US Customs and Border Protection Ajo Housing Development ... - GSA

US Customs and Border Protection Ajo Housing Development ... - GSA

US Customs and Border Protection Ajo Housing Development ... - GSA


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Mr, Mr. Michael Mi(:hael <br />

Dawson<br />

Ra: Re: <strong>US</strong> G_al General Services Admiflislration:<br />

Administration: <strong>US</strong> CUltoml <strong>Customs</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Border</strong> <strong>Protection</strong>·<br />

Prolaction • <strong>Ajo</strong> <strong>Housing</strong><br />

Houalng<br />

<strong>Development</strong> Project<br />

May 10, 2010<br />

Page<br />

Pa.ge 3<br />

• How have agencies,<br />

tribes, end <strong>and</strong> the public been involved In in the early planning<br />

plannillg<br />

"rocelS process to identify the Alo <strong>Ajo</strong> housing project 81 as the proposed undertaking?<br />

• Which agencie., agencies, tribes,<br />

lribn, lind <strong>and</strong> communily<br />

community orgenizalions<br />

organizations were conl.Cled contacted <strong>and</strong> when did<br />

thia this early planning take<br />

I.ke place?<br />

Oernition Definition of Altelnalives.<br />

Alternatives.<br />

We underst<strong>and</strong><br />

understend from your scoping letter<br />

leuer th.l that <strong>GSA</strong> has considered I>otJsing housing locations in<br />

lukeville Lukeville <strong>and</strong> Why <strong>and</strong> has identified ilS its pre'erred preferred .Itern.tive<br />

alternative as<br />

81 purchasing l<strong>and</strong> in <strong>Ajo</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

placing up 10 to 56 modul.r modular hou.ing housing units on tile the .ite, site. <br />

It appaars appears that locations .for<br />

housing in<br />

lUkeville, Lukeville, Why, <strong>and</strong> Aio <strong>Ajo</strong> were con.idered<br />

considered but are not presented as<br />

a. alternatives.<br />

•.<br />

• Wh.t What is<br />

i. the<br />

cumuletive<br />

cumulative .cope scope or of current,<br />

propo.ed, proposed, <strong>and</strong> future oparations<br />

operations In in<br />

we.tem western Pima County?<br />

• Whet What alternatives<br />

altemalives ara are being<br />

cOl1.idaredl<br />

considered?<br />

• Why are modular units the<br />

tha only housing<br />

twusing typa typebeing<br />

considered?<br />

• Why i. is the rehabilitation<br />

rehab~itation of existing historic buildings <strong>and</strong> oth"" other twu.ing housing stock not<br />

being con.idered<br />

considered as an altewatlve?<br />

alternative?<br />

• Exacutiva Executive Order 13006, "Locating<br />

"locaring FI!(/eral Federal Faciliries Facilities ()ll on HiS/otic Historic Properries Properties in ou, our<br />

Nation's<br />

Nlltion's<br />

N.ttion's Cent,el Central Citie5" Cities" .tates states thai that Federal agencies 'shall "shall give first<br />

li'st consideration<br />

considerll1ion<br />

to<br />

10 hi.loric historic prop&nies properties within hi.tori(: historic districts<br />

di.tricts...<br />

...or<br />

other developed or undeveloped<br />

silas sites within historic diStricts." diStriCts." districts." How i. is <strong>GSA</strong> complying with EO 13006?<br />

130061<br />

Environmlll'ltal<br />

Environmental impact. impacts <strong>and</strong> Mitigation.<br />

M·tigalion.<br />

Tho! The lIcoping<br />

letter does<br />

not<br />

nol address how the<br />

effects<br />

allects (n<br />

Ineo;\tive ative or oositivei positive) to the nlltural. natural,<br />

social <strong>and</strong> economic environment will be considered in the EA.<br />

• Should the <strong>Ajo</strong> location be selected, we feel<br />

felll direct inVll5lmenl<br />

investment in<br />

In <strong>Ajo</strong><br />

AJo by <strong>GSA</strong> has<br />

..<br />

Ihe the potential to prO\lide provide 1I a larga large economic benefit<br />

benefil to tha the communily,<br />

community, bring new<br />

naw<br />

rasidents residents <strong>and</strong> employment opportunities to<br />

10 the<br />

tha town,<br />

lown, <strong>and</strong> exp<strong>and</strong> the community's<br />

economic base.<br />

bllse,<br />

• II If historic<br />

hi.loric home. homes <strong>and</strong> lKJildings buildings wilhin within the.<br />

lhe Aio <strong>Ajo</strong> Historic<br />

Hi.lorlc District ara are rehabilitated<br />

rehabilit.ted by<br />

<strong>GSA</strong>, Iha the blJilt built anvironment<br />

environment <strong>and</strong> fabric of the<br />

tha community will be graatly greatly enhanced.<br />

anhancad,<br />

• If naw new architecturally<br />

archilecl....<br />

....lly<br />

compalible<br />

compatible housing is developed within the<br />

Ihe historic district on<br />

undeveloped<br />

loll, lots, the<br />

ChafaCter character of tha the surrounding<br />


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