Volume 7 - Iapsop.com

Volume 7 - Iapsop.com

Volume 7 - Iapsop.com


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stood ",beD be fuoed, DoDd whieb Mr. Perce- I "The Times o~tes that \Mr. Wlllimns m>s<br />

val bnd rea.cbed wheD be was .truck by tbe lloben alive, QIld tbat tho witDeslIeA to .. born<br />

ball, and wbere and bo .. be fell, Tbe dres. be mnde known tbe ~eulllr9 of bls dream<br />

of both Mr. l'ercioval and Bellingbam &jlreed were al80 living. and that the P.dltor bad rewith<br />

the description given by Mr. Wllliam. •• I ceived the statement from a eorre..ponder.t<br />

ev"" to the most minute particular.<br />

of unquestionable veracity."<br />

A<br />


The following lIrtIcle appeared as an edito·<br />

rial in n. P. Journal Of May 18. We trans·<br />

fer It to our column. fo. Ihe reeoon U.at '1'1,,'<br />

unqualifiedly ~ndorse every sentiment therein<br />

expre.sed. Since tbe inl~lal uumber of tbe<br />

Spiritual Scielltlst we bave taklln the ... mc<br />

po.ition. We truly bope tbat It will be weI·<br />

<strong>com</strong>ed anil approved by every Spiritualist<br />

wbo read. I~ • '<br />

Tbe J oumal .. not tbe enemy of tme IDe·<br />

diuUlS. but is. and, bas been, their steadfast.<br />

abiding frlelld. It bas never uttered a .ingle<br />

word against any ,true ruedium wbo refrain.<br />

from "at.slstlng" the spirits; olllbe contrary;'<br />

it b&.. 80ugbt by every legitimate mean. to<br />

ad'tancc Ihelr intere-t9, feeling Ihat oueb ad·<br />

nncement ialdentical wltb Ihat of Spiritual.<br />

Ism.<br />

'(I 18 true tbat tJje Journal bas waged un~<br />

<strong>com</strong>proruu.ln~ war' on tbe frauds alld sbams<br />

whu bave sougbt \0 pas. under tb" name of<br />

Spirltualls.lI. borrowing the livery of heaven<br />

to furtber tbe enrl. of oelll.hne •• and f'8.'\CB1·<br />

ity, Wben It probed Ibis matter we well<br />

knew tbe storm that would follow; we were<br />

prepared lor It. and expected tbe unmltlgQled<br />

abuse of tbose wbose occupation we destroy.<br />

ed. alld equally' the cooperation' and ..... 1.·<br />

tallce of tbat large cl.... of Splritualisl-O<br />

wbose faith rests on 80mewhat more tball<br />

Ihe clever tricks of mountebank.. We ex·<br />

pected al"o tbe ur/qualified appro·val .. f the'<br />

.ph Itual pre.s. and witb sligbt' exceptions<br />

, tbe latter has been anowered.<br />

. WILil our venerable contelDpo .... ry. '1'be<br />

Ballner of I,lght. we are <strong>com</strong>pelled 10 take<br />

oppo'lug grounds. We think Ibe parag"apb<br />

. we quote. was written without due cunsider·<br />

atlon of the vital qucstlon,it dllOCu...... We<br />

have a few queatiolaB to ask thoso who claim<br />

to be Spiritualists. and yet """,,ult UH. liaS<br />

It 1I0t been lor ,U.!rty years the .tandlng<br />

clahu lor I:lplrltuallsm that it dcmonolraua,<br />

by lacts tbe e:&i.tence of mau al.er death?<br />

Now, if tbe focts 8:'e Dot Buch as tho reason<br />

admits ;"if the "eoridltlous" are'those' of<br />

fraud and Impo,lure; If fair .... d bonl!.t In·<br />

vesLigatJon is deale6, of what value are the<br />

facts, and bow is immortality proved? We<br />

claim ,lhat every manifestation to be of any<br />

value a.. evidence, mURt be given under<br />

strictly teAt condi !Jono. Jo:very true and g6D'<br />

uine medium. 90 flir from refusing this. will<br />

demand it, so that he niay .taIJd unimpeach.<br />

able. The opposers of sueb teots fOrgElt that<br />

Ihey are urging on the attentlou of the world<br />

a class of pbenome ..... which are regarded as<br />

In the nature of tblnG" impossible, alld con·<br />

.equently tbe burden of proof lall. On tbem.<br />

,They forget that If they refu8e to give ract~<br />

III tbe form dClQalld~d •. tbe whole moyement<br />

fails to ac<strong>com</strong>plish tho purpe.e for wbich it<br />

wae designed,<br />

But tbe Banner 01 I,igbt would have us<br />

~li.ve that the Splrit.-world were deceived<br />

and bad precipitated the movement entirely<br />

ton >oon. aud bopes It will withdraw Its efforL,.<br />

We ,'egarrl this a most unw;'e prayer,<br />


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