PUBLICATIONS MADELEINE O. HOSLI Refereed Journal Articles ...

PUBLICATIONS MADELEINE O. HOSLI Refereed Journal Articles ...

PUBLICATIONS MADELEINE O. HOSLI Refereed Journal Articles ...


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<strong>PUBLICATIONS</strong><br />

<strong>MADELEINE</strong> O. <strong>HOSLI</strong><br />

<strong>Refereed</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> <strong>Articles</strong><br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. and Anke Hoekstra (2013): What Fosters Enduring Peace? An Analysis<br />

of Factors Influencing Civil War Resolution, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public<br />

Policy, 1-34 (open access, online first).<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2012): Negotiating the European Constitution: Government Preferences<br />

for Council Decision Rules, AUCO Czech Economic Review, 6, 3, 177-198.<br />

Van Roozendaal, Peter, Madeleine O. Hosli and Caspar Heetman (2012): Coalition Formation<br />

on Major Policy Dimensions: The Council of the European Union 1998 to 2004, Public<br />

Choice, 53, 3-4, 447-467.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O., Mikko Mattila and Marc C.J. Uriot (2011): Voting in the Council of the<br />

European Union after the 2004 Enlargement: A Comparison of Old and New Member States,<br />

<strong>Journal</strong> of Common Market Studies, 49, 6, 1249-1270.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. and Marc C.J. Uriot (2011): Dimensions of Political Contestation:<br />

Voting in the Council of the European Union Before the 2004 Enlargement, AUCO Czech<br />

Economic Review, 5,3, 231–249.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O., Rebecca Moody, Bryan O’Donovan, Serguei Kaniovski and Anna C.H.<br />

Little (2011): Squaring the Circle? Distributive and Collective Effects of Security Council<br />

Reform, Review of International Organizations, 6, 2, 163-187.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. and Christine Arnold (2010): The Importance of Actor Cleavages in<br />

Negotiating the European Constitution, International Studies Quarterly, 54, 3, 615-632.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2008): Negotiating European Economic and Monetary Union, Homo<br />

Oeconomicus, 25, 2, 203-223.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2008): Council Decision Rules and European Union Constitutional<br />

Design, AUCO Czech Economic Review, 2, 1, 76-96.<br />

Thomson, Robert and Madeleine O. Hosli (2006): Who Has Power in the EU? The<br />

Commission, Council and Parliament in Legislative Decision-making, <strong>Journal</strong> of Common<br />

Market Studies, 44, 1, 391-417.<br />

Taagepera, Rein and Madeleine O. Hosli (2006): National Representation in International<br />

Organizations: The Seat Distribution Formula Implicit in the European Union Council and<br />

Parliament, Political Studies, 54, 2, 370-398.

Benoit, Ken, Michael Laver, Christine Arnold, Paul Pennings and Madeleine O. Hosli (2005):<br />

Measuring National Delegate Positions at the Convention on the Future of Europe Using<br />

Computerized Wordscoring, European Union Politics, 6, 3, 291-313.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. and Moshé Machover (2004): The Nice Treaty and Voting Rules in the<br />

Council: A Reply to Moberg (2002), <strong>Journal</strong> of Common Market Studies, 42, 3, 497-521.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. and Hannu Nurmi (2003): Which Decision Rule for the Future Council?<br />

European Union Politics, 4,1, 37-50.<br />

Börzel, Tanja A. and Madeleine O. Hosli (2003): Brussels Between Bern and Berlin:<br />

Comparative Federalism Meets the European Union, Governance, 16, 2, 179-202.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2002): Preferences and Power in the European Union, Homo<br />

Oeconomicus, XIX, 3, 311-26.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. and Ben Soetendorp (2001): The Hidden Dynamics of EU Council<br />

Decision-making, Acta Politica, 4, 252-87.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. and Reinoud F. Wolffenbuttel (2001): Estimating the Vote Distribution<br />

in the Council of the European Union, <strong>Journal</strong> of International Relations and Development, 4,<br />

1, 38-54.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2001): The Council of the European Union: Challenges and Prospects<br />

(Guest Editor’s Introduction), <strong>Journal</strong> of International Relations and Development, 4, 1, 6-8.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2000): Coalition Formation and Voting in the Council of the European<br />

Union, Homo Oeconomicus, XVII, 31-55.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2000): The Creation of the European Economic and Monetary Union:<br />

Intergovernmental Negotiations and Two-Level Games, European <strong>Journal</strong> of Public Policy,<br />

7, 744-66.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (1999): Power, Connected Coalitions and the Council of the European<br />

Union, International Political Science Review, 371-91.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (1999): The Netherlands and Coalition Formation in the Council of the<br />

European Union, Acta Politica, 34, 67-91.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (1997): Voting Strength in the European Parliament, European <strong>Journal</strong><br />

of Political Research, 31, 351-66.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (1996): Coalitions and Power: Effects of Qualified Majority Voting in<br />

the Council of the European Union, <strong>Journal</strong> of Common Market Studies, 34, 255-73.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (1995): The Balance Between Small and Large: Effects of a Double-<br />

Majority System on Voting Power in the European Union, International Studies Quarterly,<br />

39, 351-70.

