TOPS-20 PASCAL Language Manual - Bitsavers

TOPS-20 PASCAL Language Manual - Bitsavers

TOPS-20 PASCAL Language Manual - Bitsavers


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<strong>PASCAL</strong> MESSAGES<br />

? PAS306 Index type of conformant array parameter exceeds range of<br />

declaration<br />

The index type of the actual conformant array parameter<br />

beyond the range declared in the formal parameter list.<br />

extends<br />

? PAS307 Modulus with zero or negative value<br />

The program tried to take the mod of zero.<br />

? PAS309 Variable space exceeds low segment memory size, 377777<br />

(octal)<br />

? PAS310 Code space exceeds available address space, 777777 (octal)<br />

Compile-Time Warnings<br />

% PAS401 Identifier exceeds, 31, characters<br />

Identifiers can be any length, but <strong>PASCAL</strong> scans only the first 31<br />

characters for uniqueness.<br />

% PAS402 Error in option specification<br />

A compiler option is incorrectly specified in the source code.<br />

% PAS403 Source input after "END." ignored<br />

The compiler ignores any characters after the END that terminates<br />

the program.<br />

% PAS404 Duplicate external procedure name<br />

Two external procedures or functions have been declared with the<br />

same name. They refer to the same externally compiled<br />

subprogram.<br />

% PAS405 LABEL declaration in MODULE ignored<br />

The compiler ignores label declarations at the outermost level in<br />

a module.<br />

% PAS407 Illegal option on include file specification; LIST assumed<br />

You specified an option that is not available.<br />

% PAS408 One or more parameter values assumed before "param"<br />

% PAS409 Alternative ordering of HISTORY and RECORDLENGTH parameters<br />

% PAS4I0 Parameter type is not known by FORTRAN.<br />

% PAS413 Case label out of range<br />

% PAS450<br />

% PAS451<br />

% PAS452<br />

% PAS453<br />

% PAS454<br />

% PAS455<br />

% PAS456<br />

Nonstandard <strong>PASCAL</strong>:<br />

Nonstandard <strong>PASCAL</strong>:<br />

Nonstandard <strong>PASCAL</strong>:<br />

Nonstandard <strong>PASCAL</strong>:<br />

Nonstandard <strong>PASCAL</strong>:<br />

Nonstandard <strong>PASCAL</strong>:<br />

Nonstandard <strong>PASCAL</strong>~<br />

Exponentiation<br />

VALUE declaration<br />

OTHERWISE clause<br />

%INCLUDE directive<br />

MODULE declaration<br />

Label exceeds 9999<br />

"$" or "" in identifier<br />


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