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soil liming has facilitated great bulk of calcium and mangesium descending into the<br />

forest soils. Due to what reduces acidity in the upper layer of the soil, changes the<br />

upper layer structure and humus matter, and increases biomass of live organisms<br />

(Мелецис, 1985; Laiviņš et al., 1993).<br />

Most of the pine forests in Latvia are oligotrophic and mezotrophic dry forests.<br />

In such forest types, mostly in suburbs and in towns, forest transformation processes<br />

are more evident. Natural pine regeneration in such transformed forests is negligible.<br />

Forest transformation is directly related to gradual eutrophication of the soils, due to<br />

which increases the nutritient amount necessary to plants; and is related to reduction<br />

of acidity, which significantly facilitates introduction of new species. The boreal<br />

forests (Vaccinio vitis idaea-Pinetum, Vaccinio myrtilli-Pinetum) transform into<br />

societies of much wider ground cover and underbrush content (Sambuco recemosae-<br />

Pinetum). Forests become more shady and humid. The typical raw humus changes,<br />

forming a transition form (moder humus) between mor and mull humus (Laiviņš,<br />

Laiviņa, 1991; Laiviņš, 1998).<br />

3.4. Earthworm species communities changes due to transformation of Jurmala<br />

forest soils<br />

3.4.1. Description of the sampling plots and sampling procedure<br />

For the sampling plots was chosen Vaccinio myrtilli – Pinetum forest growth<br />

type. In little transformed pine stands underbush and moss layer is well outlined,<br />

whereas the transformed stands are easy to recongise for the uncharacteristic species<br />

content and structure- dense bush, broad-leaved tree sprouts and vascular plants. It<br />

allows both to assess the transformation level of the pine forests and to display main<br />

stages of antropogenic succession (Laiviņš, 1998).<br />

Earthworm material was sampled in September 1989 and May 1990 and<br />

September of the same year, in the sampling plots of different eutrophication stages.<br />

Sampling areas were chosen of similar relief location, humidity conditions, forest<br />

stand age (middle age and adult stands) and soil composition. Soil type- typical<br />

podsol on sand.<br />


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