Topologically Defined Neuronal Networks Controlled by Silicon Chips

Topologically Defined Neuronal Networks Controlled by Silicon Chips

Topologically Defined Neuronal Networks Controlled by Silicon Chips


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Figure 2.1: Four types of mechanisms contribute<br />

to guiding growth-cones: contact attraction,<br />

chemoattraction, contact repulsion<br />

and chemorepulsion. Individual growthcones<br />

might be ‘pushed’ from behind <strong>by</strong> a<br />

chemorepellant (red), ’pulled’ from afar <strong>by</strong> a<br />

chemoattractant (green), and ’hemmed’ in <strong>by</strong><br />

attractive (grey) and repulsive (yellow) local<br />

cues; from [110].<br />

Directional cues are either attractive or repulsive, long-range or short-range. The long-range guidance<br />

mechanism, called chemotaxis, is based on gradients of diffusible, soluble molecules, whereas the<br />

short-range contact-mediated mechanism is mediated <strong>by</strong> tissue-bound, non-diffusible molecules. Fig.<br />

2.1 depicts the four forces guiding growth-cones: contact attraction, chemoattraction, contact repulsion<br />

and chemorepulsion, and lists examples of ligands governing these mechanisms. Some guidance<br />

molecules are not exclusively attractive or repulsive but rather bifunctional, depending on their concentration,<br />

type of receptor and presence of other molecules. In vivo, neuronal outgrowth is generally<br />

controlled <strong>by</strong> several cues acting simultaneously and synergistically, e.g. the growth-cone is repelled<br />

from its origin <strong>by</strong> one ligand and attracted to the target tissue <strong>by</strong> another.<br />

Besides these ligand-mediated cues, axonal outgrowth is further influenced <strong>by</strong> trophic factors that are<br />

needed for survival and growth as well as <strong>by</strong> adhesion molecules providing adhesive surfaces for the<br />

growth-cone.<br />

Although many directional signals are present in vivo, in vitro studies revealed that a single ligand is<br />

often sufficient for controlling neuronal outgrowth. These studies set the stage for the design of defined<br />

neuronal nets.<br />

2.1.2 Chemical patterns<br />

Tracks of substrate bound molecules that are either attractive or repulsive to growth-cones (haptotaxis)<br />

are the most widely used technique for growth-cone guidance in vitro. In contrast to gradients of soluble<br />

molecules, they are easy to produce and can be kept in culture medium for a week or more without<br />

loosing their potency.<br />

Two major issues are raised with chemical patterns: what molecules are best and how to deposit them<br />

on the substrate? The vast body of literature on this subject is summarized <strong>by</strong> several comprehensive<br />

reviews [5, 22, 30, 52, 54].<br />

In an early experiment, P.C. Letourneau deposited areas of palladium onto different substrates <strong>by</strong> evaporation<br />

through EM-grids as masks [61]. Growth-cones from chick sensory ganglia neurons preferentially<br />

elongated on the more adhesive areas; for Pd on glass petri dishes they stayed on the Pd, while if<br />

polyornithine-coated dishes were used they preferred the Pd-free areas.<br />

Since then, many chemicals have been tested for patterns controlling cell adhesion and neuronal outgrowth.<br />

Among them are adhesive proteins like extracellular matrix protein (ECM) [35], laminin [42],<br />

growth factors [81] and nonadhesive proteins like albumin [21]. Artificial growth-promoting molecules<br />

such as poly-L-lysine and poly-D-lysine [8], and inhibitors such as poly ethylene glycol (PEG) are also<br />

common [121]. All these substances are only physisorbed to the substrate. Due to the weak binding<br />


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