Topologically Defined Neuronal Networks Controlled by Silicon Chips

Topologically Defined Neuronal Networks Controlled by Silicon Chips

Topologically Defined Neuronal Networks Controlled by Silicon Chips


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Figure 2.10: Simple model of two electrically coupled neurons. In this equivalent circuit each cell is<br />

represented <strong>by</strong> a single isopotential compartment. Neuron A is presynaptic, B postsynaptic.<br />

overall length is much smaller than λ, that means if they are electrotonically compact; for details refer<br />

to the previous subsection.<br />

Note that throughout this subsection voltage, capacitance and conductance are somatic quantities; the<br />

index ‘s’ used in the previous subsection to distinguish between somatic and neuritic quantities is omitted<br />

here. Capital letters denote the respective neuron the variable refers to.<br />

Injecting a constant current Iinj into neuron A causes a voltage response VA(t) in the presynaptic cell<br />

that is governed <strong>by</strong> the following differential equation, with Gsyn denoting the conductance of the<br />

synapse and V0A the resting potential of neuron A:<br />

dVA<br />

Iinj = CA<br />

dt + GA(VA − V0A) + Gsyn(VA − VB) (2.16)<br />

The current flowing across the synapse changes the voltage in the presynaptic neuron B, VB(t), according<br />

to the current balance:<br />

dVB<br />

Gsyn(VA − VB) = CB<br />

dt + GB(VB − V0B) (2.17)<br />

After transients have decayed, i.e. in the steady state where dVA/dt = dVB/dt = 0, the somatic<br />

voltages of A and B are:<br />

VA = V0A − GBGsyn(V0A − V0B)<br />

GAGB + Gsyn(GA + GB) +<br />

GB + Gsyn<br />

GAGB + Gsyn(GA + GB) Iinj<br />

VB = V0B + GAGsyn(V0A − V0B)<br />

GAGB + Gsyn(GA + GB) +<br />

Gsyn<br />

GAGB + Gsyn(GA + GB) Iinj<br />

(2.18)<br />

(2.19)<br />

Even if Iinj = 0, VA and VB are not equal to the resting potentials if V0A = V0B. This deviation is<br />

caused <strong>by</strong> a small permanent current which flows across the synapse, pulling the membrane voltages<br />

towards each other and away from the resting values.<br />

All unknown electrical parameters of the simple network in fig. 2.10, except for the membrane capacitances,<br />

can be obtained from steady state current measurements. In that case, current balances for each<br />

neuron before (index: 0) and after (index: ∞) a current step from Iinj,0 = 0 to Iinj,∞ are given <strong>by</strong>:<br />

22<br />

0 = GA(VA,0 − V0A) + Gsyn(VA,0 − VB,0) (2.20)<br />

Iinj,∞ = GA(VA,∞ − V0A) + Gsyn(VA,∞ − VB,∞) (2.21)<br />

Gsyn(VA,0 − VB,0) = GB(VB,0 − V0B) (2.22)<br />

Gsyn(VA,∞ − VB,∞) = GB(VB,∞ − V0B) (2.23)

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