TOPS-20 PASCAL Language Manual - Bitsavers

TOPS-20 PASCAL Language Manual - Bitsavers

TOPS-20 PASCAL Language Manual - Bitsavers


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In the main program, the WHILE loop reads a number and a name for one<br />

student. The following procedure call allocates memory for a new<br />

student record:<br />

NEW (!3tudent) ;<br />

The new record is inserted at the beginning of the list, that is,<br />

StudentA.Next points to the previous head of the list. The value of<br />

the new student record is assigned to the Start pointer.<br />

The WRITE DATA procedure writes the name and student ID number for<br />

each stu~ent in the linked list. After writing data for one student,<br />

the procedure assigns the address of the next record in the list to<br />

Next Student. The following call deallocates memory for one student<br />

record:<br />

11 I SPOS[ (Sturjf.~nt) ;<br />

After deallocating memory, the procedure assigns the value of<br />

Next Student to Student. When the current student record points to<br />

NIL, the loop stops executing.<br />


You can use the following forms of NEW and DISPOSE when manipulating<br />

dynamic variables of a record type with variants:<br />

N EW ( p , t 1 , . • • , t n )<br />

DISPOSE(p,tl, ••. ,tn)<br />

The parameter p must be a pointer variable pointing<br />

variants. The optional parameters tl through<br />

constants. They represent nested tag field values<br />

outermost variant.<br />

to a record with<br />

tn must be scalar<br />

where tl is the<br />

If you create p without specifying the tag field values, the system<br />

allocates enough memory to hold any of the variants in the recard.<br />

Sometimes, however, a dynamic variable takes values of only a<br />

particular variant. If that variant requires less memory than NEW(p)<br />

allocates, you should use the NEW(p,tl, ••. ,tn) form.<br />

For example, the following record represents a menu selection:<br />

TYPE Menu_Ptr = ~Menu_Order;<br />

Meat_T~pe = (Fish, Fowl, Beef);<br />

Beef _Po rt i on ;:;; «()z _.. 10, Oz_ .. 16, Oz_32);<br />

Menu_Order = RECORD<br />

CASE Entree : Meat_T~pe OF<br />

Fish ( F i S tL T ~ P f.~ : ( S a 1m 0 n, Cod, P (-? r c h, T T' out ) ;<br />

Lemon: BOOLEAN);<br />

Fowl (Fowl_T~pe : (Chicken, Duck, Goose);<br />

Sauce: (Orange, Cherr~, Raisin»;<br />

Beef ( Bee f._ T y p e : ( S tea k, R 0 a~; t, P rim e _.. rib) ;<br />

CASE Size : Beef_Portion OF<br />

Oz_.10, Oz_:L6 : (BeeL.. vf?~.:j : (AT'tichoke, ML·~ed»;<br />

Oz_32 : (Stomach_Cure : (Bicarbonate,<br />

Antacid,None_Needed»;<br />

END;<br />

VAR Menu_Selection<br />


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