the particpalon tai€ ofsonre<br />

population grcup (e.g morewomen decidetojon the<br />

abour force, or more teenagers).<br />

Human capital: th€ skil s, edlcat on and training<br />

embodied in the abour force of an econorny.<br />

Capital: if the stock of capta (i.e. of machines, toos,<br />

equ pment, build ngs, etc.) increases. An increase n the<br />

stock oJ capital s defned as nvestment.<br />

Technoogy and nsttutions imprcve (as the abilty of a I<br />

faciors to produc€ w ll be enhanc€d)<br />

Figure 1.2 (a) Actualgrowth (b) potenti6lgroMh<br />

Tips<br />

5<br />

'E<br />

Make sure thatthe PPF you drawtouches the two axes<br />

and is no1'foat nq'in rn d-a r Draw it bowed (concave)<br />

towards the oigin un ess you are us ng it to lunrat€<br />

constant opportLrnity costs. Ako note that the axes may<br />

be labe ed'consumption goods' and 'cap tal goodt in<br />

order to lllrstrate the oppoirunity cost ol invenrnent. In<br />

this case, the opportunity con ol prodlcing more capitaL<br />

goods (i e. the opportun ty cost of nvestment) s the<br />

sacrfice of present eves of consumpton

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