Grex Project

Grex Project

Grex Project


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Towards Cooperative Behaviour between Multiple Unmanned Marine<br />

Vehicles (MUMVs): Team Handling for the First Multi Vehicle Primitives<br />

Matthias Schneider, Ilmenau University of Technology / Germany, schneider.matthias@tuilmenau.de<br />

Thomas Glotzbach, Ilmenau University of Technology / Germany; Fraunhofer Center for Applied<br />

Systems Technology, Ilmenau / Germany, thomas.glotzbach@tu-ilmenau.de<br />

Thomas Güther, Ilmenau University of Technology / Germany, thomas.guether@tu-ilmenau.de<br />

Peter Otto, Ilmenau University of Technology / Germany, peter.otto@tu-ilmenau.de<br />

Abstract<br />

The realization of cooperative behavior between Multiple Unmanned Marine Vehicles (MUMVs) is a<br />

real challenge, due to the conditions of the marine environment. In this paper we show a basic team<br />

handling design to enable already existing, single autonomous vehicles to participate in team<br />

missions. We describe a two stage realization of the control software which takes care of the online<br />

replanning, error handling and mission fulfillment within the given constraints of communication as<br />

well as the limited access to the different vehicles.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

The cumulative industrialization and exploitation of the ocean leads to an increasing demand of<br />

autonomous underwater vehicles. Within the GREX 1 research project, the aim is to implant<br />

cooperative teams of Multiple Unmanned Marine Vehicles. Additional to the problems of navigation<br />

and communication which need to be addressed, algorithms for cooperative behavior need to be<br />

developed. Additionally, these algorithms, like presented in Aguiar and Pascoal (2009) within this<br />

session, need to be translated in such a way that they can be realized within the coordinating software<br />

that will run on the real vehicles at the end of the project.<br />

To realize scenarios which require the participation of several unmanned marine vehicles or can only<br />

be executed by one vehicle with great effort, several preconditions must be achieved. On the one<br />

hand, the involved vehicles must fulfill several hard- and software requirements to participate in a<br />

team. On the other hand, an intelligent team management is needed. Starting from the experiences<br />

made during the first comprehensive tests with different vehicle models employed by the providers,<br />

this paper presents the realization of an adequate team behavior and discusses it with selected<br />

examples. The employed procedure requires an offline mission planning and the single autonomy<br />

ability of the vehicles to follow a planned path. Using the presented concept, teams with large<br />

numbers of single autonomous vehicles can be realized. The single steps of the team handling will be<br />

presented by means of a coordinated path following and an algorithm to establish a formation.<br />

The two-stage concept consists on the one hand of the Monitoring Module, which realizes the<br />

functionalities of mission observation and planning. On the basis of the current maneuver and the<br />

telegram-based communication, decisions are made which enable the vehicle to act as a team player.<br />

These decisions are supported by embedded algorithms like ‘Coordinated Path Following’, Aguiar<br />

and Pascoal (2007), or ‘Go To Formation’, Haeussler et al. (2009). The second level of the Team<br />

1 GREX is the Latin word for herd, team, or swarm. The research project GREX is funded by the Sixth<br />

Framework Programme of the European Community (FP6-IST-2006-035223). Participants of the GREXproject<br />

are the following companies and institutions: ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GmbH (Germany), Centre of<br />

IMAR at Department of Oceanography and Fisheries at the University of the Azores (Portugal), Ifremer<br />

(France), Innova S.p.A. (Italy), Instituto Superior Tecnico IST - Lab: Institute for Systems and Robotics ISR<br />

(Portugal), MC Marketing Consulting (Germany), ORANGE ENERGY Consulting (Portugal), SeeByte Ltd.<br />

(United Kingdom), Institute for Automation and Systems Engineering of the Ilmenau University of Technology<br />

(Germany). See GREX (2008) for further information.<br />


Handler concept is realized by a Replanning Module, which administrates, executes and validates the<br />

replanning commands. While we demonstrated the base functionalities of this concept in Glotzbach et<br />

al. (2008), we will go further into detail now and explain the software realization of the team handler<br />

and of the algorithms for the first realized and tested Multi Vehicle Primitives. With the already<br />

realized functionalities, we are now able to simulate a complete mission from the beginning (vehicles<br />

in the water at arbitrary positions) to the end (vehicles have completed their missions plans and wait at<br />

defined positions for recovery). This mission will be presented using the developed high-level<br />

simulator and employing the original software modules which will later also be used for the real<br />

vehicles.<br />

2. Basic conditions within the GREX research project<br />

The main idea of the GREX project is to develop a middleware system which enables multiple<br />

unmanned marine vehicles to act in a team to perform missions of higher complexity. The basic<br />

modules of the mentioned system are shown in Fig.1. Only through the collaboration of the several<br />

and specialized modules a team oriented behavior can be realized.<br />

Fig.1: GREX middleware system<br />

The Communication Module is responsible for the complete communication between several<br />

vehicles. Team Navigation estimates the position of all team mates based on a complex estimator<br />

structure, the spare position information of the other vehicles and the current track data, like described<br />