Hosli, Madeleine O. (1993): Admission of European Free Trade Association States to the<br />

European Community: Effects on Voting Power in the European Community Council of<br />

Ministers, International Organization, 4, 629-43.<br />

Hauser, Heinz and Madeleine O. Hosli (1991): Harmonization or Regulatory Competition in<br />

the European Community (and the European Economic Area)? Aussenwirtschaft (The Swiss<br />

Review of International Economic Relations), 46, 3/4, 265-80.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (1990): Decision-Making in the European Economic Area and the<br />

Sovereignty of European Free Trade Association States, Aussenwirtschaft (The Swiss Review<br />

of International Economic Relations), 45, 4, 463-94.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (1990): Branchenverbände, wirtschaftliche Organisationen und die<br />

Annäherung der Schweiz an die EG: Resultate einer Erhebung (The Attitude of Swiss<br />

Economic Associations with Respect to Adapting Swiss Law to EC Law: Results of a<br />

Survey), The Swiss Review of Economics and Statistics, 3, 255-270.<br />

Monographs and Edited Volumes<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O., Jian Shi, Zhuyu Li and Wen Pan (2011) The Euro: A Concise<br />

Introduction to European Monetary Integration (authorized translation and update).<br />

Chongqing: Chongqing University Press. (In Chinese)<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2005): The Euro: A Concise Introduction to European Monetary<br />

Integration. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O., Adrian M.A. van Deemen and Mika Widgrén, eds. (2002): Institutional<br />

Challenges in the European Union, London/New York: Routledge.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. and Arild Saether, eds. (1997): Free Trade Agreements and Customs<br />

Unions: Experiences, Challenges and Constraints, Brussels/Maastricht: European<br />

Commission/ European Institute of Public Administration.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (1992): EG-Beitritt oder Teilnahme am EWR: Entwicklungen in der EG<br />

und ihre Rückwirkungen auf die integrationspolitischen Optionen der Schweiz, Chur,<br />

Switzerland: Rüegger.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (1987): Perceptions and Positions in the International Debt Crisis. An<br />

Analysis of Public Statements made by Government Representatives in Developing and in<br />

Industrialized Countries, Kleine Studien zur Politischen Wissenschaft 239-240, Zürich:<br />

Forschungsstelle für Politische Wissenschaft an der Universität Zürich.

Other Publications<br />

Hosli, M.O. (2013): The Creation of European Economic and Monetary Union. In: Holler,<br />

M.J. & Nurmi, H. (Eds.), Power, Voting, and Voting Power: 30 Years After, 521-539. Berlin<br />

Heidelberg: Springer. [Reprint with updates]<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2011): European Monetary Integration and the Euro. In: Yi, O. (Ed.),<br />

Mapping Meanings of Europe, Seoul, Korea: Seoul National University Press, 159-189. (In<br />

Korean).<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2010): Decision Rules and Intergovernmentalism in the European<br />

Union, in Cichocki, M.A. & Zyczkowski, K. (eds.), Institutional Design and Voting Power in<br />

the European Union, Aldershot: Ashgate, 151-170.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O., Jian Shi, Zhuyu Li and Wen Pan (2010): The Greek Sovereign Debt<br />

Crisis and the Euro: Challenges and Opportunities, Working Paper, European Studies Center,<br />

Sichuan University, China.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2008): Can Academics Help? Research in International Relations.<br />

Inaugural Lecture (October), Leiden University.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2008): Negotiating the European Constitution: Actor Cleavages and<br />

Bargaining Outcomes, in Tichỳ, Luboš et al. (eds.), European Integration at the Crossroads,<br />

Beroun: Univerzita Karlova, 127-144.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. and Christine Arnold (2007): The Importance of Actor Cleavages in<br />

Negotiating the European Constitutional Treaty, European Governance Papers C-07-03,<br />

December.<br />

Thomson, Robert and Madeleine O. Hosli (2006): Introduction: Explaining Legislative<br />

Decision Making in the European Union, in Robert Thomson, Frans Stokman, Christopher H.<br />

Achen and Thomas König, eds., The European Union Decides, Cambridge: Cambridge<br />

University Press, 1-24.<br />

Boekhoorn, Vincent, Ad M.A. van Deemen and Madeleine O. Hosli (2006): A Cooperative<br />

Approach to Decision-Making in the European Union, in Robert Thomson, Frans Stokman,<br />

Christopher H. Achen and Thomas König, eds., The European Union Decides, Cambridge:<br />

Cambridge University Press, 178-210.<br />

Arnold, Christine, Madeleine O. Hosli and Paul Pennings (2006): The Netherlands: Domestic<br />

Preference Formation on the European Constitution”, in Thomas König and Simon Hug<br />

(eds.), Preference Formation and European Constitution-building: A Comparative Study in<br />

Member States and Accession Countries, London: Routledge, 176-182.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2004): The Flexibility of Constitutional Design: Enlargement and the<br />

Council of the European Union, Working Paper, Political Science Series (Reihe<br />

Politikwissenschaft), 97, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, June.

