commonwealth of pennsylvania - The Pennsylvania General Assembly

commonwealth of pennsylvania - The Pennsylvania General Assembly

commonwealth of pennsylvania - The Pennsylvania General Assembly


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Brown Grabowski Miscevich Stevens<br />

Burd Greenfield Moehlmann Stewart<br />

Burns Greenwood Mowery Stuban<br />

Caltagirone Grieca Mrkonic Swaim<br />

Cappabianca Gruitza Mullen Sweet<br />

Cawley GNPPO Murphy Swift<br />

Cessar Hagany Nahill Taddanio<br />

Cimini Hasay Noye Taylor, E. Z.<br />

Civera Hayes O'Donnell Taylor, F. E.<br />

Clark Hoeffel Oliver Telek<br />

Clymer Honaman Pendleton Tiguc<br />

Cochran Horgos Perzel Trello<br />

Cohen Hutchinson, A. Peterson Van Horne<br />

Colafella Hutchinson, W. Petrarca Vroon<br />

Cole Iwis Petcone Wamhach<br />

Cordisco ltkin Phillips War go<br />

Cornell Johnson Piccola Wass<br />

Coslett Kanuck Pievsky Wenger<br />

Cowell Kennedy Pistella Weston<br />

Cunningham Klingaman Pitts White<br />

DcMedio Kowalyshyo Pott Wiggins<br />

DeVerter Kukovich Pratt Williams, H.<br />

DeWeese Lashinger Pucciarelli Williams, J. D.<br />

Daikeler Laughlin Punt Wilson<br />

Davies Lehr Rappapon Wogan<br />

Dawida LFSCOY~~Z Rasco Wozniak<br />

Dietz Levi Reher Wright, D. R.<br />

Dininni Lewis Richardson Wright, J. L.<br />

Dombrowski Livengood Rieger Zwikl<br />

Danatucci Lloyd Rifler<br />

Dorr Lucyk Rocks Ryan,<br />

Duffy McCall Rybak Speaker<br />

NAYS-7<br />

Fischer Haluska Morris Wachob<br />

Fryer Jackson Sieminski<br />

NOT VOTING-8<br />

Bel<strong>of</strong>f Gray Kolter Levin<br />

Gamble Harper Letterman Shupnik<br />

EXCUSED-4<br />

Deal George Heiaer Olasr<br />

<strong>The</strong> question was determined in the affirmative, and the<br />

amendments were agreed to.<br />


<strong>The</strong> SPEAKER. <strong>The</strong> Chair recognizes the gentleman from<br />

Butler, Mr. Burd.<br />

Mr. BURD. Mr. Speaker, my switch malfunctioned when<br />

the final passage on HB 1645 was taken. I would like to be<br />

recorded as voting in the affirmative.<br />

<strong>The</strong> SPEAKER. <strong>The</strong> remarks <strong>of</strong> the gentleman will be<br />

