Program reframing deplomacy

Program reframing deplomacy

Program reframing deplomacy


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Friday 6 and Saturday 7 September 2013<br />

Leiden University

Friday 6 September 2013<br />

Venue<br />


RAPENBURG 67-73<br />

09.00-09.30 Registration<br />

09.30-09.35 Opening<br />

09.35-10.30 Keynote<br />

Klaus Kiran Patel (Maastricht University),<br />

Unofficial Diplomacy and the New Deal: America’s Global History during the 1930s<br />

10.30-11.00 Tea/Coffee<br />

Venue<br />

Lipsius building<br />

11.00 – 12.30 Panel I: WW I and the Interbellum<br />

Room: Lipsius 003<br />

Chair: Kees van Minnen<br />

Samuël Kruisinga (University of Amsterdam)<br />

'Business-like” Diplomacy: The Trade Negotiations<br />

of the Netherlands Overseas Trust Company (1914-1919) during the First<br />

World War'<br />

Michael Jonas (Helmut-Schmidt-University, Hamburg)<br />

'’It is not good with these private politici, particularly not during these times”:<br />

Activism, Diplomacy and Swedish-German Relations during the First World<br />

War’<br />

Bertrand Herremans (CEESAG)<br />

'Belgian Non-Official Diplomacy on National and<br />

Religious Issues 1918-1940'<br />

Panel II: Expertise and Diplomacy<br />

Room: Lipsius 227<br />

Chair: Jan-Henrik Meyer<br />

David Burigana (Universita di Padova) & Leonard Laborie (CNRS, Paris)<br />

'Who are the Diplomats? Negotiating in Techno-Political Areas'<br />

Jorrit van den Berk (University of Leiden / Radboud University, Nijmegen)<br />

‘The Interamerican: Highway Building and New Diplomatic History’

Jennifer Kesteleyn (University of Ghent)<br />

‘Business Diplomacy and Corporate Political Activity: A New Paradigm?’<br />

Panel III: Embassies<br />

Room: Lipsius 228<br />

Chair: Johan van Merriënboer<br />

Simon Rofe (Centre for Diplomacy, SOAS)<br />

'US Embassies in Europe in War and Peace 1940-1948'<br />

Idesbald Goddeeris (KU Leuven)<br />

'Diplomacy or Intelligence? The Polish Embassy in Brussels during the Cold<br />

War'<br />

Jacob Eder (Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena)<br />

'Perception Problems: West German Diplomacy, American Television, and the<br />

Nazi Past'<br />

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch<br />

Venue<br />

Lipsius building<br />

14.00 – 15.30 Panel IV: Unofficial Diplomacy and Political Activism<br />

Room: Lipsius 003<br />

Chair: Louis Clerc<br />

Anne Marie Wilson (University of Leiden)<br />

'From Boston to The Hague: American Women and “Humanitarian<br />

Diplomacy” at the Turn of the 20 th Century'<br />

Anne-Isabelle Richard (Utrecht University)<br />

'The “Avant-Garde” of the League of Nations: The International Federation of<br />

League of Nations Societies and their Part in Governing the World'<br />

Laurence Badel (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne)<br />

'Conflicting Identities: Diplomats facing Economic Challenges in the 20 th<br />

Century'<br />

Panel V: Diplomacy beyond the West<br />

Room: Lipsius 005<br />

Chair: Peter Meel<br />

Roberto Duran (Catholic University of Chile)<br />

'New Challenges for Latin American Diplomacy: Multilateralism and<br />

Preventive Diplomacy'<br />

Stefan Hübner (Bundeswehr University, Munich / Jacobs University, Bremen)<br />

'Building Asian Nations through Sports Events: The Transnational<br />

Communication of 'Modernization' and Development through the Asian<br />

Games and its Predecessors'<br />

Frank Gerits (European University Institute,<br />


'The Methodological Basis for a New Field of Study: Africa and International<br />