in Engel and Kalwa (2007). The Team Handler Module realizes the complete management of a team<br />

and enables the team oriented behavior on a single autonomous vehicle. Due to the use of different<br />

and existing single autonomous vehicles within the GREX research project an Interface Module is<br />

necessary which provides a communication link between the existing vehicle hardware and the GREX<br />

components. Furthermore we have to deal with several constraints. On the one hand there are vehicles<br />

which are able to perform single missions and limited replanning capability. On the other hand we<br />

have the underwater communication with very low bandwidth and high rate of information loss. To<br />

handle these different constraints and provide a save team operating software as well as mission<br />

replanning an intelligent team handling concept is necessary.<br />

3. Multi System Mission Control<br />

Based on the defined structure of the Multi Vehicle Primitives, introduced in Glotzbach et al. (2008),<br />

we are able to provide a conceptual framework to handle teams of multiple unmanned marine<br />

vehicles. The main part of this proposal, the Team Handler core, is shown in Fig.2.<br />


Fig.2: Main parts of the Team Handler core<br />

This core provides the basic functionality to handle multi vehicle mission scenarios, including<br />

strategies to adapt the level of autonomy during the mission execution based on external events, and<br />

consists of three main parts which are described in the following chapters. The highest level of the<br />

internal build-up is realized with state machines which were triggered by telegrams. These structures<br />

constitute the base of information flow between the several GREX modules as well as between the<br />

several vehicles within one mission scenario. The telegram types including the build-up of the<br />

structure are predefined. This minimizes the occurrence of an error through modified messages caused<br />

by module or communication failures.<br />

3.1. Data Management<br />

The first part of the Team Handler structure is represented by the Data Management. This passive<br />

object stores the information of all vehicles which take part in a mission as well as the mission<br />

information itself to provide several data for coordination and replanning purposes.<br />

Fig.3: Data management structure<br />

The information has to be stored on every GREX vehicle and will be loaded after the Team Handler<br />

module is started. The basic structure of this module is shown in Fig.3. Furthermore it provides some<br />

simple calculation functionality concerning mission and vehicle data to support the team handling<br />

process through a Functionality Interface. These structures can be extended easily in order to add new<br />

data or features. Due to the use of an external Data Management the Team Handler core is completely<br />

independent from the structure of mission plans or kind of vehicle which should be controlled because<br />

the internal structures are still the same.<br />


3.2 Team Initialization Process<br />

The first active part of the Team Handler builds the Initialization Process. Within these routines a first<br />

level of cooperative coordination is realized which is controlled from the Team Handler of the leading<br />

vehicle. Like the other critical parts of the presented structure the single steps of the initialization are<br />

predefined and implemented as state machine.<br />

Fig.4: Main process diagram of the Team Handler with focus on Team Initialization Process<br />

The Initialization Process can be divided in two parts, see Fig.4. On the left side, there are the routines<br />

that initialize the vehicle internal structures like the Team Navigation Module with specified data<br />

from the Data Management or from the vehicle itself. On the right side, functionalities which setup<br />

the team data are implemented. The process of the second part depends if the current vehicle is the<br />

leading one or just a team member. While the Team Handler on the leading vehicle is responsible to<br />

collect the group data to prepare the start of the mission, the member vehicles have to send required<br />

data. After all parts are initialized in the correct way the main process loop, including Mission<br />

Monitoring and Mission Replanning, will start.<br />

3.3. Mission Monitoring<br />

The main control part of the Team Handler structure builds the Mission Monitoring. Based on the<br />

rational behavior model in conjunction with a global state machine this part generates commands for<br />

replanning or information for other modules. Thereby we distinguish between two kinds of Team<br />

Handlers in general. The Team Handler on the leading vehicle and the team handling structures on a<br />

member vehicle. Both are realized identical while the leading vehicle has to fulfill some additional<br />

tasks like the coordination of the group initialization process and the path re-/planning of complex<br />

maneuvers. The role as leading vehicle can be transferred to another vehicle during the mission and<br />

depends on the parameters which were set during the offline planning process.<br />

Fig.5 gives an overview of the main workflow within the Team Handler structure from a more<br />

practical point of view. The focused area points the major tasks of the Mission Monitoring including<br />

the different layers specified by the Rational Behavior Model (RBM). The RBM is a standard<br />

approach for hierarchical control structures in research on mobile robotics, Kwak et al. (1993). Every<br />

layer is realized by at least one function which creates proposals to manipulate the behavior of the<br />

current vehicle in order to activate and keep a team manner within the group of vehicles taking part on<br />

a mission. Thereby the influence of the different layers gets smaller from the Strategic Level down to<br />

the Executive Level.<br />


Fig.5: Main process diagram of the Team Handler with focus on Mission Monitoring<br />

The Strategic Level has the highest priority and the ability to abort the complete mission if an error<br />

occurs. Therefore it checks all telegrams which contain error reports of modules or vehicles as well as<br />

denies of replannings. On the other hand this layer is responsible to control the mission activity. If a<br />

new part of the mission (primitive) starts, it initializes the internal states and structures with the new<br />

data. Furthermore the Strategic Layer verifies the current position of the vehicle within the current<br />

primitive and the given global mission area. If any inconsistency is found, the mission will be aborted<br />

for security reasons.<br />

The second layer of the Mission Monitoring builds the Tactical Level. It includes local state machines<br />

which depend on the different Multi Vehicle Primitives that are realized within the Team Handler.<br />

