commonwealth of pennsyl,vania - The Pennsylvania General ...

commonwealth of pennsyl,vania - The Pennsylvania General ...

commonwealth of pennsyl,vania - The Pennsylvania General ...


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HB 2110 PASSED OVER<br />

Flaherty 1,rvi Krrrwick Zitterman<br />

Foster, A.<br />

<strong>The</strong> SPEAKER pro tempore. <strong>The</strong> Chair recongizes the gentle- Foster, W.<br />

man from Berks, Mr. Fryer.<br />

Freind<br />

Fryer<br />

Mr. FRYER. Mr. Speaker, there were questions on this bill.<br />

as I recall, from our caucus, and I further assumed that the hill<br />

would be held.<br />

<strong>The</strong>SPEAKER pro tempore. <strong>The</strong> bill will be held over. !<br />

Mr. FRYER. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I Hutchinson, A.<br />

Levm<br />

Lincoln<br />

Livengood<br />

Lopur<br />

Lynch<br />

Mebus<br />

Rhodrs<br />

Richardson<br />

Hieper<br />

Rittrr<br />

Rugpiero<br />

Wagner<br />

Zord<br />

Zwikl<br />

Irvis,<br />

Speaker<br />

<strong>The</strong> House proceeded to third consideration <strong>of</strong> HB 2140, PN<br />

2720, entitled: NOT VOTWG-9<br />

An Act amending "<strong>The</strong> Administrative Code <strong>of</strong> 1929 ap- Arthurs MeGmnis Reed Vroon<br />

proved April 9,1929 (P. L. 177, No. 175). imposing additional Gray Miscevich Tenaglio Williams<br />

duties on the Secretarv <strong>of</strong> Transoortation nrior to entering cer- HaskeU<br />

tain contracts for consiltant services. I I<br />

On the question,<br />

<strong>The</strong> majority required by the Constitution having voted in<br />

Will the House agree to the bill on thud consideration? the affirmative, the quest~on was determined in the affirmative.<br />

Bill was agreed - to.<br />

Ordered, That the clerk present the same to the Senate for<br />

<strong>The</strong> SPEAKER pro tempore. This bill has been considered on<br />

concurrence,<br />

three different days and agreed to and is now on final passage.<br />

<strong>The</strong> question is, shall the hill pass finally?<br />


Agreeable to the provision <strong>of</strong> the Constitution. the yeas and<br />

<strong>The</strong> SPEAKER pro tempore, ~h~ chair recognizes the gentle.<br />

nays will now he taken.<br />

man from Westmoreland, Mr. Hutchinson. For what purpose<br />

does the gentleman rise?<br />

Mr. A. K. HUTCHINSON. Mr. Speaker, I would like to vote<br />

Anderson Gallen Mackowski Ryan<br />

"yes" instead <strong>of</strong> "no' on that last hill, HB 2140.<br />

Armstrong Gamble Madigan Salvatore<br />

Barber Garda Manderino Scanlon<br />

<strong>The</strong> SPEAKER pro tempore. <strong>The</strong> gentleman's remarks will he<br />

Bel<strong>of</strong>f Gatski Manmiller Scheaffer spread upon the record.<br />

Bennett Geesey MeCall Schmitt<br />

Berlin Geisler McClatchy Schweder <strong>The</strong> House proceeded to thud consideration <strong>of</strong> HB 2487, PN Berson George. C. McIntyre Scirica<br />

3456, entitled:<br />

Bittinger George. M. McLane Seltzer<br />

Bittle Giammarco Meluskey Shupnik<br />

An Act requiring the licensing <strong>of</strong> certain nonresident produc-<br />

Borski Gillette Milanovich Sirianni<br />

ers <strong>of</strong> unprocessed fruits and vegetables.<br />

Brandt Gleeson Miller Smith, E.<br />

Brown Goebel Milliron Smith, L. On the question,<br />

Brunner Goodman Moehlmann Spencer<br />

Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration?<br />

Burd<br />

Greenfield Morris Spitr<br />

Burns Greenleaf Mowery Stairs<br />

Bill was agreed to.<br />

Caltapirone Grieco Mrkonic Stapleton<br />

Ca~uto Halverson Mullen, M. P. Stewart<br />

<strong>The</strong> SPEAKER pro tempore. This hill has been considered on<br />

Cassidy Hamilton Musk Stuban three different days and agreed to and is now on final passage.<br />

Cessar Harper Novak Sweet<br />

<strong>The</strong> question is, shall the bill pass finally?<br />

Cianciulli Hasay Noye<br />

Taddonio<br />

Cimini Hayes, D. S. O'Brien,B. Taylor. E.<br />

Cohen Hayes. S. E. O'Brien. D. Taylor, F.<br />

Agreeable to the provision <strong>of</strong> the Constitution, the yeas and<br />

Cole<br />

Helfrick O'Cannell Thomas nays will now be taken.<br />

Cowell Hoeffel O'Donnell Trello<br />

Davies Honaman O'Keefe Valicenti<br />

DeMedio Hutchinson, W. Oliver Wansacz<br />

DeVerter Itkin Pancoast Wargo<br />

DeWeese Johnson Parker Wass<br />

Anderson Gallen Mackowski Ryan<br />

DiCarlo Jones Peterson Weidner Armstrong Gamble Madigan Salvatore<br />

Dietz<br />

Katz Petrarca Wenger Arthurs Garzia Manderino Scanlon<br />

Dinrnni Kelly Piccola White<br />

Barber Gatski Manmiller Scheaffer<br />

Dombrowski Kernlck Pievsky Wiggins Bel<strong>of</strong>f Geesey McCall Schmitt<br />

Danatucci Klingaman Pitts<br />

Wilson<br />

Bennett Geisler McClatchy Schweder<br />

Dorr<br />

Knepper Polite Wilt<br />

Berlin George. C. McIntyre Scirica<br />

Doyle Kolter Pott<br />

Wise<br />

Berson George. M. McLane Seltzer<br />

Duffy Kowalyshyn Pratt<br />

Wright, D. Bittinger Giammarco Mebus Shupnik<br />

Dumas Kukovich Prrndergast Wright. J. L Bittle Gillette Meluskey Sirianni<br />

Englehart Lashin~er Pyles Yahner Barski Gleesan Milanovich Smith, E.<br />

Fee<br />

Laughlin Quest Yohn<br />

Brandt Goebel Miller Sm1th.L.<br />

Fischer, R. R. Lehr Rappaport<br />

Brown Goodman Milliron Spencer<br />

Fisher. D. M. Lettprman Ravenstahl<br />

Brunner Greenfield Moehlmann Spltz

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