History'<br />

Panel VI: Ceremony<br />

Room: Lipsius 227<br />

Chair: Michael Auwers<br />

15.30 – 16.00 Tea / Coffee<br />

Andreas Rathberger (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)<br />

'Correspondents, Lobbyists and Confidential Informers: Informal Diplomacy<br />

in the late 19 th and early 20 th century Ottoman Empire'<br />

Houssine Alloul (University of Antwerp)<br />

'What is 'Oriental Ceremonial'? Belgian Diplomats at the Ottoman Court<br />

1876-1914'<br />

Daniëlle de Vooght (Vrije Universiteit, Brussels)<br />

'Dining with Kings: Culinary Diplomacy in the Low Countries'<br />

Venue<br />

Lipsius building<br />

16.00 – 17.30 Panel VII: 'Cultural Ambassadors'<br />

Room: Lipsius 028<br />

Chair: Anne Marie Wilson<br />

Tity de Vries (University of Groningen)<br />

'When Reporters cross Professional Borders: The Case of Sal Tas and his<br />

Diplomatic Activities in Africa'<br />

Jonathan Rosenberg (Hunter College / CUNY Graduate Center)<br />

'Travels with Lenny: Leonard Bernstein, the New York Philharmonic, and the<br />

Cold War'<br />

Kenneth Marcus (University of La Verne, Los<br />

Angeles)<br />

'The International Relations of Thomas Mann in Early Cold War Germany'<br />

Panel VIII: Changes in Diplomatic Practice<br />

Room: Lipsius 227<br />

Chair: Karen Gram-Skjoldager<br />

Carlos Sanz (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)<br />

'Diplomatizing Democracy, Democratizing Diplomacy? Continuity and<br />

Change in the Spanish Foreign Service after Franco, 1975-1982'<br />

Vincent Delcorps (University of Louvain)<br />

'The Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emerging Multilateralism 1944-<br />

1979'<br />

Haakon Andreas Ikonomou (European University Institute, Florence)<br />

'Caught in the Middle: Connecting 'Europe' and 'Norway' through Informal<br />


Panel IX: Diplomatic Identities<br />

Room: Lipsius 228<br />

Chair: Michael Jonas<br />

Michael Auwers (University of Antwerp)<br />

'The Illusion of Diplomacy: To Become a Diplomat before the First World War'<br />

David Woolner (Roosevelt Institute / Marist College / Bard College)<br />

'The Private Diplomacy of Franklin D. Roosevelt'<br />

Constant Hijzen (University of Leiden)<br />

'Dutch Intelligence and Diplomacy: The Problem of National Interest and<br />

Informal Influence'<br />

18.30 Faculty Club, Academiegebouw<br />

Buffet Dinner for all speakers and board members of New Diplomatic History<br />

Network<br />

Saturday 7 September, 2013<br />

Venue<br />

Lipsius building<br />

9.00 – 10.30 Panel X: Integrating Europe<br />

Room: Lipsius 005<br />

Chair: Angela Romano<br />

Thomas Gijswijt (University of Tübingen)<br />

'Transnational Networks and Informal Governance: The Case of the Monnet<br />

Committee and European Integration'<br />

Mathieu Segers (Utrecht University)<br />

'“A World that Existed but Never Was”: European Market Integration and the<br />

Atlantic Community in the Making 1958-1962'<br />

Alexander Reinfeldt (Universität Hamburg)<br />

'Europeanized Diplomats? Belgian Foreign Policy and European Political Cooperation<br />

in Perspective'<br />

Panel XI: Private Networks and Peace Promotion<br />

Room: Lipsius 028<br />

Chair: David Woolner<br />

Allen Pietrobon (American University, Washington<br />

DC)<br />

'The Role of Norman Cousins and Citizen Diplomacy in the Breakthrough to<br />

the 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty'<br />

Giles Scott-Smith (Roosevelt Study Center / University of Leiden)<br />

'A Dutch Dartmouth: Ernst van Eeghen's Private Campaign to Defuse the<br />

Euromissiles Crisis'<br />

Chris Parkes (London School of Economics)

'“Queer in everything he did”: Sumner Welles and the Art of Non-Traditional<br />