spread upon the record.<br />


On the question recurring,<br />

Will the House agree to the hill on third consideration as<br />

amended?<br />

Mr. MOEHLMANN <strong>of</strong>fered the following amendments<br />

No. A2869:<br />

Amend Sec. 2, page 1, line 16, by striking out "$181,696,000"<br />

and insertinn<br />

$195,628,000<br />

Amend Sec. 2, page 45, by inserting between lines 28 and 29<br />

(5) L.R.IOW(F07)<br />

T.R.422 Relocated,<br />

State Road in South<br />

Lebanon to Prescott,<br />

Rd. East <strong>of</strong> Lebanon,<br />

4 Lanes Divided<br />

Relocation: Length<br />

3.0 Miles. 1,562,000<br />

(6) L.R.1090(8) T.R.422<br />

Relocated, Prescott<br />

Rd. to Berks<br />

County Line<br />

4 Lane Divided<br />

Relocation: Length<br />

6.0 Miles. 5,136,000 502,000<br />

171 L.R. IOW(C04).<br />

T.R.422 ~elocated,<br />

T.R.743 South <strong>of</strong><br />

Hershey to L.R.424<br />

Campbelltown, 4<br />

Lane Divided Reloca-<br />

tion: Length<br />

3.1 Miles. 3,285,000<br />

On the question,<br />

Will the House agree to the amendmen1<br />

<strong>The</strong> following roll call was recorded:<br />

Alden<br />

Anderson<br />

Armstrong<br />

Any<br />

Barber<br />

Belardi<br />

Belfanti<br />

Bel<strong>of</strong>f<br />

Berson<br />

Bittle<br />

Blaum<br />

Borski<br />

Bowser<br />

Boyes<br />

Brandt<br />

Brown<br />

Burd<br />

Burns<br />

Caltagirone<br />

Cappabianca<br />

Cawley<br />

Ccrsar<br />

Cimini<br />

Civera<br />

Clark<br />

Clymer<br />

Cochran<br />

Cohen<br />

Colafella<br />

Cole<br />

Cordisco<br />

Carnell<br />

Coslett<br />

Cowcll<br />

Cunningham<br />

DeMedio<br />

DeVeRer<br />

DeWeese<br />

Daikeler<br />

Davies<br />

Dawida<br />

Dietz<br />

Dininni<br />

Dombrowski<br />

Donatucci<br />

Dorr<br />

Evans<br />

Fee<br />

Fleck<br />

Foster, W. W.<br />

Foster. Ir., A.<br />

Frazier<br />

Freind<br />

Gallagher<br />

Gallen<br />

Gamble<br />

Cannon<br />

Geist<br />

Gladeck<br />

Grabowski<br />

Greenfield<br />

Greenwood<br />

Grieco<br />

Gruitra<br />

Gruppo<br />

Hagarty<br />

Harper<br />

Hasay<br />

Hayes<br />

Hoeffel<br />

Honaman<br />

Horgos<br />

Hutchinson, A.<br />

Hutchinson, W.<br />

lrvis<br />

ltkin<br />

Jackson<br />

Johnson<br />

Kanuck<br />

Kennedy<br />

Klingaman<br />

Koltcr<br />

Kowalyshyn<br />

Kukovich<br />

Lashinger<br />

Laughlin<br />

Lehr<br />

Lescovitz<br />

Letterman<br />

Levi<br />

Levin<br />

Lewis<br />

YEAS-191<br />

Lucyk<br />

McCall<br />

McClalchy<br />

Mclntyre<br />

McMonade<br />

McVerry<br />

Mackowski<br />

Madigan<br />

Maiale<br />

Manderino<br />

Manmiller<br />

Marmion<br />

Merry<br />

Michlovic<br />

Micouie<br />

Miller<br />

Misccvich<br />

Moehlmann<br />

Mowery<br />

Mrkonic<br />

Mullen<br />

Murphy<br />

Nahill<br />

Noye<br />

O'DonneU<br />

Oliver<br />

Pendlcton<br />

Perzel<br />

Peterson<br />

Petrarca<br />

Pelronc<br />

Phillips<br />

Piccola<br />

Pievsky<br />

Pistella<br />

Pitts<br />

pot1<br />

Pratt<br />

Pucciarelli<br />

Punt<br />

Rappapart<br />

Rasco<br />

Reher<br />

Richardson<br />

Rieger<br />

Ritter<br />

Salvatore<br />

Saunnan<br />

Serafi~<br />

Seventy<br />

Showers<br />

ShupNk<br />

Sieminski<br />

Sirianni<br />

Smith. B.<br />

Smilh. E. H.<br />

Smith, L. E.<br />

Snyder<br />

spencer<br />

Spitz<br />

Stairs<br />

Steighner<br />

stcvena<br />

stewan<br />

Stuban<br />

Swaim<br />

swm<br />

Swift<br />

Taddonio<br />

Taylor, E. Z.<br />

Taylor, F. E.<br />

Telek<br />

Tiwe<br />

TreUo<br />

Van Home<br />

Vrwn<br />

Wambach<br />

War80<br />

Wass<br />

Wenger<br />

weston<br />

While<br />

Wiggins<br />

Williams. H.<br />

Williams, 1. D.<br />

Wilson<br />

Wow<br />

Wozniak<br />

Wright. D. R.<br />

Wright, J. L.<br />


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