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Executive Chinese Chef Tam Kwok Fung 中菜行政总厨谭国锋<br />

for the changing season, by adding chicken<br />

stock and sliced ginger to the conch meat.<br />

“We use ginger to make the soup a little<br />

warming. We keep it simple – no serious<br />

herbs or seasonings, just the natural seafood<br />

flavor, a slight meaty back-taste from<br />

the chicken and some ginger to lift it. Great<br />

for balancing the body’s condition.”<br />

Conch is one of many treasures swimming<br />

around near the coast of Southern<br />

China, where the fresh waters of the Pearl<br />

River estuary dilute the deep salty ocean. “In<br />

the old days people sat on the steam boat<br />

between Hong Kong and Macau for hours,<br />

just so they could buy our local crabs and<br />

carry them home in their bamboo baskets.<br />

The taste of Macau crab is natural and succulent<br />

– the waters are rich in feed for the<br />

fish and this gives a juicy quality to the meat.<br />

We have lionhead fish too which you can find<br />

in the wet markets here. They are expensive,<br />

but the flavor and texture of them is something<br />

you will never forget! And then there<br />

are the prawns. South China Sea prawns<br />

have great texture – both tender and chewy.<br />

Nowadays there is a focus on farmed food<br />

and fish, but I don’t agree with it. I prefer<br />

natural, wild-caught food. It tastes better.”<br />

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| TASTING KITCHEN | september 2013<br />

South China Sea prawns are the main<br />

focus of another of Tam’s autumn dishes. A<br />

lacy basket made from translucent rice flour<br />

holds pink prawns, shiny walnuts studded<br />

with tiny sesame seeds, and gleaming chive<br />

shoots. This beautiful dish has a fresh and<br />

delicious aroma. Made with local produce,<br />

it’s light-flavored yet deeply satisfying.<br />

“Prawns are a good source of protein,”<br />

says Tam. “The combination of fish and<br />

chives is naturally warming. Chives come<br />

from the garlic family and are reputed to<br />

defend against cold, bacteria and germs. As<br />

for walnuts – well, the Chinese believe that<br />

they are a healing food, good for the brain<br />

and kidneys. We toast the walnuts with some<br />

brown sugar in the wok, then fry them for<br />

two minutes. When you roast nuts with a<br />

little brown sugar it makes them more nourishing<br />

for the body. Perfect for autumn!”<br />

Chef Tam summarizes Jade Dragon’s<br />

cooking philosophy: “It is better to eat right<br />

on a daily basis than to wait until you get sick<br />

and rely on medicines. Daily consumption<br />

of good, nourishing food will balance your<br />

body’s condition. Choosing the right food<br />

for the season should help keep you healthy<br />

throughout the year.”<br />

总厨拿起了只长约一尺的响螺、螺壳<br />

外突、呈盘旋状,带着白绿色泽,螺肉颜<br />

色则像蜜桃般娇嫩。他说 :「螺肉很甜,在<br />

中国南部算是很受欢迎的顶级食材。」 在<br />

「誉珑轩」,这般大小的海螺通常会做成两<br />

道菜,一道把肉取出、去皮切片后下锅爆炒,<br />

皮则放于炖汤,物尽其用。<br />

为了迎合季节变换,谭国锋使用螺肉、<br />

鸡汤及姜片熬煮独门汤品,美味非常。他<br />

也大方分享制作秘诀 :「姜可让汤喝起来较<br />

暖,除此之外一切简单至上,无须添加特<br />

别的药草或调味品,便能喝得到海鲜的原<br />

味,另外在姜的提味下,还尝得到些许鸡<br />

肉香甜的余韵,对于身体状况平衡大有益<br />

处!」<br />

中国南部沿海地区与珠江交会,偏咸<br />

的海水受到稀释,孕育出许多近海珍馐,<br />

海螺便是其中之一。 「以前有不少人习惯<br />

搭蒸气船往返港澳,花上数小时就是为了<br />

采买我们当地的螃蟹,再用竹篓整笼带回。<br />

澳门蟹滋味天然、水分饱满,且拜此区水<br />

中生物繁多所赐,栖息的鱼类肥美,肉质<br />

多汁。这里的生鲜湿货市场也找得到狮头<br />

鱼,虽然价格不菲,但味道及肉质让人一<br />

试难忘!南中国海出产的明虾也绝对不能<br />

错过,软嫩中带有嚼劲,口感极佳。现在<br />

许多养殖食物或鱼类大行其道,但我总无<br />

法苟同,还是偏爱天然、野生捕捉的食材,<br />

吃起来滋味更足。」<br />

韭菜花合桃炒斗门花竹虾正是谭国锋<br />

秋季菜单中的另一个亮点。红粉的明虾、带<br />

有亮泽的合桃,缀以芝麻及透亮的葱芽,置<br />

于糯米粉制成的花边透明篮篓中,相当别致,<br />

散发清新且诱人的香气。使用的俱是地方农<br />

产食材,口味清淡,却让人一尝倾心。<br />

谈到这道菜,谭国锋表示 :「花竹虾富<br />

含蛋白质,另外鱼肉加上细葱有天然温热<br />

的效果。细葱与大蒜系出同门,都有祛寒、<br />

遏止细菌及病毒的功效。至于合桃,中国<br />

人视为具疗效的食材,对于大脑及肾脏特<br />

别好。我们在铁锅中加入合桃及些许黑糖<br />

烘烤,再拌炒两分钟即可。坚果类加点黑<br />

糖过烤,有助释放出对人体有营养的成分,<br />

正是秋季菜式的不二之选!」<br />

总结「誉珑轩」的餐饮理念,谭国锋说:<br />

「相较于病起求医,每天的正确饮食显得更<br />

为重要。摄取品质良好、营养丰富的食物对<br />

于保持身心健康平衡极有裨益。顺应时节吃<br />

的好、吃的对,可保经年健康无虞。」<br />

Stir-fried Sea Prawns with<br />

Walnut and Garlic Chives<br />

韭菜花合桃炒斗门花竹虾<br />

Double-boiled Sea Conch with<br />

Dried Longan, Yam and Wolfberry<br />


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