Volume 7 - Iapsop.com

Volume 7 - Iapsop.com

Volume 7 - Iapsop.com


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by COnC9ntmUng Ita f&cnltie&. The first condition<br />

for metmerlsing I~ a .tronll will, the<br />

second Is conlldence, the tbird Is benevolence.<br />

The acUon of mesmerism Is, in Its principle,<br />

spiritual; bu~ It I" pby.ical in It.~ elleet9.<br />

Tbe strengw of will does not eom~ entirely<br />

from tbe bead, bllt oblelly from \.he b~Rrt.<br />

The m ... merlc fluid I. ollly lleallng wllefl Lbe<br />

beart I. pure alld strong In .falth.<br />

The mesmeric proceo. wblcb 1 bave employed<br />

Is simple. Uerure Inosmer.izlng 1 I.n­<br />

'ale myself as much as po ... ible. Illeilher<br />

see 1I0r b"ar Rnytbing tbad. paning ar"ulld<br />

me. 1 make a mental prayer that God may.<br />

bleso .my eaorts. M! tboughts Ollce IIxed, 1<br />

mesmerize.<br />

Materializing a Si'tl>ing Mflchine BtiCch.<br />

TI,e R. P. Journal tells a siory: 'A certain<br />

amiable lady b88 beeu for a 1,,"[\ tlmo III we<br />

babit of visiting DaaUan and Taylor'S sean-<br />

, .., :' cell, wbere .be felnbahlle bad Ibo exquisite<br />

p",asure of seeing and a.ft'ecUonately greeting<br />

tile malerlallzed spirit lIt a very dear female<br />

relative. Upon one ~'Ion sbe reqnested<br />

a piece of the draper)" of the spirit to tetaln<br />

&8 a 80uvenlr of IbC$e bappy reunions; \.be<br />

opirlt <strong>com</strong>plied wltb alacrity, and Revered a<br />

plere of the robe, including a portiou of tho<br />

hem. The precious relic was carefully p ....<br />

&erved, and, upon examluation and plcklol!<br />

out the tbread, the Roalll waR found to have<br />

bP.en .ewed with a lock·~tltch sewinS rna·<br />

el.lno. Tbis circum.tance was ratber " 'tunner<br />

to sume of tbe famllv. but thc 8000 old<br />

lady readily .tralghtell~ tlle seeming crookedness<br />

by explaining wat .be had been<br />

taug!'t, that In tbe spirit world tbey bave everything<br />

as wo bave here, and, therefore,<br />

. must of necessity bave loc:k .. Utcb sewing<br />

macblnel. .<br />

.. f<br />

Pre/ling Jor Raln~<br />

A nangalore, IndIa, paper 8aJO : "Owing<br />

to Ibe great draught and' consequent f"llure<br />

of crops. tbo·M;'bamedatu Dlot In a body, In<br />

n maldan, a mile OUt of town, and offered<br />

prayers for f"lo. Stmuge to say, frOID \.hat<br />

very momen' the sky began to be overeaot<br />

witb tblck clouds, aud It bas been raining<br />

since wen." The MIId..a. and Bonibay papers<br />

also coutaln notices of a .Imilar tenor.<br />

Tbe Rev. J. M. Peebles, In a d""erlptlou of<br />

the ceremonies above Alluded lO, sbows Will.<br />

• \.bere was a method lu their praying.<br />

BPnuTUAL SCLE~8~<br />

.4n Impartuil OpinIon.<br />

In May last tbe Rigbt Uonorable W. E.<br />

Gllldatone ploCi!d on record In a I.lverpool<br />

journal, one of we most Imp:inlal and 00-<br />

bl~ opInions ever uttered ~ 011 outBlder;<br />

and from wbicb we extract the following<br />

. word.: "1 know of no rule whlcb forblolA a<br />

Cbrlstlan to examine fnto tbe signs of pretprnatural<br />

~ncy 10 tlie system cnlled Spl ..<br />

ItuallAm. II tbe .... vlews and fado of the day<br />

bave in any way sbaken !.he st.l\Ddlng ground<br />

of a CbrlsUan, I. It not bls ftnlt and most<br />

obvious duty to make an bnmble4>ut searcb.<br />

In~ .eruth.y of tbe foundations? I speak as<br />

one who I. deeply convinced tbat Ibey will<br />

~at It, and Wat God haa ye~ many a fait<br />

plant to rear In Ibl. pllrtlon of lIi. garde.,"<br />

Suel. ",e· some of thn thoughts of we great­<br />

PSt of living orators and statesinan •.<br />

In dian Mysticisms.<br />

'l'.:. S. G. In an ·article under tile above he.ad<br />

in the I." s. 29.~ Ray. that a p:1/cLi.ed eye wi I<br />

readily detect tbe way In wblcb every trick<br />

10 done. 'I'he m"ngo tree I .. simply the sub-<br />

8111u\.lon of several lree. of differeDt growth<br />

from the ReOO. It Is true Unit they bave no<br />

confederatca, bnt they have a little bag, a<br />

~p Into wblcb tell, the 810ry.<br />

. A Jo'/OUriBhing Socielll.<br />

Tho society over wblch Mra. Cora 1 •. V.<br />

Rlcbmond presides In Chicago, bas reoled<br />

tho Third Unitarian Cburcb; <strong>com</strong>er of Monroe<br />

an.! I.aIIln Btreeta, and ,took possession<br />

tbe lI';'t Sunday In )fay. Thl8 edillce cost<br />

originally over forty' thousa:nd dollars, and<br />

contain8 one of tbe flnest 'organs In the city.<br />

It Is a place where all can meet ·wltb pleaa,<br />

urO. Thl. chango o;>f baae will lIIark a ne ...<br />

era In the progress of Spiritualism In tha<br />

city.<br />

The real The080phiats date from the y·.a<br />

XVI or tbereaboulS, and begin witb I'ara",,!<br />

os. Thoy are divided into two parts, !.he on<br />

iliOn: popular and mvstle Iban leam"d, I<br />

whom belong J. Boi!hm, S"edenborg, Ma<br />

tinrz l'asquaU., an'd MI. Martin; the olb,<br />

branch is more Bcientitlc, philo80pbical at<br />

theological and includes Parceleu8, «;oro<br />

liu. Agri Pl'a, .'Indd, ..... d Von lIelmonl.<br />

. -:- ' ..... .<br />

Tbe may·pole and ibe churcb spire wi<br />

Ihe wenth.·r-cock alop are the nalural biel<br />

glypb of !.be re.umction.<br />

. .<br />


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