Hosli, Madeleine O., Andreas Nölke and Jan Beyers (2004): Contending Political-Economy<br />

Perspectives on European Interest Group Activity, in Andreas Warntjen and Arndt Wonka,<br />

eds., Governance in Europe: The Role of Interest Groups, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 42-56.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. and Adrian M.A. van Deemen (2002): Challenges to Efficiency and<br />

Coalition-Formation in the Council of the European Union, in Madeleine O. Hosli, Adrian<br />

M.A. van Deemen and Mika Widgrén, eds., Institutional Challenges in the European Union,<br />

London/New York: Routledge, 65-87.<br />

Van Deemen, Adrian M.A., Madeleine O. Hosli and Mika Widgrén (2002): Introduction, in<br />

Madeleine O. Hosli, Adrian M.A. van Deemen and Mika Widgrén, eds., Institutional<br />

Challenges in the European Union, London/New York: Routledge, xiii – xvii.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2001): Preferences and Power in the European Union, in Manfred J.<br />

Holler and Guillermo Owen (eds.), Power Measures, Vol. II, Munich: Accedo<br />

Verlagsgesellschaft, 311-326.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2001): Zwitserland: model voor een Europese federatie? Internationale<br />

Spectator, 55, 3, 127-131.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2000): Smaller States and the New Voting Weights in the Council,<br />

Working Paper, Netherlands Institute of International Relations, Clingendael, July.<br />

Colomer, Josep M. and Madeleine O. Hosli (2000): Decision-Making in the European Union:<br />

The Power of Political Parties, in Peter Moser, Gerald Schneider and Gebhard Kirchgässner,<br />

eds., Decision Rules in the European Union, Houndmills/London: Macmillan 234-259.<br />

Bilal, Sanoussi and Madeleine O. Hosli (1999): Connected Coalition Formation and Voting<br />

Power in the Council of the European Union: An Endogenous Policy Approach, Working<br />

paper,99/W/05, European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), December.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (1998): The EMU and International Monetary Relations: What to Expect<br />

for International Actors? In Carolyn Rhodes, ed., The European Union in the World<br />

Community, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 165-191.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (1998): An Institution‘s Capacity to Act: What are the Effects of<br />

Majority Voting in the Council of the European Union and in the European Parliament?<br />

Maastricht: European Institute of Public Administration.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (1997): Herverdeling stemmen in de Europese Raad: een doorlopende<br />

uitdaging, Internationale Spectator, 51, 12, 691-695.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (1997): Trade Relations in Western Europe: The Experience of the<br />

European Union and of the European Free Trade Area, in Madeleine O. Hosli and Arild<br />

Saether, eds., Free Trade Agreements and Customs Unions: Experiences, Challenges and<br />

Constraints, Brussels/Maastricht: European Commission/European Institute of Public<br />

Administration, 145-162.

Hosli, Madeleine O. and Arild Saether (1997): Free Trade Agreements and Customs Unions,<br />

in Madeleine O. Hosli and Arild Saether, eds., Free Trade Agreements and Customs Unions:<br />

Experiences, Challenges and Constraints, Brussels/Maastricht: European<br />

Commission/European Institute of Public Administration, 3-10.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (1997): The Political Economy of Subsidiarity, in Finn Laursen, ed., The<br />

Political Economy of European Integration. Maastricht/Dordrecht: EIPA/Martinus Nijhoff<br />

Publishers, 63-89.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (1992): Harmonization versus Regulatory Competition in the European<br />

Community, in James. C. Luizer, ed, Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the<br />

Pennsylvania Economic Association, 262-75.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (1989): L'attitude des organisations économiques suisses face à la CE<br />

(The Attitute of Swiss Economic Associations Towards the EC), in R. Ruffieux, and<br />

Schachtschneider Morier-Genoud, eds., La Suisse et son avenir européen: Une analyse des<br />

positions suisses face à l'intégration de l'Europe (Switzerland and its European Future. An<br />

Analysis of Swiss Positions Regarding European Integration), Lausanne: Payot, 203-214.<br />

Hauser, Heinz, Alfred Nydegger and Madeleine O. Hosli (1988): Die Schweiz vor dem EG-<br />

Binnenmarkt (Switzerland Facing the EC Internal Market), in Heinz Hauser, ed., Die Schweiz<br />

vor dem EG-Binnenmarkt (Switzerland Facing the EC Internal Market), Grüsch: Rüegger, 57-<br />

95.<br />

Hosli, Madeleine O. (1985): Personal in internationalen Sekretariaten: Merkmale der<br />

Bürokratisierung und der Personalstruktur in 23 Organisationen des 'UN Common System'<br />

(Employees in the Secretariats of International Organizations: Patterns of Bureaucratization<br />

and of Employment in 23 Organizations belonging to the 'UN Common System'), in<br />

Oeffentliche Verwaltung im internationalen Kontext (Public Administration in an<br />

International Context), Kleine Studien zur Politischen Wissenschaft, Zürich: Forschungsstelle<br />

für Politische Wissenschaft an der Universität Zürich, 45-51.

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