Soldier Of Truth In A Lifelong Battle With Lies - Four Winds 10

Soldier Of Truth In A Lifelong Battle With Lies - Four Winds 10

Soldier Of Truth In A Lifelong Battle With Lies - Four Winds 10


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Bombing The Mind: The Pentagon’s<br />

Psycho-Drug Warfare Program<br />

Editor’s note: Those of you with long<br />

memories will recall Rick Martin’s frontpage<br />

feature story The Ticking Time-<br />

Bomb—PROZAC—Prescription For<br />

Disaster in our July 2000 issue. Rick’s<br />

interview with courageous researcher<br />

and lecturer Dr. Ann Blake Tracy<br />

unfolded a story that conveyed as much<br />

outrage as tragedy. One could not<br />

escape the distinct impression that a<br />

covert agenda for the drugging of the<br />

populace was well underway—and that<br />

those participating in this agenda, from<br />

manufacturing through dispensing, were<br />

smiling all the way to the bank.<br />

One of the interesting tidbits of<br />

information brought forth in that story<br />

was the close biochemistry between<br />

Prozac (and its many relatives) and the<br />

infamous hallucinogen LSD. And there’s<br />

a reason to bring up this connection<br />

here.<br />

Several months ago we received<br />

information from a longtime very<br />

credible source and friend of The<br />

SPECTRUM stating that—in a similar<br />

fashion to the chemtrails sprayings—<br />

there was a plan on the drawing board<br />

of the crooks in high secret places to<br />

spray some hallucinogen, such as LSD,<br />

over one or more large population<br />

centers, perhaps calling it a “terrorist”<br />

act and blaming it on whomever needed<br />

to be labeled the latest Bad Guy for<br />

further advancing of the same political<br />

agenda as 9/11 did.<br />

Two other facts shared back in that<br />

July 2000 feature article lend<br />

plausibility to this spray-the-public<br />

“rumor”: (1) it only takes a very very<br />

small quantity of an ingested chemical<br />

like LSD to produce a substantial array<br />

of mind-altering effects; and (2) the CIA<br />

has already stockpiled a huge inventory<br />

of LSD, as far back as the 1950s, from the<br />

originating Sandoz Laboratories in<br />

Switzerland.<br />

Can you imagine such a mass<br />

hallucinogenic spraying being<br />

conducted in conjunction with, say, a<br />

Project Blue Beam satellite-based<br />

holographic projection-type of sky show<br />

(say of a fake alien invasion or “second<br />

coming” of Christ), perhaps along with<br />

a HAARP-type of localized or focused<br />

electromagnetic bombardment tuned to<br />

precipitate additional great mental<br />

disorientation and/or agitation and<br />

fear?<br />

Are we getting carried away or is the<br />

above scenario JUST the tip of the<br />

iceberg? Well, you decide—after<br />

reading the following information,<br />

paying special attention to what is<br />

implied between the lines.<br />

The author, Edward Hammond, is<br />

director of The Sunshine Project. ( Their<br />

website is www.sunshine-project.org and<br />

he can be reached at the<br />

hammond@sunshine-project.org email<br />

address.)<br />

According to the Sunshine Project’s<br />

statement of purpose: “Many biological<br />

weapons are rapidly destroyed by bright<br />

sunlight. The Sunshine Project works to<br />

bring facts about biological weapons to<br />

light!<br />

“We are an international non-profit<br />

organization with offices in Hamburg,<br />

Germany and Austin, Texas, USA. We<br />

work against the hostile use of<br />

biotechnology in the post-Cold War era.<br />

We research and publish to strengthen<br />

the global consensus against biological<br />

warfare and to ensure that international<br />

treaties effectively prevent development<br />

and use of biological weapons.”<br />

At a future date The SPECTRUM<br />

intends to pursue this nefarious subject<br />

in greater depth as a front-page feature<br />

story. For now, consider the implications<br />

of the following outlay very carefully. As<br />

we’ve noted many times since 9/11, the<br />

TRUE terrorists are right here at home.<br />

7/2/02 EDWARD HAMMOND<br />

<strong>In</strong> The Futurological Congress (1971),<br />

Polish writer Stanislaw Lem portrayed a<br />

future in which disobedience is<br />

controlled with hypothetical mindaltering<br />

chemicals dubbed<br />

“benignimizers”. Lem’s fictional work<br />

opens with the frightening story of a<br />

police and military biochemical attack<br />

on protesters outside of an international<br />

scientific convention. As the<br />

environment becomes saturated with<br />

hallucinogenic agents, in Lem’s tale the<br />

protesters (and bystanders) descend into<br />

chaos, overcome by delusions and<br />

feelings of complacency, self-doubt, and<br />

even love.<br />

If the Pentagon’s Joint Non-Lethal<br />

Weapons Directorate (JNLWD) has its<br />

way, Lem may be remembered as a<br />

prophet.<br />

The Advantages And Limitations <strong>Of</strong><br />

Calmatives For Use As A Non-Lethal<br />

Technique, a 49-page report obtained last<br />

week by the Sunshine Project under U.S.<br />

information freedom law, has revealed a<br />

shocking Pentagon program that is<br />

researching psychopharmacological<br />

weapons. Based on “extensive review<br />

conducted on the medical literature and<br />

new developments in the pharmaceutical<br />

industry” the report concludes that: “The<br />

development and use of<br />

[psychopharmacological weapons] is<br />

achievable and desirable.”<br />

These mind-altering weapons violate<br />

international agreements on chemical<br />

and biological warfare as well as human<br />

rights. Some of the techniques discussed<br />

in the report have already been used by<br />

the U.S. in the “War on Terrorism”.<br />

The team, which is based at the<br />

Applied Research Laboratory of<br />

Pennsylvania State University, is<br />

assessing weaponization of a number of<br />

psychiatric and anesthetic<br />

pharmaceuticals, as well as “club drugs”<br />

(such as the “date rape drug” GHB).<br />

According to the report: “The choice<br />

administration route, whether<br />

application to drinking water, topical<br />

administration to the skin, an aerosol<br />

spray inhalation route, or a drug-filled<br />

rubber bullet, among others, will depend<br />

on the environment.” The environments<br />

identified are specific military and civil<br />

situations, including “hungry refugees<br />

that are excited over the distribution of<br />

food”, “a prison setting”, an “agitated<br />

population”, and “hostage situations”.<br />

At times, the JNLWD team’s report<br />

veers very close to defining dissent as a<br />

psychological disorder.<br />

PAGE 84 www.TheSpectrumNews.org Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 SEPTEMBER 2002

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