This layer can be extended with algorithms for complex multi vehicle scenarios like GoToFormation<br />

or CoordinatedTargetTracking. Algorithms with a high computing time or ambiguous results are<br />

started in separate and controlled threads as a precaution. Due to this realization there is no critical<br />

impact in the main team handling core. On the other hand the results of complex calculations can also<br />

be used for the complete team e. g. in case of the GoToFormation implementation. If so, the Team<br />

Handler of the leading vehicle calculates and shares the data while the member vehicles have to wait<br />

for it. If the parameters are known, this is done in advance during the standard mission execution to<br />

guarantee a smooth mission cycle.<br />

The Executive Level has just a small priority compared to the other ones but it is executed most<br />

frequently during standard parts (tracks and arcs) of a mission scenario. In general it is responsible to<br />

adapt the speed of its own vehicle to keep the predefined formation based on very fast algorithms, like<br />

suggested in Ghabcheloo et al. (2005).<br />

With the exception of decisions made by the Strategic Level, the results of the different algorithms<br />

(speed adaption, new path, etc.) were passed through the Mission Replanning.<br />

3.4. Mission Replanning<br />

Beside the tactical part of the Team Handler, the Mission Replanning represents the executive part.<br />

After a Mission Monitoring cycle is finished, the main process routine of the Mission Replanning will<br />

be called, replanning or adjustment proposals will be examined and achieved. Fig.6 shows the main<br />

functionalities of this Team Handler component. The dotted line in Fig.6 represents the data transfer<br />

of the replanning or adjustment commands which will be evaluated and sorted by an intelligent<br />

sorting routine. In general this filter works with two main criteria. On the one hand there is the<br />

priority of a command depending on the level of the Mission Monitoring where it comes from. On the<br />

other hand old data can get needless if the mission primitive changed. Based on this replanning<br />

sequence the control part of the Mission Replanning just gets the command with the highest priority.<br />


Due to the fact that within GREX the presented solution is one of the first realizations for such kind of<br />

team handling structure and also for vehicle security reasons, only one replanning command is<br />

executed at the same time. Furthermore every order which is send gets a unique identifier that has to<br />

be in the reply message. Depending on the priority of a replanning it is possible that an order will be<br />

denied by the vehicle, e.g. a speed adaptation. A decline of course changes or high priority commands<br />

will end up with a global mission abort realized through an internal message to the Mission<br />

Monitoring component.<br />

Fig.6: Main process diagram of the Team Handler with focus on Mission Replanning<br />

4. Simulation Environment and first results<br />

This external software package provides all data and functionalities which are necessary to simulate<br />

an environment for test purposes from a team handling point of view. It includes e. g. the height above<br />

sea ground, the surrounding sea current or the communication delay as well as data loss as result of<br />

the acoustic underwater communication. Furthermore the Simulation Environment is able to emulate<br />

sensors of a vehicle by calculating the distance to static or dynamic objects like gas concentrations.<br />

Due to the usage of the mentioned data, the GREX simulation software is able to execute missions<br />

with multiple vehicles close to reality.<br />

Fig.7: Simulation Environment<br />

Fig.7 shows the used Simulation Environment with the Environmental Module itself. Every simulated<br />

vehicle needs an interface to the Environment Server to get control relevant data or acoustic messages<br />

from other vehicles. For flexibility reasons it is possible to run the Environment Module and each<br />

simulated vehicle on a separate computer linked by a standard network or the internet. Due to cost<br />

efficiency it is also feasible to run the Environment Module as well as each simulated vehicle on just<br />

one computer.<br />


Fig.8: Simulation result with two vehicles<br />

Fig.8 shows a result of a test mission with some explanations at the different states of the example.<br />

The Team Handler structures proposed in this paper provides group control mechanisms in every part<br />

of a mission in terms of speed adaption to guarantee a given formation as well as replannings to allow<br />

complex maneuvers like the shown GoToFormation algorithm.<br />

5. Conclusion<br />

In this paper we described a basic and tested concept which enables the team behavior of single<br />

autonomous unmanned marine vehicles. Due to the generic realization the shown concept is usable for<br />

nearly all kinds of vehicles and also very easy to extend with new control algorithms. Furthermore it<br />

considers the limitations of the current generation of unmanned marine vehicles as well as the marine<br />

environment. The existing vehicle hardware and the internal vehicle control gets just “proposals”<br />

from the team handling structures, there is no active modification. Based on this strategy in<br />

conjunction with the state machines and mission validation within the team handler core a very safe<br />

concept is proposed. Furthermore it provides a test platform for new control algorithms which can be<br />

validated in simulation.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support of the European Community in the framework<br />

of the research project GREX. The project GREX (FP6-IST-2006-035223) is funded by the Sixth<br />

Framework Programme of the European Community.<br />


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