commonwealth of pennsylvania - The Pennsylvania General Assembly

commonwealth of pennsylvania - The Pennsylvania General Assembly

commonwealth of pennsylvania - The Pennsylvania General Assembly


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Colafella<br />

Cole<br />

Cornell<br />

Coslett<br />

Cowell<br />

Cunningham<br />

DeMedio<br />

DeVener<br />

DeWeese<br />

Daikeler<br />

Davies<br />

Dawida<br />

Dietz<br />

Dininni<br />

Dombrowski<br />

Donatucci<br />

Dorr<br />

Duffy<br />

Durham<br />

Emerson<br />

Hutchinson, W.<br />

lrvis<br />

Itkin<br />

Jackson<br />

Johnson<br />

Kanuck<br />

Kennedy<br />

Klingaman<br />

Kolter<br />

Kowalyshyn<br />

Kukovich<br />

Lashinger<br />

Laughlin<br />

Lehr<br />

Lescovitz<br />

Letterman<br />

Levi<br />

Levin<br />

Livengood<br />

Lloyd<br />

Perzl<br />

Peterson<br />

Petrarca<br />

Petrone<br />

Phillips<br />

Piccola<br />

Pievsky<br />

Pistella<br />

Pitts<br />

Pott<br />

Pucciarelli<br />

Punt<br />

Rappaport<br />

Rasco<br />

Reber<br />

Rieger<br />

Ritter<br />

Rocks<br />

Rybak<br />

Salvatore<br />


Vroon<br />

Wambach<br />

Wargo<br />

Wass<br />

Wenger<br />

Weston<br />

White<br />

Wiggins<br />

Williams, H.<br />

Williams, J. D.<br />

Wilson<br />

Wogan<br />

Wozniak<br />

Wright, D. R.<br />

Wright, J. L.<br />

Zwikl<br />

Ryan,<br />

Speaker<br />

Cordisco Fryer Morris Wachob<br />

Fischer Haluska<br />

NOT VOTING-6<br />

Blaum Lewis Richardson Saurman<br />

Gray Pratt<br />

EXCUSED-4<br />

Cawley<br />

Cessar<br />

Cimini<br />

Civera<br />

Clark<br />

Clymer<br />

Cochran<br />

Cohen<br />

Colafella<br />

Cole<br />

Cordisco<br />

Cornell<br />

Coslett<br />

Cowell<br />

Cunningham<br />

DeMedio<br />

DeVerter<br />

DeWeex<br />

Daikeler<br />

Davies<br />

Hagarty<br />

Haluska<br />

Harper<br />

Hasay<br />

Hayes<br />

Hacffel<br />

Honaman<br />

Horgos<br />

Hutchinson, A.<br />

Hutchinson, W.<br />

l~is<br />

ltkin<br />

Jackson<br />

Johnson<br />

Kanuck<br />

Kennedy<br />

Klingaman<br />

Kolter<br />

Kowalyshyn<br />

Kukovich<br />

Morris<br />

Mowery<br />

Mrkonic<br />

MuUen<br />

Murphy<br />

Nahill<br />

Noye<br />

O'DonneU<br />

Oliver<br />

Pendleton<br />

Perzel<br />

Peterson<br />

Petrarca<br />

Petrone<br />

Phillips<br />

Piccola<br />

Pievsky<br />

Pistella<br />

POtt<br />

Pratt<br />

Stuban<br />

Swaim<br />

SWM<br />

Swift<br />

Taddonio<br />

Taylor. F. E.<br />

Telek<br />

Tipe<br />

Trello<br />

Van Home<br />

Vroan<br />

Wambach<br />

Wargo<br />

Wass<br />

Wenger<br />

Wcston<br />

White<br />

Wi&s<br />

Williams. H.<br />

Williams. 1. D<br />

Dawida Lashinger Pucciarelli Wilson<br />

Dietz Laughlin Punt Wogan<br />

Dininni Lehr Rappaport Wozniak<br />

Dombrowski Lescovitr Raxo Wright, D. R.<br />

Donatucei Letterman Reber Wright, 1. L.<br />

Dorr Levi Richardson Zwikl<br />

Duffy Levin Rieger<br />

Durham Lewis Ritter Ryan,<br />

Emerson Livengood Rocks Spcakcr<br />

NAYS-5<br />

Deal George Heiser Olasz<br />

Fischer Pitts Taylor, E. 2. Wachob<br />

<strong>The</strong> question waq determined in the affirmative, and the Fryer<br />

amendments were agreed to.<br />

NOT VOTING-2<br />

On the question recurring, Blaum Gray<br />

Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as<br />

EXCUSED-4<br />

amended?<br />

Deal George Heixr Olasz<br />

Mr. KOLTER <strong>of</strong>fered the following amendments No.<br />

A772n.<br />

<strong>The</strong> question was determiried in the affirmative, and the<br />

A -.

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