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A F l~<br />

AGA<br />

11('1', not;-to.be, tOb, bull;-bl1;-poi'md;-thin, Tuis,<br />

All1nity, M-nn'e-tl:. 8. relation to, del' to marriage: 'V. n. to put conn.<br />

conr{t,:xion with.<br />

dence in.<br />

To Affirm, :l.f'ferm'. 'V. 71. to declare: Afield, a-feeld'. ad. to the field.<br />

'D. a. to ratify.<br />

Affirmable, i'tf-fer'm:l.-bI. a. that<br />

Aflat,:I.-fIilt'. ad. level with the ground,<br />

Afloat, :I.-f1ote'. ad. floating.<br />

which may be affirmed. [ation. Atoot, a-fitt'. ad. on foot.<br />

Affirmance, M·fer'm:l.nse. 8. confirm-'\.fore, :I..fore'. prep. before.<br />

Affirmant, :l.[.fer'm:l.nt. 8. the person Afore, a.fore'. ad. in time past, first<br />

that affirms.<br />

in the wav.<br />

Affirmation, ,af..fer-ma'shl1n. 8. the A foregoing; a-fore'gb..ing. p. a. go..<br />

act of affirming or declaring. ing hefore.<br />

Affirmative, M'fer'mil-tlv. a. 0Ppo- '\.forehand, iI-fore'hiind. ad. hy a presed<br />

to negative. vious pro.Yision. A 1 ,.. z<br />

Affirmatively, af.fer'ma-tlv-Ie. ad. \forementlOued, a-fore men-shund.<br />

not negativel}-.<br />

a. mentioned before.<br />

To Affix, af-f1ks'. "D. a. to subjoin. -\forenamed, a-fore'na-mE:d. a. na..<br />

Affix, M'flks. 8. a particle.<br />

med before.<br />

Affixion, af-fiks'shi'lIl. 8. the act Aforesaid, iI-fore'sade. a. said hefore.<br />

affixing. [upon. Aforetime, iI-fore'time. ad. in time<br />

Aillation, af-fI!I'shi'm. 8. a breathing past.<br />

Afflatus, :l.f-fl!t't6.s. 8. a blast of wind. Afraid,:I..frade'.p. a. strnck with fem"<br />

To Afflict, af-fIlkt'. 't•. a. to grieve. Afresb, a-fr~sh'. ad. anew.<br />

Afflictedness, ilf-fIik'ti?d-nes. 8. grief. Afront, :I.-fri'mt'. ad. in front.<br />

Afflicter,af-f!ik'tD.r. 8. the person that After, ilf'tfll'. prep. behind, posterior<br />

afflicts.<br />

in time, accQL'ding to.<br />

Affliction, af-f11k'sh{m. 8. calamity. '\.fte,·, af'tii;. a,d. ~uc,ceeding. .<br />

Afflictive, af-flik'tiv. a. tormenting. Afterages, af'tur-a-Jez. 8. succeedIng<br />

Affluence, af'fhl·ense. Sol b) times.<br />

Affluency, i\f'f1,'".en-se. 5 exu er·: Uternll, anD.r-all. ad. Rt last, in fine.<br />

anee of riches. Afterclap, af'tllr-kHtp. 8. an unex..<br />

Affluent, af'f1 fi·ent. a. wealthy. pected subsequent eyent.<br />

Amnx, M'f1D.ks. 8. the act offlowing. Aftercost,M'tClr-k6st. 8. the expense<br />

To ~fford,af-ford'. 'D. a. to grant any' incurred after the original plan iii<br />

tlung; to be able to hear e"penses. I executed: [vest.<br />

70 Afl't-anchise, ,it~[r:l.n'tshlz. 'D. a. I' Aftercrop, af'tCtr-krOp.8. second harto<br />

make free.<br />

Aftergarne, af'tfir-gIune.ls. methods<br />

Affrancbisement, af-[ran'tshlz·IDEmt. taken after the first tnrn of affairs.<br />

.s. manumission.<br />

Afternoon, af'tfir-noon'. s. the latter<br />

To Affray, M-fril'. 'V. a. to fright. half of the day.<br />

Affi-ay, M.fril'. 8. a publick skirmish. Afterthought, :If'tD.r-thitwt. 8.reflec_<br />

Affriction, it[·fl'ik'shi'lll. 8. tile act of tionsJl.fter the act.<br />

rubbing.<br />

Aftertimes, af'tD.r-t1mez.8. succeed.<br />

70 Affright, af.frite'. 'V. a. to terrif\'. Ii ing times. [c€euing timp.<br />

Affright, af.frlte'. 8. terronr. " Afterward, af'tD.r-w'ml. ad. in snc.<br />

To Affront, ar.friint'. 'D a. to offend: Again, a-gEm'. ad. once more, on the<br />

avowedly. I other hand. [to.<br />

Affront, af-friint'. 8. an insult. II Against, il-genst'. prep. in opposition<br />

Affronter, ar·friin'to.r. 8. the person Agape, ;l-gfip'. ad. stm·jng.<br />

that afrro~ts'l , Agast, a.gast'. a. struck with terrour<br />

To Affuse, af-fuze . 'D. a. to pour one or amazement.<br />

thi~g; upon l~no\her. [fusing. Agate, ag'a~. 8; a preciOlls stone.<br />

AlfnslOn, M-fu zhnn. 8. the act ofaf· To Agaze, a-gaze'. 'V. a. to strike<br />

To Affr. aHf. '';. a. to betroth ill or· with ama~emellt.

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