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Aprobation of te Results<br />

Te results of the thesis are published in 1 monograph, 5 scientific articles and<br />

presented in 5 international conferences.<br />

Te results of researches are used for academic courses and for supervising of<br />

bachelor's and master's thesis in faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences of<br />

University of Latvia.<br />

Monograph<br />

Gemste I., Smilga H., Ventiņš J. 2009. Notekūdeņu dūņas un augsne. Jelgava; LLU<br />

Ūdenssaimniecības un zemes zinātniskais institūts, 272 lpp.<br />

Scientific publications<br />

Ventiņš, J. 1991. Latvijas meža augšņu lumbricīdu fauna. Jaunākais Mežsaimniecībā.<br />

33. 105-109<br />

Laiviņš M., Heniņa E., Kraukle M., Ventiņš J. 1993. The impact of the Saulkalne<br />

lime processing facilities on the biotic diversity of pine forest. Proceedings of the<br />

Latvian Academy of Sciences. B., 7: 552, 63-69<br />

Ventiņš J. 1994. Earthworms (Lumbricidae) and some other groups of soil<br />

mesofauna as bioindicators of eutrophication of dune soils in Jurmala. In: Proc. of<br />

Int. Conf. "Coastal Conservation and Managemrnt in the Baltic Region", Klaipeda.<br />

Vucāns A., Gemste I., Līvmanis J., Ventiņš J., Ivbulis P. 2000. Slieku izplatība<br />

lauksaimniecībā izmantojamo platību augsnēs. LLU Raksti, 6, 22-29<br />

Ventiņš J. 2011. Formation of earthworm (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) communities in<br />

the most common soil types under intensive agricultural practice in Latvia. Proceedings<br />

of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. B. (Pieņemts publicēšanai).<br />

Abstracts of reports presented at international conferences<br />

Ventiņš J. 1995. Earthworms (Lumbricidae) as bioindicators of eutrophication of<br />

oligotrophic pine forest soils in Latvia. In: Proc. of 8th International Bioindicators<br />

Symposium, Ceske Budejovice.<br />

Ventiņš J., Gemste I., Vucāns A. 1999. Population dynamic of the earthworms<br />

(Lumbricidae) in different agricultural soils in Latvia. In: Proc. Of International<br />

conference "Biodiversity of Terrestrial and Soil invertebrates in the North",<br />

Syktyvkar, Russia.<br />


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