Diplomacy 1933-1943'<br />

Panel XII: Interpreting the Ambassadors<br />

Room: Lipsius 228<br />

Chair: Simon Rofe<br />

10.30 – 11.00 Tea / Coffee<br />

Venue Lipsius 003<br />

11.00 – 12.30 Roundtable:<br />

Amit Das Gupta (Jacobs University, Bremen)<br />

'Subimal Dutt: Three Stages of Indian Diplomacy 1941-1974'<br />

Johan van Merriënboer (Radboud University,<br />

Nijmegen)<br />

'Supranational Diplomacy from Within: The Private Papers of the European<br />

Ambassador to Japan (1987-1990) and the United States (1990-1995), the<br />

former Dutch Prime Minister Andreas van Agt'<br />

Rimko van der Maar (Utrecht University)<br />

'“The Ultimate in Ambassadors”: Herman van Roijen 1905-1991'<br />

American Labor's Global Ambassadors: The International History of the<br />

AFL-CIO during the Cold War<br />

Robert Waters (Ohio Northern University)<br />

Geert van Goethem (AMSAB / Ghent University)<br />

Larissa Rosa Corrêa (International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam)<br />

Dustin Walcher (Southern Oregon University)<br />

Quenby Olmsted Hughes (Rhode Island College)<br />

Mathilde von Bülow (University of Nottingham)<br />

Alessandro Brogi (University of Arkansas)<br />

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch<br />

Venue<br />

Lipsius building<br />

14.00 – 15.30 Panel XIII: CSCE and Multilateral Diplomacy<br />

Room: Lipsius 005<br />

Chair: Ken Weisbrode<br />

Martin Brown (Richmond American International University, London) & Angela<br />

Romano (Machiavelli Center for Cold War Studies)<br />

'The Diplomatic Culture of the CSCE 1969-1975'<br />

Sara Lamberti Moneta (University of Trento)<br />

'Official and Unofficial Diplomacy in the Netherlands in the 1970s: Working<br />

Together for Human Rights?'<br />

Jan-Henrik Meyer (Ludwig-Maximillian-University, Munich)<br />

'Informal Diplomats across International Organizations? Networks of

Environmental NGOs in the 1970s'<br />

Panel XIV: Transnational Networks<br />

Room: Lipsius 028<br />

Chair: Dario Fazzi<br />

Aaron Bell (American University, Washington DC)<br />

'Salvadorean Elites, Transnational Allies, and the Influence of Non-State Actors<br />

during the Salvadorean Civil War'<br />

Kim Christiaens (KU Leuven)<br />

'Relationships and Exchange: Cuban Public Diplomacy and Solidarity Activism<br />

