Volume 7 - Iapsop.com

Volume 7 - Iapsop.com

Volume 7 - Iapsop.com


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. .<br />

Ing remains only the esoterio formula, lOhi"" ,<br />

Is 1t.e11 disguised nnd changed by Christian<br />

devices, legendary and docuinal. Yet., not<br />

cntlrely Io..t; there has alwaja en.ted minds<br />

here and there' who could penetrate the obscuryty,.a.D,lread<br />

In the r .... u femnant.. of the<br />

past, by that light which Iightelh every mao<br />

who <strong>com</strong>eth Inlo tho world, something of the<br />

great tnlths of antiquity included In tho' obscure<br />

term occult philosophy.<br />

O~llIt philosopby, as tbe term implies, has<br />

special reference to hidden causes, is au ell'ort<br />

to go beneath the surface of appearances and<br />

detect tlie reality.<br />

Its stlldy Is tbJ'ee.fold: FJeinentary, Celello<br />

tial and Theological. The fih.t Includes all<br />

that is known as natural' philosophy; the<br />

second. asl.ronomy or celestial dynamies; the<br />

origin and end of all things. ceremonial relip,ion<br />

and divine worship. Permeating all<br />

these brancbes of occult philosophy was tho<br />

. ,ever present Idea of spirit; Were was no ex­<br />

Istence, buteupplemented by a spiritual interl!retation,<br />

which was Indeed ~he real existence,<br />

and that which appeared to oar senses,<br />

Was only an appearanCe.<br />

Tbe revelations, discoverieS and general<br />

cnUghtment of the world sinCe !.be days of<br />

Gailleo has brought occult phll()sophy Into<br />

_ disrepote, partly because Its ideas were ob­<br />

.cure and Ilttlo understood, and 'mainly boo<br />

cause It had througb Its reprt!sentations upheld<br />

doctrines concerning the uDiverse, which<br />

were demonstrably false, and In the presence<br />

01 greater IIgbt unteQablo.<br />

lIut anotber and a greater reason remained<br />

for ito belngewept away amongst tberubbi.b<br />

01 the past as the. vilest and mbst pernicious<br />

. superstition. It bad a spiritUal philosopby<br />

wbicb embrsced even that terrible nigbt-marc<br />

of bumanity-wltcberaJt, and. wltcilcraJt by<br />

tho bigotry and cruelty of reJlgloni,;ts, bad<br />

beeu the cause of oue of the most frlgbtful<br />

. rcligiollS epidemics whicb ha.. ever dl"grsced<br />

tbe w ... rld. ·Ailythlng unllSual, whether in<br />

learning, wealth, virtue, beauty or uglines..,<br />

was sufficient to Institute slllt for witcbcraft.<br />

':vory misfortune, disease or calamity sougbt<br />

for Its cause witchcraft, and a subject for<br />

punisbment was easily found, No one was<br />

.afc from the ravages of this malevolent r~<br />

igiou. epiderulo, and both sexes of every age<br />

&lid. station in life suffered from Ita ravages.<br />

Little or no attempt was made to show that<br />

tbe rellglon whlcb burned witches was wroug,<br />

the progress of 'the epidemic was ollly stayed<br />

by proving to an IUIlvllliIlg priesthood thnt<br />

witchcraft Itself did not exist. And though<br />

the 'World and We persecutors of witches. dld<br />

not know wbat witchcraft really meant, even<br />

while they burned wltcheo, yet tho world wllS .<br />

glad to have Its noo.e:lIstenC8 proven. Glod.<br />

because It was tired of bbn·6re., boo-fires red<br />

by faggolS aud men J.nd women, who were<br />

only guilt}- or'dilteriog from tbelr neigbbo ...<br />

So the world moved, wltchcraft'became a d~<br />

Imloo and occult philosophy only a thing 10<br />

be laugbcll at, or beld up as the curious .<br />

phantasy, of even men of intellect., a thillg<br />

to sbow tbe world bo~ much it had advanced<br />

and enligbtene4 it wllS.<br />

But the world waS moving In another dl-·<br />

rection. The church was gradually losing ita<br />

. supervisorShip of learning, and did at langtn<br />

be<strong>com</strong>o an object of defiance to man, who<br />

would think, w!lo woUld Investigate, nOt even<br />

subjects f~rbiddiln by the church. but the<br />

very church Itself. Ito right even to an ex­<br />

Istence waS qo""Uoned. '!I'd men did noL<br />

beoitate to say that tJll. gigantic power and .<br />

monstrous error shoUld find Ito place with<br />

dead and burled witelJcraft. StIlrdlly h811 the<br />

churcb fougbt for it. Cx'8tence; and steadily<br />

has It cast contumely 011 the efforts ot mel\ of<br />

science, lOeh of thougbt, and liberty loving<br />

mell, men ,,'1'0 ~aw ill every prl •.sthood a<br />

<strong>com</strong>bination of conspirators ..g,unst buman<br />

liberty and ;mllghienmtlnt.: and this oppo.itlon<br />

of tbe church h"" engendered h. the minds ot<br />

tbese mell, a dislike, a hatred. a po_itlve disbelief<br />

in every thing' of a spiritual cbaracter.<br />

And why? . Uecause the cburcb, having con·<br />

vertcd itself into an eDgineof oppreqsloo, ball<br />

. its ba.~is on the doctrine of the Immortality<br />

of tbc 80ul, aDd its power for oppression depends<br />

upon the belief of Ito adberen18 In that<br />

doctrine, therefore Ir ...e.tbinken. attack the<br />

foundation as tile surest method of ridding<br />

humanity of sllperstition and servile fear to<br />

an In&tltulloo wblcb holds or pretends to hold<br />

hum au welfare beyono the grave In its own<br />

h""ds. J)estroy tbe b.lIef In spiritual entl·<br />

~t • .s and the Immortality of tbe aoul,then the .<br />

power of the church Is destroyed and science<br />

IS emancl pated.<br />

, It i. not strange theil, tbat men 01 science<br />

"ave an aversion to spiritual things and look<br />

with a j.alouo eye· uPon Spiritualism and<br />

kludred subjects, and Imagine that this mod.<br />

em revival at oCcultism Is oDly a revival of<br />

·tb~ power (If tbel.r enemy, suwing tbe seeds .'<br />

of superslltion trom wblcb will grow all oh·<br />

stacle to tbe scientific growth at hnmanlty,<br />

and luaugurate another era of clarkDess and<br />

degradation •<br />

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