commonwealth of pennsyl,vania - The Pennsylvania General ...

commonwealth of pennsyl,vania - The Pennsylvania General ...

commonwealth of pennsyl,vania - The Pennsylvania General ...


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Brunner Goebel Milliran Spitz<br />

Burd Goodman Moehlmann Stairs<br />

Burns Greenfield Morris Stapleton<br />

Caltngirone Greenleaf Mawery Stewart<br />


<strong>The</strong> SPEAKER. <strong>The</strong> Chair at this time is pleased to turn over<br />

the gavel to the gentleman. Mr. Wansacz, to preside tempo-<br />

rarily.<br />

Caputo Grieeo Mrkonic Stuban<br />

Cassidy Halverson Mullen. M. P. Sweet I THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE (JOHN WANSAU)<br />

Cessar Hamilton Musto Taddonio IN THE CHAIR<br />

Cimini Hasay Novak Taylor. E.<br />

Cohen Hayes, D. S. Noye Taylor. F.<br />

Cole Hayes, S. E. O'Brien. B. Tenaglio<br />

Cowell Helfrick O'Brien, D. Trello<br />

Davies Hwffel O'ConneU Valicentl<br />

DeMedio Honaman O'DonneU Wagner<br />

DeVerter Hutchinson. A. O'Keefe Wansacz<br />

DeWeese Hutchinson. W. Pancoast Wargo<br />

DiCarlo ltkin Parker Wass<br />

Dietz Katz Peterson Weidner<br />

Dininni Kelly Petrarea Wenger<br />

Dombrowski Kernick Piccola Wiggins<br />

Donatucci Klingaman Pievsky Wilson<br />

Dorr Knepper Pitts Wilt<br />

Doyle Kolter Polite Wise<br />

Duffy Kowalyshyn Pott Wright. D.<br />

Dumas Kukovich Pratt Wright, J. L,<br />

Enelehart Lashinger Prendersast Yahner<br />

~ e e Laughlin<br />

Fischer. R. R. Lehr<br />

Fisher. D. M. Letterrnan<br />

Flaherty Levi<br />

Faster. A. Lincoln<br />

Foster, W. Livengood<br />

Freind Logue<br />

Fryer Lynch<br />

Gallagher Mackowski<br />

Pyles Yohn<br />

Quest Zeller<br />

Rappaport Zitterman<br />

Ravenstahl Zord<br />

Renwick Zwikl<br />

Ritter<br />

Ruggiero Irvis,<br />

Ryan Speaker<br />

Bel<strong>of</strong>f Harper Levin White<br />

Borski Johnson Oliver Zearfoss<br />

Cianciulli Jones Richardson<br />

NOT VOTING-11<br />

Gray Miscevich Rieger Vmon<br />

HaskeU Reed Scanlon Williams<br />

MeGinnis Rhodes Thomas<br />

<strong>The</strong> question was determined in the affirmative, and the<br />

amendments were agreed to.<br />


<strong>The</strong> SPEAKER. <strong>The</strong> Chair, at this time, invites the gentle-<br />

man from Lackawanna, Mr. John Wansacz, to preside tempo-<br />

rarily as the Speaker <strong>of</strong> the House. Will the gentleman please<br />

come to the podium?<br />

On the question recurring,<br />

Will the House agree to the bill as amended on third con-<br />

sideration?<br />

Mr. BENNETT <strong>of</strong>fered the following amendment:<br />

iven to any employer unless the prospective employee shall<br />

ave given written consent to the inquiry.<br />

On the question,<br />

Will the House agree to the amendment?<br />

<strong>The</strong> SPEAKER pro tempore. <strong>The</strong> Chair recognizes the gentleman<br />

from Mercer, Mr. Bennett, on the amendment.<br />

Mr. BENNETT. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.<br />

<strong>The</strong> amendment <strong>of</strong>fered by Mr. Englehart very simply states<br />

