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35. Rejection of the Logos doctrine as developed in the other<br />

Churches. There is indeed no explicit rejection of it in the Key,<br />

but it is ignored, and the doctrine that Jesus Christ is a «nV/ia, a<br />

man and not God, leaves no room for it in the Paulician theology.<br />

See the Key, p. 114; and cp. Greg. Mag. p. 147 :<br />

' They make no confession<br />

at all except of what is repugnant to all Christian ordinances and beliefs.'<br />

36. For the same reason they must have rejected the term<br />

6(Ot6kos.<br />

See the Key, p. 114.<br />

37. The elect one was an anointed one, a Christ, and the ordinal<br />

is a ritual for the election and anointing of a presbyter in the same<br />

way as Jesus was elected and anointed, namely by the Holy Spirit.<br />

See the Key, p. 95,<br />

the words beginning :<br />

Also p. 40, the passage beginning :<br />

' Now therefore it is necessary,' &c.<br />

' And then the elect one,' &c. ; and p. 102,<br />

beginning: 'Behold them,' &c. Compare Greg. Nar. p. 127 : 'of their self-<br />

conferred contemptible priesthood, which is a likening of themselves to Satan.'<br />

We may note that in the Key itself the elect one is not declared to be a Christ<br />

in the same trenchant terms which Gregory of Narek uses in levelling his accu-<br />

sations. Greg. Mag. also testifies to their ordinations, as in the phrases on<br />

p. 144 : ' their outlandish choice (or election) by consent '<br />

' . . . their strange and<br />

horrible and loathsome assumption of sufferings ; of their priest-making with-<br />

'<br />

out high priest ' . . . their worthless ordinations with nothing at all.'<br />

In addition to the Armenian writers, whose testimony we have<br />

adduced, there are the Greek writers who enumerate the Paulician<br />

tenets. They all used in turn an older document, namely, the<br />

description of the Paulicians inserted in the Codex Scorialensis,<br />

I. . 1. of the Chronicle of Georgius Mo?iachus l<br />

by some later<br />

editor of that chronicle 2 . This document is the nucleus of the<br />

accounts of them given by Photius (c. 820-c. 891), Contra<br />

Manichcos, liber i. §§ 1-10, and by Petrus Siculus, a contemporary<br />

of Photius. It was then used by Petrus Hegumenos, by Zigabenus<br />

(c. 1081-1118), by Pseudo-Photius, liber i. 10-iv. Each of these<br />

writers, no matter what his pretensions to originality, embodies<br />

this document in his account of the Paulicians, and adds<br />

to it details from other sources. Among these additions the<br />

citations of the Epistles of Sergius interest us most for our present<br />

1 To this source I allude as Scor.<br />

s This document has been edited with commentary by J. Friediich in the<br />

Sitzungsboichle der Philos.-Philol. Classc der k. b, Akademit der Wissenschaften<br />

zu Munchen, 1896, Heft i, under the title: 'Der ursprungliehe bei Georgios<br />

Monachos nur theilweise erhaltene liericht iiber die L'aulikianer.' I cannot<br />

exaggerate my indebtedness to the editor of it.

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