TOPS-20 PASCAL Language Manual - Bitsavers

TOPS-20 PASCAL Language Manual - Bitsavers

TOPS-20 PASCAL Language Manual - Bitsavers


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<strong>PASCAL</strong> STATE~ENTS<br />

Example 4<br />

:= 1 TO N DO<br />

FOR Effiplo~ee<br />

BEGIN<br />

HRS : :::: 40;<br />

FOR Da~ := Mon TO Fri DO<br />

IF Sick(Employee,Da~J<br />

THEN<br />

HR!:l : :::: HR!3····B,<br />

F' a y [: [ IT! P 1 () y f.;> f:~ J : :::: W a ~J f:'~ [ E III P 1 D ~J e f:.~ ] * HI:;: S<br />

END;<br />

You can combine compound statements as in this example. The inner FOR<br />

statement computes the number of hours each employee worked from<br />

Monday through Friday. The outer FOR statement resets hours to 40 for<br />

each employee and computes each person's pay as the product of w~ge<br />

and hours worked.<br />

5.4.2 The REPEAT Statement<br />

The REPEAT statement groups one or more statements for execution until<br />

a specified condition is true.<br />

Fo rma t<br />

where:<br />

REPEAT statement [;statement ... D UNTIL expression;<br />

expression<br />

specifies a Boolean expression.<br />

Note that the format of the REPEAT statement eliminates the need for a<br />

compound statement.<br />

The expression is evaluated after the statements are executed.<br />

Therefore, the REPEAT group is always executed at least once.<br />

Example<br />

REPEAT<br />

READ(X);<br />

IF (X IN (10 1 •• 1 9 1 ]) THEN<br />

BEGIN<br />

Di~it_Count := Di~it_Count t 1;<br />

Di~it_Sum := Di~it_Sum t ORD(X) - ORD(IOI)<br />

END<br />

ELSE Char_Count := Char_Countt1<br />


Assume that the variable X is of type Char, and the variables<br />

Digit_Count, Digit_Sum, and Char Count are integers. The example<br />

reads a character (X) from the terminal. If X is a digit, the count<br />

of digits is incremented by one; and the sum of digits is increased<br />

by the value of X. The ORD function is used to compute the value of<br />

X. If X is not a digit, the variable Char Count is incremented by<br />

one. The example continues processing characters from the terminal<br />

until it reaches an end-of-line (EOLN) condition.<br />


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