that a prospective employer may ask the prospective employe<br />

to check on his background, and the amendment says that the<br />

employe must sign in writing that he authorizes the investigation<br />

<strong>of</strong> his background,<br />

Apparently the amendment is agreed to, and I ask for its ac.<br />

ceptance.<br />

On the question recurring,<br />

Will the House agree to the amendment?<br />

<strong>The</strong> follou ring roll call was recorded:<br />

Anderson<br />

Armstrong<br />

Arthurs<br />

Barber<br />

Bel<strong>of</strong>f<br />

Bennett<br />

Berlin<br />

Berson<br />

Bittinger<br />

Bittle<br />

Brsndt<br />

Brown<br />

Brunner<br />

Burd<br />

Burns<br />

Caltagirone<br />

Caputo<br />

Cassidy<br />

Cessar<br />

Cianciulli<br />

Cimini<br />

Cohen<br />

Cole<br />

Cowell<br />

Davies<br />

DeMedio<br />

DeVerter<br />

DeWeese<br />

DiCarlo<br />

Dietz<br />

Dininni<br />

Dombrowski<br />

Donatucci<br />

Dorr<br />

Doyle<br />

Duffy<br />

Dumas<br />

Englehart<br />

Fee<br />

Fischer. R. R.<br />

Fisher, D. M.<br />

Flaherty<br />

Foster, A.<br />

Foster. W.<br />

Freind<br />

Fryer<br />

Gallagher<br />

YEAS-186<br />

Gallen Manderina<br />

Gamble Manmiller<br />

Garria McCall<br />

Gatski McClatchy<br />

Geesey Mclntyre<br />

Geisler McLane<br />

George, C. Mebus<br />

George, M. Meluskey<br />

Gismmarco Milanovieh<br />

Gillette Miller<br />

Gleeson Milliron<br />

Goadman Moehlmann<br />

Greenfield Morris<br />

Greenleaf Mowery<br />

Grieco Mrkonic<br />

Halverson Mullen. M. P.<br />

Hamilton Mush<br />

Harper Novak<br />

Hasay Noye<br />

Hayes, D. S. O'Brien, B.<br />

Hayes, S. E. O'Brien. D.<br />

Helfrick O'CanneU<br />

Hoeffel O'DonneU<br />

Hanaman O'Keefe<br />

Hutchinson, A. Oliver<br />

Hutchinsan. W. Pancoast<br />

Itkin Parker<br />

Katz Peterson<br />

Kelly Petrarea<br />

Kernick Piecola<br />

Klingaman Pievsky<br />

Knepper Pitts<br />

Kolter Polite<br />

Kowalyshyn ~ott<br />

Kukovich Pratt<br />

Lashinger Prendergast<br />

Laughlin Pyles<br />

Lehr Quest<br />

Letterma. Rappaport<br />

Levi Ravenstahl<br />

Levin Renwick<br />

Lincoln Rhodes<br />

Livengood Richardson<br />

Loye Rieger<br />

Lynch Ritter<br />

Mackowski Ruggier0<br />

Madigan Ryan<br />

w<br />

Salvatore<br />

Scanlon<br />

Scheaffer<br />

Schmitt<br />

Schweder<br />

Scirica<br />

Seltzer<br />

Shupnik *<br />

Sirianni<br />

Smith, E.<br />

Smith, L.<br />

Spencer<br />

Spitz<br />

Stnirs<br />

Stapleton<br />

Stewart<br />

Stuban<br />

Sweet<br />

Taddonio<br />

Taylor. E.<br />

Taylor. F.<br />

Tenaglio<br />

Thomas<br />

TreUo<br />

Valicenti<br />

Wagner<br />

Wansacz<br />

Wargo<br />

Wass<br />

Weidner<br />

Wenger<br />

Wiggins<br />

Wilson<br />

Wilt<br />

Wise<br />

Wright, D.<br />

Wrieht. J. L.<br />

Irvis,<br />


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