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eOLU~IBIAN<br />

THE<br />

We.<br />

S'fANDARD,<br />

IJ:J Fame, far, fhll, fati-me, mE:tj-pl[j'2, pln;-no, fficfre, 116r, not;­<br />

61Ii-p8tnd;-thin, THis.<br />

A<br />

The first letter in the Engiish<br />

, alphabet. A, an article set<br />

before nouns of the singular number;<br />

a man, a tree. Before a word<br />

beginning with a yowel, it is ,vritten<br />

an~' as, an ox. A. is sometimes<br />

:a noun; as great ..11. A is p1acc'~<br />

before a participle, or participinl<br />

Iloun; a hunting, a begging. A has<br />

"signification denotingproportion.<br />

A in abbreviation, stands tor ar·<br />

tiuTJl, or arts, as A. ~f. artiu7n magi8ter;<br />

for anno, as A. D. signifies<br />

anna IJomini; and for ante, as A.<br />

:a.r. denotes ante meridiem.<br />

Aback, il·bak'. ad. backwards; back;<br />

a sea term.<br />

Abacot, ab'il.kiit. 8. a cap of state<br />

anciently worn by the kings of<br />

England.<br />

Abacus, ab'a·kfrs. 8. a counting.table;<br />

uppermost member of a column.<br />

Abaft, a-Mft'. ad. from the fm·e.part<br />

ofthe ship, towards the stern.<br />

To Abalienate, ab-a'lt-eLl-llte. "v. a.<br />

in law, to ahandon a property or<br />

right to ano:he,r, '1 •<br />

To Abandon, a·han'dun. 'V. a. to give<br />

up, resign, forsake.<br />

Abandoned, a.biln'dttnd. p. a. given<br />

up, forsaken.<br />

Abandonment, a-b8n'ditn-ml-nt. r.<br />

tile a~t of aball'lolung.<br />

I<br />

Abarticulation, ~b~&r-tlk·u-ll/shfln..<br />

8. that articulation that hasmanifest<br />

motion.<br />

To Abase, "·base'. 'V. a. to castdown.<br />

to depress, to brin~ low.<br />

Abasement, a.b&se'ment. 8. the state<br />

of being brought low, depression.<br />

T8 Abash, a·Msh'. v. a. to make<br />

ashamed.<br />

To Abate, n-..bate'. 'v. a. to lessen, to<br />

diminish: 'V. n. to g'row less.<br />

Abaternent, a.bate'~ent. 8. the act<br />

of abating, extenuation.<br />

Ahb, tib. 8. the yarn on a weaver's<br />

warp.<br />

[nifving ",tber.<br />

Ahba, ';b'ha. 8. a Svri;\Ck word, si~­<br />

Abbacy, ';b'M.s/'. s. privileges of ~<br />

abbot.<br />

[nnOlle'....<br />

A.bbess, ilb'b,k 8. the snperiour ofa<br />

-\ bbe}, or Abbr, fib'be. 8. a mOll""­<br />

tery ofrpligious persons.<br />

Abbot, ah·h(,.t. 8. the chief of a convent<br />

of men.<br />

To Abbreyiate, ab-bre'yt-ate. 't'. all\<br />

to shorten, to rut short.<br />

Abbl'eviation, ab-bre-ye-a'shf~n. [J..<br />

the act of abridging, a contraction ..<br />

Abbreviator, ab.bre-ye-a't(u~. $. one:<br />

who abridges.<br />

Ahbre\'iature, :1b.bre",e-h'tsh.lre. 5'.<br />

a compendium or abridgment.<br />

Abbntals, i\b·b\lt',i~, 8. the buttings<br />

of lam).<br />


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