in Belgium during the Cold War 1960s-1980s'<br />

Alessandro Brogi (University of Arkansas)<br />

'The United States and the International Network of the West European<br />

Communists 1964-1979'<br />

Panel XV: Private Diplomatic Networks<br />

Room: Lipsius 227<br />

Chair: Tity de Vries<br />

Mariano Alvarez (University of Leiden)<br />

'Paradiplomacy: The Evolution of Non-Central Governments in Foreign<br />

Affairs'<br />

Albertine Bloemendal (University of Leiden)<br />

'Ernst van der Beugel (1918-2004): Private Diplomat for an Atlantic<br />

Community'<br />

Johannes Grossmann (University of Tübingen)<br />

'Anti-Communism, Informal Diplomacy and Transnational Socialization: The<br />

Example of Jean Violet'<br />


Closing Drinks

E-mail Addresses Participants:<br />

Houssine Alloul<br />

Mariano Alvarez<br />

Michael Auwers<br />

Laurence Badel<br />

Aaron Bell<br />

Jorrit van den Berk<br />

Albertine Bloemendal<br />

Alessandro Brogi<br />

Martin Brown<br />

Mathilde von Bülow<br />

David Burigana<br />

Kim Christiaens<br />

Louis Clerc<br />

Larissa Rosa Corrêa<br />

Vincent Delcorps<br />

Roberto Duran<br />

Jacob Eder<br />

Frank Gerits<br />

Thomas Gijswijt<br />

Idesbald Goddeeris<br />

Geert van Goethem<br />

Karen Gram-Skjoldager<br />

Johannes Grossmann<br />

Amit Das Gupta<br />

Bertrand Herremans<br />

Constant Hijzen<br />

Stefan Hübner<br />

Quenby Olmsted Hughes<br />

Haakon Andreas Ikonomou<br />

Michael Jonas<br />

Jennifer Kesteleyn<br />

Samuël Kruizinga<br />

Leonard Laborie<br />

Rimko van der Maar<br />

Kenneth Marcus<br />

Johan van Merriënboer<br />

Jan-Henrik Meyer<br />

Klaus Kiran Patel<br />

Chris Parkes<br />

Allen Pietrobon<br />

Andreas Rathberger<br />

Alexander Reinfeldt<br />

Anne-Isabelle Richard<br />

Simon Rofe<br />

Angela Romano<br />

Jonathan Rosenberg<br />

Carlos Sanz<br />

Mathieu Segers<br />

Daniëlle de Vooght<br />

Tity de Vries<br />

Dustin Walcher<br />

Robert Waters<br />

Ken Weisbrode<br />

Ann Marie Wilson<br />

David Woolner<br />

houssine.alloul@ua.ac.be<br />

m.alvarez@hum.leidenuniv.nl<br />

michael.auwers@ua.ac.be<br />

laurence.badel@univ-paris1.fr<br />

aaron.bell1@gmail.com<br />

jhhvdberk@hotmail.com<br />

a.bloemendal@gmail.com<br />

abrogi@uark.edu<br />

brownm@richmond.ac.uk<br />

mathilde.von_bulow@nottingham.ac.uk<br />

david.burigana@unipd.it<br />

kim.christiaens@arts.kuleuven.be<br />

loucle@utu.fi<br />

larissarosacorrea@hotmail.com<br />

vincent.delcorps@uclouvain.be<br />

rduran@uc.cl<br />

jacob.eder@uni-jena.de<br />

gerits.frank@gmail.com<br />

thomas.gijswijt@uni-tuebingen.de<br />

idesbald.goddeeris@arts.kuleuven.be<br />

geert.vangoethem@amsab.be<br />

hiskgs@hum.au.dk<br />

johannes.grossmann@uni-tuebingen.de<br />

amitrdasgupta@gmx.de<br />

bertranderasmus@hotmail.com<br />

c.w.hijzen@cdh.leidenuniv.nl<br />

s.huebner@jacobs-university.de<br />

qhughes@ric.edu<br />

haakon.ikonomou@eui.eu<br />

mjonas@hsu-hh.de<br />

Jennifer.Kesteleyn@UGent.be<br />

s.f.kruizinga@uva.nl<br />

leonard.laborie@gmail.com<br />

rimkovandermaar@gmail.com<br />

kmarcus@laverne.edu<br />

j.vanmerrienboer@let.ru.nl<br />

jhmeyer@gmx.de<br />

k.patel@maastrichtuniversity.nl<br />

c.parkes@lse.ac.uk<br />

ap0755a@student.american.edu<br />

arattachberg@gmx.at<br />

alexander.reinfeldt@uni-hamburg.de<br />

a.richard@uu.nl<br />

sr56@soas.ac.uk<br />

a.romano1@lse.ac<br />

jonathan.rosenberg@aol.com<br />

carlos.sanz@ghis.ucm.es<br />

m.l.l.segers@uu.nl<br />

danielle.devooght@vub.ac.be<br />

t.de.vries@rug.nl<br />

walcherd@sou.edu<br />

rawatersjr@yahoo.com<br />

weisbrode@gmail.com<br />

a.m.wilson@luc.leidenuniv.nl<br />


Sponsors:<br />

- Ernst van der Beugel Chair in the Diplomatic History of Atlantic Cooperation<br />

- Institute of History, Leiden University, The Netherlands<br />

- Roosevelt Study Center, Middelburg, The Netherlands<br />

- Leids Universiteitsfonds<br />

- Department of Political Studies, University of Turku, Finland<br />

New Diplomatic History Network:<br />

http://toynbeeprize.org/network-for-the-new-diplomatic-history/<br />

Conference Organizer:<br />

Giles Scott-Smith, Roosevelt Study Center and Leiden University<br />

gp.scott_smith@zeeland.nl<br />

Roosevelt Study Center<br />

P.O. Box 6001<br />

4330 LA Middelburg<br />

The Netherlands<br />

tel. 00-31.118-631459 or 00-31.118-631590

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