1 - Christian and Missionary Alliance

1 - Christian and Missionary Alliance

1 - Christian and Missionary Alliance


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C'hurrhes Uedirrtrd<br />

lirt~hrr~r,~~. .I'.('. l hi. dedication scr,icc<br />

lor the new C&M.\ Church was held on<br />

4prll 14. I'a~tic~patmp were 1)r. .luli;in<br />

!+<strong>and</strong>?. Vici-l're4dent ol thc C&M,\:<br />

Iler. i n Kichtc~. p:~st,,r in<br />

Fa!ettt.villc: Kc\. I mesmgc.<br />

Ihu ncw icility lhousus it sanctiwry<br />

seating 350 <strong>and</strong> ;I hurtem-rwm cduc;ttinn<br />

unit. A h;llc ;m;i will sc;tt an<br />

additmnxl 100 persons.<br />

I hc church cclchratcd its wcnty-f~lih<br />

annivcrr;try nn lunr 22.<br />

Ar/rn,ylon. Ci1. 1)cdicatlon cvcnts at<br />

Arlington Mcmori;!l Church April 2X<strong>and</strong><br />

Ma) 5 were char;ictcri,cd ;is a "testi\al<br />

ol .lo)." The new nave <strong>and</strong> naithcx mark<br />

the third major expansion in wwn years<br />

tor th~s church in the national capital<br />

area. Rub. .I;irnch A. I has heen<br />

pastor since 1968.<br />

Kc\. K. H I M;rnph;im. dihtricl<br />

iuperintcndcnt. pri.;~chcd the dniicator)<br />

sermon. A rpecial fcature oithc day was<br />

the offering. u,hich went in its entircty<br />

toward the con5tructlon of a new church<br />

in the Prcsidente del Frm scctim ot<br />

Santiago, Chile. Ihc church ldt that the<br />

hcst way la express 11s griltitode to Ciod<br />

for the new ftcilitlcs would hc to help an<br />

uvcrseas church huild.<br />

Seating in the octagon;tl sanctuary is<br />

arranged in a "modified iround" to<br />

cmphasi~c th~. niiturcot the church as the<br />

Body (11' ('hrist. Movable pcurs alkru, lor<br />

flexibility in uirr\hlp services. Costing<br />

$200.000. the proicct cimpletca four<br />

yt.iirs 01' planning <strong>and</strong> construction I hc<br />

s~nctu;~ry IS dcsigncd Srrr cnp;~nsion to<br />

douhlu the present sentmg citpacity 01'<br />

260.<br />

1ile lay leadership olthc church is now<br />

cng:iged in a program oi long-range<br />

planning <strong>and</strong> program analysis. looking<br />

toward duuhluig the membership again<br />

in the ncnt t'lve yeals.<br />

\nt? 1.own;o. (u/r/. (her two hundred<br />

onmcn ot the Saii Franc~sco Hay area<br />

g.tthervd to hcar Mrs. hchle Mitchell.<br />

rnirvniisr! to Viet \"tm.I hc thenicofthc<br />

rdly was "And Xow Abideth . . . Hope."<br />

:ind Mrh. M~tchcll<br />

snirke ;main 01' the<br />

L. -<br />

9:1?. 10:IZI whcn the Viet Conp tr,ok her<br />

husb;+nd <strong>and</strong> two others uaptivz twcl\c<br />

)car\ ;igo Shc alm ruported an thc great<br />

numhcr.; ol penplc turning to the inrd In<br />

1 oumrier. /+I. Ihr sprmg retreitt 01 the<br />

kistern 1)istrict wils held April I9 <strong>and</strong> 20<br />

In Strashurp Inn <strong>and</strong> wa& the means ol<br />

cncour;tgcment <strong>and</strong> stimulation lo the<br />

approximately 500 women whoattcnded.<br />

Speakers were Miss Loi, Wood. worker<br />

among .lew~sh people in Ucw Yarh C~ty:<br />

Mis~ Carol Steckzl. Vict a n : Mcs.<br />

Hcrhcit Ilykc, India: <strong>and</strong> MISS tlaine<br />

Wattles. M;III.<br />

