Soldier Of Truth In A Lifelong Battle With Lies - Four Winds 10

Soldier Of Truth In A Lifelong Battle With Lies - Four Winds 10

Soldier Of Truth In A Lifelong Battle With Lies - Four Winds 10


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The Awakening Power <strong>Of</strong> Examples<br />

As we approach the first<br />

anniversary of the tragic events that<br />

unfolded last September 11, those<br />

who have a pretty good idea of what<br />

really happened, and why, are far less<br />

moved to embrace the well-meaning<br />

oratory of commemorations as they<br />

are waiting for the next galvanizing<br />

calamity to be thrust upon the stage<br />

of public experience.<br />

Now—is that any way to have to<br />

live in a country that calls itself “the<br />

land of the free and the home of the<br />

brave”? A growing number of angry<br />

Americans think not.<br />

But it took the tragedies of 9/11—<br />

and a lot of equally suspicious<br />

subsequent federal governmental<br />

shenanigans—to push a lot of<br />

previously contented sheep-people to<br />

that awakened point of patriotic alert.<br />

So as events play out as we move<br />

down the path of a much larger<br />

timeframe, it will eventually be<br />

realized that those innocent lives so<br />

tragically lost on 9/11 helped to<br />

awaken a mostly sleeping nation to<br />

regain its stolen freedom—in the<br />

same way as did the early morning<br />

April 19, 1775 ride of Paul Revere<br />

followed a few hours later by “the<br />

shot heard ’round the world” as the<br />

Revolutionary War battles of<br />

Lexington and Concord began.<br />

Three articles in this issue of The<br />

SPECTRUM pay a heartfelt yet<br />

unpretentious tribute to all who have<br />

been affected by 9/11.<br />

The first article is an incredibly well<br />

researched timeline of events bringing<br />

back into sharp focus incriminating<br />

matters that would otherwise get<br />

fuzzy and go forgotten over time—<br />

which is what the crooks in high<br />

secret places count on. Well, not<br />

here; let the facts speak up!<br />

The second article is a reflective<br />

“call to action” by congressman Dr.<br />

Ron Paul, who asks his fellow<br />

Americans a question (“Are we<br />

doomed to be a police state?”) that<br />

was similarly on the minds of alert<br />

colonial Americans in the mid 1700s.<br />

And last but certainly not least, the<br />

third article in our 9/11 tribute is Rick<br />

Martin’s front-page feature interview<br />

with Eustace Mullins. <strong>In</strong>deed he is<br />

“an American treasure” who sets an<br />

example of patriotic citizenship of the<br />

SEPTEMBER 2002<br />

highest calibre.<br />

The photo of Eustace posing next<br />

to Thomas Jefferson—with their<br />

similar profiles and identical<br />

resolves—tells the whole story. We<br />

hope you enjoy this “up close and<br />

personal” visit with Eustace as much<br />

as we take great pleasure in<br />

presenting it. There is NOTHING<br />

more moving (or annoying!) than the<br />

power of a good example.<br />

Meanwhile—reflecting the present<br />

condition of a nation being gutted by<br />

a bumper crop of crooks enjoying a<br />

free-for-all—the economic scene<br />

continues to fall apart like an old<br />

used car. And like the proverbial<br />

used car salesman, kicking the tires<br />

to convince us how sound the old<br />

crate is, are the well-paid media<br />

“experts” pontificating in lock-step<br />

with their governmental instructions.<br />

Those who have lost anywhere from<br />

1/3 to 1/2 of their retirement nestegg<br />

(so far) count as additional casualties<br />

in “our” government’s stepped-up war<br />

to subdue we-the-people.<br />

To counteract the media’s relentless<br />

rain of economic baloney, we are<br />

sharing quite a bit of important<br />

“alternative” opinion by Al Martin and<br />

Sherman Skolnick. These are<br />

teachers whose visions of reality<br />

could prove useful to those of you<br />

trying to figure which way to walk<br />

through the money minefield.<br />

And while we’re on the subject of<br />

the crooks in high secret places<br />

(“When were we ever OFF that<br />

subject?” you say), the incredible<br />

story behind the recent jailing of Ohio<br />

Representative James A. Traficant<br />

calls for one of those times when we<br />

really need another front page!<br />

I took a lot of room to introduce<br />

Traficant’s story because, as The<br />

<strong>Truth</strong> came out, it became obvious<br />

that information on the “China<br />

Connection”—which had been shared<br />

with you in past issues of this<br />

publication—played a serious and<br />

central role in his railroading.<br />

Why weren’t these important<br />

connections made on the evening<br />

news programs? They had no<br />

problem devoting plenty of time and<br />

space to making him look like a fool.<br />

Well, we all know why. And more<br />

than a few people watching what<br />

happened to him had their suspicions<br />

raised—again—just like at the time of<br />

9/11, and again with the bombing of<br />

Afghanistan, and again with the<br />

anthrax scare(s), and on it goes.<br />

Deep down in the souls of many<br />

Americans, something felt very very<br />

wrong. There was that nagging<br />

feeling one was watching an honest<br />

guy getting beaten down by a corrupt<br />

and pompous House of bought-off<br />

small-time crooks doing the bidding of<br />

behind-the-scenes Big-Boy Bosses.<br />

But it all falls into place once you<br />

have the missing information we<br />

provide. And assuming you’ve been<br />

doing your homework—studying your<br />

class notes as diligent graduate-level<br />

students must—then what happened<br />

to Traficant will make perfect sense.<br />

It’s just that so many layers of<br />

crooks have so much to hide that<br />

decent, honest, hard-working folks<br />

don’t have the background to imagine<br />

such depravity can be taking place—<br />

especially right before their eyes.<br />

So, like 9/11 and Eustace Mullins<br />

and other icons of patriotic inspiration<br />

we’ve been talking about here, there’s<br />

a good chance that James A.<br />

Traficant will eventually become a<br />

similarly powerful example who stirs<br />

people to get up and change this<br />

nation back for the better.<br />

As Eustace said recently, only<br />

partly in humor: “It’s getting to be<br />

hard to keep up with all the<br />

conspiracies any more.” Ain’t that the<br />

truth!<br />

We here at The SPECTRUM are<br />

doing our best to “keep up” so you<br />

might better stay on top of an evermore-slick<br />

array of shenanigans, as<br />

the crooks feel pressured and<br />

cornered by have to deal with an<br />

ever-more-awakening population.<br />

As you may have noticed, this<br />

issue of The SPECTRUM is even<br />

larger than our usual large size.<br />

Perhaps someone better at this job<br />

than me would know better what to<br />

cut out and not share with you. I’d<br />

rather defer on the side of<br />

completeness. And then appeal to<br />

your generosity, to please help us<br />

financially so that, together, we can<br />

continue to figure out The <strong>Truth</strong> in a<br />

world growing crazier by the day.<br />

— Dr. Edwin M. Young, Editor-<strong>In</strong>-Chief<br />

www.TheSpectrumNews.org Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696<br />


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