Volume 7 - Iapsop.com

Volume 7 - Iapsop.com

Volume 7 - Iapsop.com


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EditOFS N oticos and Comments<br />



II 8cient(fic n""ord of CuoTent EDimts<br />

Connected with SPiritualism TogelMr ",Uk<br />

Artiel ... on ito Phlloaophll.<br />


110 BromBeld oit.. :Room 6-<br />

. . 8UBaCR'~ION PRICE. One Ye4I',81.80. POflt.age'<br />

f'rfe to 8ubecrlbera In the Unlled ij&al.M. ODe YrU<br />

to DOY Jo~orelgD ~oat.ry. poat.uBe Included, .1."~,<br />

AD.EBT~,)INO RATEs. Bingle StDlE'rtloD, I.wenty •.<br />

five cenla p(tr lIu~t Nonpareil acme: n'ne wcmle. m~·<br />

tug a Une. Dod ,.elva Un. $In 1acb. }Wdaet.loa for<br />

.ubsl'quenl. lusen!ona; Send for apec1a1 rald.<br />

RRMITTAJrtCE8 tor Subacrlpdoll8, at)d alt Jetten,<br />

books fur review, &.c.,. eboald be addressed<br />


,BO$""_ MAIl" I1.S.A<br />

_ . ...<br />

VOL. VII. M" II 1'.' 1878. No.4.<br />

If1Io ABDBEVIATION!I. ...<br />

To aV~fd ... Ung I'paC.e by eontlDuf'd Tep!Utlooa or<br />

'be loog ,DamN ot our WGlI·kno\'lnl esthanRee ta<br />

tull, we bave coloed abb~atJone thlll win Uke<br />

, the Ita.et poa.eible flPDII!e wbll. NIVIDg ,be purpose<br />

of olf-all, tndleallo8 trom ·wb&n~ 'be lnfoi'mat1oc<br />

fa denyro. "fbey are aa tonowe:-<br />

r. p. J. IWUglo Pbllo.opbloai Joomol. Cbl-". III.<br />

b. I. Bantler of LlCbt.. 6011.00, MUI.<br />

1. m. d. l..onduD Medium God DPo,break. l"ondoD, EDg.<br />

I... Lo~doD SpJrlttiaIJet, l..ondon, Eng. .<br />

h. o. Uam8Q Nat un_ London, gng. .<br />

Y. t.. Volee 01 Trutb. Mempbla. Tenn.<br />

The name&ottbou tOTelg.. Journal.} IM.8 lrequl/loU,<br />

quoted tro~ aod DO&' 80 Rl'Oerall,Y Ano.o, 'France,<br />

Spain, Belgium, Gel'D:lany. ltal,. Tarke" MeaiCfo,<br />

SOuLb Aroerlea. e'Le .. w!U be glveo tu fuU.<br />

.~<br />

TnB OUTJ.OOK.<br />

Ca.n yoti perceive tbe gr.lIId a:wailenlng on<br />

the subjeCt of Spiritualism in this country<br />

and allover the world? Have you noticed<br />

. tbe spoutBneoUII maoUestatlobS· occurrlu g<br />

amoug people who knsw notblng of the philosophy<br />

and believed Jess uolll the evldenc ..<br />

of their seilsea forced a conviction? Is It not<br />

Ii sign of a healthy growth that Impostors are<br />

being cxpOsed everywhere while geuuine me'<br />

dlums are permitting the most absolute tests<br />

and astonishing even .Splritualists by the<br />

. m-ength of the manlfcsla!lona under these<br />

condjUous? Ob, there Is cause for general<br />

. rejoicing •. ~Tbe Morning J.lgbt is breaking,.<br />

tbedarknee, disappears." As we have glanced<br />

over the leading papors.of the Uuil.ed Slates<br />

that <strong>com</strong>e to hand we have been astonl8hed<br />

with the experiences thQt nre therein re­<br />

Corded. It needs no .,19ld ImaglnatJon to<br />

·plcture the .other world forcing Itself Into<br />

connectJon with this spbere of existence.<br />

Tbe wall that separates the twOgtOW8 weaker.<br />

Every day It Is crumbling and tho spirit force<br />

rusbcs through triumphant, determined to<br />

make itselC seen, heard and Celt.<br />

TSE TJlu~ RI'!LIOIOI'l •<br />

It Is oftentimes difficult to a.certaIn if the<br />

stories appearing hi the secular press ",Iatlng<br />

to spirit Interference In tM all"alrs 01 this<br />

world are true or merely Imaginative. In<br />

the majority of cases It Is evident that the<br />

author I. famlHar with the subject of Spirit.­<br />

pruism and· valnable InformaUon concern­<br />

Ing the pbllooophy Is dessembial.ed. In our<br />

department for ".Mental Phases" of the pben·<br />

.omena, we publish a story· that <strong>com</strong>es from<br />

~t. Louis of a spirit bUsband, by bls dlrectln­<br />

~uencie. sending aid to.hIs sl.l\rVing wife. It III<br />

claimed that tbe man who bad be.en lollu· .<br />

cneed was a member of the chnrch and<br />

dreaded to have anythlng·to do with Spirit.­<br />

uallsm; bllt was bidueed by 8. friend to visit<br />

II private medium. Sbe· 800n booamo con·<br />

trolled by a spirit, who said, "My oalbe is<br />

S. God bl .... you my noblo friend. [lIere<br />

the lady arose and sbook hands with the gen·<br />

tleman we havetreferred to. J This may 88em<br />

strange to you, and I ask your pardon for the<br />

trouble I have been to YOD.<br />

You were the<br />

oply person I could coutrol to save the life of<br />

the woman I love and my daughter. I saw<br />

somethbig must be done and done quickly.<br />

I read your mind aod saw tbat you were of a<br />

nohle, philanthropic nature, and that I ·mllSt<br />

. loJluence you aud Induce you to help them 11<br />

Possible. While your mind was on your bbB!­<br />

Dess I tQok control of yonr hand and wrote<br />

what you saw. Rest assured, kind friend, I<br />

.11a11 trouble you no more. From my hean,<br />

o how I thank youl. ,Yon have relieved the<br />

anguish of a spirit, and eaved those I loved<br />

fivm pain and deatb. U I can assist yon at .<br />

any time I will be oue of your guardian augels,<br />

to ever be near to help In Ume of need •.<br />

W hen you are passlrig to this shore I· will •<br />

help you over. I wUl thrill you with love. 1<br />

win lull your Iilind with sweet repose as you<br />

, .

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