Ofliuer\ arc: Mrs. Ann I routman,<br />

presdcnt: Mrs. (ikrdy~ Kiein, vicepresident:<br />

MIS. Carolyn Her~itt, secretary:<br />

<strong>and</strong> Mrs. Mary l'raou. tre;lsurer.<br />

Yurrtnv. H.(: "Shill-c thc Feast" was the<br />

theme ol the h;~/er V;tlley rall) held May<br />

30 <strong>and</strong> attcndcd hy 450 1;idics. Mrs.<br />

Archie Mctchcll. missi~mtry to Virt Ni~ni.<br />

<strong>and</strong> Miss .lulic tehr. ol Gahon ~. mrre - the<br />

speakers. Both ladvx prolitahly shared<br />

their cnperirnccs <strong>and</strong> the M'nrd.<br />

M.ull~~.~lt~j~, .Ma.s\. "1.~1 thc C;~rth Hr:ir His<br />

Voice" was the theme atthe New Engl<strong>and</strong><br />

Ihtrict Ccntml Zone rally held May 30.<br />

Mrh. Mar~lyn Cloyd. ,one presdcnt. <strong>and</strong><br />

hcr cornnlmce planned an intcrrsting<strong>and</strong><br />

informative pnrgram.<br />

Following a dinner attended hy Ilh.<br />

thq ladies divided into eight prayer<br />

groups to consider the many requests<br />

concerning the work in Vict N;!ni. Mrs.<br />

11. F. Hart7ield. rn-issionary to Vict Nnm,<br />

was the speaker.<br />

Ordination<br />

Ihrn ~n Kore;~ <strong>and</strong> lor se\cn years an<br />

nlficer in the Korean Army. Mr. Choc<br />

was o~daincd Ma> 26 in the l.omh;~l-d<br />

(111.1 Ihhk ('hurch ol thc (&MA Hc<br />

took 111s undcrgradu;tte studies at Han<br />

Kuk <strong>and</strong> Young Nam oni\cl-s~tics in<br />

Kore:~ <strong>and</strong> his theological work $11<br />

Wheaton Collcgc (ir;tduatc School 01'<br />

Ihcolog). HC IS;I lncmher otthc <strong>Alliance</strong><br />

l;cllow\hip Church. hilt,. Ill.<br />

Mr. Choc. who has hcen in the United<br />

State, vnoc 1964. WIII min~rtcr to a new<br />

Koreitn<br />

('hicxgo<br />

congrcption in suhurhan<br />

Financial Keport-May<br />

Ma? was :I month 01 man) hlcssings.<br />

Cauncil in all ant;^ enriched the harts oi<br />

nl:lny who ;tltcndcd. I he incnmc of over<br />

5700.000 i s :L twncndous blessing<br />

;~tlccttiip hundrcds :)I1 oucr the world.<br />

I he conunucd high k\el 01' incnmc is<br />

grcatl) needud. As m;ln) knuu all too<br />

well. increasing costs arc pwb;rlent in<br />

cber! . oar1 . 01 the cconomic scene. The<br />

Alli;,nce i, not cxernnt<br />

mention one prr,portionatcly hrge<br />

itcin ih much higher uorldwidr. So<br />

costs inr:rease hilt. pr;lisc (id. ow income<br />

h;~r inuru;ircd ;is wcll. <strong>and</strong> we are<br />

most thanklul.<br />

Iotal livc mr~nth~' Incomic is $3.381.-<br />

001) or $31 ,000 or OUpurcent ahcad ofthc<br />

pryx,rl~nnxtc hildgct ltgurc at S3.350.-<br />

000.<br />

(;~tta tor the month of May were<br />

covercd hv our receipt 210s. 107 12-13553<br />

<strong>and</strong> Y.3Xh0-94172. II you lailcd to<br />

receive ;I rccelpt for )c,ur cnntrihution,<br />

ple;t\c comrnt~iiic;~tc with our auditors,<br />

I.amhlides & Samson. 20 ('rnssw;tys<br />

Park Nnrlli. Woodhury. N.Y. 11797.<br />

All uontnhutions should he designated<br />

<strong>and</strong> addrcrsed to thc rrca\urer. Thc<br />

C'hrzst,an <strong>and</strong> <strong>Missionary</strong> <strong>Alliance</strong>, 260<br />

West 44111 St.. Neu York. NY. 10036.

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