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.!nd, ~nd. conj. the l'article by which<br />

. sentences or terms are joined.<br />

Andil'on, and'l·hrn. 6. irons on which<br />

wood is laid to bul'n.<br />

Anecdote, an'ek-d6te. 8. a biographical<br />

incident.<br />

Anemography, an-~.mi\g'gri\-f~. 8.<br />

the description of the winds.<br />

.!nemometer, an-e-mom'me-tur. 8.<br />

an instrument contrived to measure<br />

the wind.<br />

Anemoscope, a-nem'6-sk6pe. c. a<br />

machine invented to foretell the<br />

changes of the wind.<br />

Anew, a-mi'. ad. over again.<br />

.Anfractuous, an-frak'tshu-us. Cl.<br />

winding, mazy.<br />

[gel'.<br />

Angel, llne'jH. 8. a heavenly messen­<br />

Angelical, an-jene-klU. Q. l<br />

Angelick, an-jenik. S resembling<br />

angels, above human.<br />

Anger, ang'gl1r. 8. resentment, rage.<br />

7'0 Angrr, iing'giir. 'V. a. to provoke,<br />

to eL"" gee<br />

Angle, ang'gl. 8. the mutual inclination<br />

of tWI) lines meeting in a point;<br />

an instrument to take fish.<br />

,To Angle, ang'gl. 'V. a. to fish with a<br />

rod and hook.<br />

[idiom.<br />

~~nglicism,ang'gle-slzm.8. an English<br />

Angrily, ang'gre-l(:. ad. in an angry<br />

manner.<br />

rger.<br />

-Angry, al1g'gr~. a. touched with an­<br />

Anguish, ang'gwlsh. 8. excessive pain,<br />

either ofbody or mind.<br />

Angular, ang'gu-lfir.a. having angles<br />

or corners. rwith angles.<br />

Angulated, ang'go.-Ill-ted. Q. formed<br />

Angulous, ang'gu-llls. a. hooked, an·<br />

gular.<br />

~ngust, anoog-fist'. a. narrow, strait.<br />

Anhelation, au-he-Ill'shun. s. the act<br />

of panting.<br />

[breath.<br />

Anhelose, an-he-16se'. a. ont of<br />

Aniented, an'e-en-tM. a. frustmted.<br />

Animable, an'e-ma-bl. a. thatwhich<br />

~ay b~ P';lt in~o life.. , ,<br />

AnunadverslOn, an- e.mad-veeshun.<br />

s. reproof, censure..<br />

To Animadvert, an-e-mad-vert'. v.<br />

n. to pass censures upon.<br />

Animal, an'/'-rnal. s. aIlviill; cr~lItttre,<br />

corporeal. " . . .<br />

Animal, au''''-mal. a. that which belongs<br />

or relates to animals.<br />

Animalcule, an-e.mal'kule. 8. a small<br />


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