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xxxiv THE KEY OF TRUTH<br />

4. All true baptism in accordance with the precepts of Christ,<br />

especially Mark xvi. 16, must be preceded by repentance and<br />

faith.<br />

See the Key, chaps, i-iii. pp. 72-77 ; and Catechism, p. 117.<br />

5. Consequently infant baptism is invalid ; and, in admitting it,<br />

the Latins, Greeks, and Armenians have lost their Christianity,<br />

lost the sacraments, forfeited their orders and have become a mere<br />

Satanic mimicry of the true faith. If any of them, even their<br />

patriarchs, would rejoin the true Church, they must be baptized.<br />

See in the Key, passim, but especially pp. 73, 74, 86 ; chap, xviii. p. 92 ; and<br />

know that the<br />

We the Catechism, p. 118. And cp. Greg. Nar. pp. 126, 127 :<br />

'<br />

Font is denied by them'; and Arist. p. 140: 'They reject the Church's baptism';<br />

and Greg. Mag. ' p. 146 : Our holy bishops,' &c, and p. 147 he describes how in<br />

' Thonrak alone he baptized over a thousand. We ask, Why do you not allow<br />

yourselves to be baptized . . . .' ' We are in no hurry to be baptized.' ... So<br />

p. 148. On p. 144 he records that Smbat reckoned as in vain ' all priestly<br />

functions,' i.e. in the orthodox churches. So also Aristaces, p. 140: 'Church<br />

and church ordinances they utterly reject.' Greg. Mag. p. 144 :<br />

baptism.'<br />

' Their graceless<br />

5. The catechumen or candidate for baptism must be of mature<br />

age, as was Jesus of Nazareth, in order that he may be able to<br />

understand, recognize, and repent of his sin, which is twofold,<br />

viz. : original, and operative or effective.<br />

See the Key, chap. ii. p. 74; chap. iii. p. ; 76 and particularly on p. 88, the<br />

words :<br />

' So must we also perform baptism when they are of full age like our<br />

Lord'; and in the Catechism, p. 118. And cp. the passage of Greg. Mag. p. 146,<br />

just referred to, from which we may infer that the ' young men ' of Thonrak<br />

were still unbaptized. Of similar import are the words addressed by Greg.<br />

Mag. p. 142, to the Thulaili: ' Hold yourselves far aloof from these innocent<br />

children, . . . and let them come and receive baptism.'<br />

6. Baptism is only to be performed by an elect or ordained<br />

member of the Church, and in answer to the personal demand of<br />

the person who seeks to be admitted into the Church.<br />

See the Key, pp. 77, 91, 92, 96.<br />

7. On the eighth day from birth the elect one shall solemnly<br />

confer a name on the new-born child, using a prescribed form of<br />

prayer. But he shall not allow any mythical or superstitious<br />

names.<br />

See the Key, chap, xvi ; and cp. the passage in John of Otzun, p. 153, begin-<br />

ning : Similiter et primum parientis feminae . . . , in which the writer seems to<br />

glance at the ceremony of name-giving.

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