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Volume 7 - Iapsop.com

Volume 7 - Iapsop.com


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nevertheless quite surprllled a few weeks<br />

since to learn that two eminent, and distloinJohed<br />

Buddhiots bad sailed from Ceylon<br />

to Jo'ro.oce.<br />

Wby?.,for what purpese had<br />

they gone? w .... the cOmmon inqul.,. None<br />

of theso journalists seem to bBve been Cndowed<br />

with the gift of Interpretation.', Let<br />

me ,help them. Inqulrtng of a celebrated<br />

priest at lhe Uuddhist College, lloamed that<br />

the special work of one was to teach the<br />

I'allianguago in a French University; while<br />

the othor was to devote hlm"elf in a quiet<br />

, way to mission work. Both knowillg Uuddh­<br />

.18m to be a much older, ze,doWily believe It,<br />

also to be a much pure!" and diviner sy.tem<br />

of religion U,an Christianity. I.earned<br />

priesta among tb"w go further, alld boldly<br />

affirm that all wbleb i. good alld true III the<br />

Jetter of Chri8tianity was borrowed from<br />

Buddhism. Believing this, as they conscielltiouely<br />

dQ, an(l belllli fired \yith aomothhlG of<br />

the martYNplrit, tlley aie desirous that<br />

France, and all west em , nations, should<br />

share,ln Its heavenly and saving benefits.<br />

SPONT Al'IEOIIII UiCNEaATlON. 'I'ror. Virchow,<br />

of BerUu says In Nature, Nov. 29:<br />

.. All fossil type of' a lower bum an developmenlo<br />

Is absolutely wantiog; ODe f088i1 monkey,skull,<br />

or man-ape skull, wblch maUy belonged<br />

to a human proprietor. haS ncver<br />

been found. lVe cannot teach, Ule cannot'<br />

designate' .t asa rellelalion of science, that<br />

man descends/rom the ape, qr from anll olher<br />

animal." (Author'S itaJiCII). Ho aloo says:<br />

"Nobody has even aeen spontaneous generation<br />

occurri,ng In reality" and everyone wbo<br />

maintained that he had seeu' It, has been re<br />

futA!d, not by the tlleologlans Indeed, but by<br />

, naturalists." '<br />

A report of the qbsoqules of D. A. F.ddy,<br />

Esq., late of Cleveland, OWo, wUl be fouud<br />

In r. p. j. IWd b. 1. feb 9.<br />

DEFINlT10NS. In recent disc 1S910n8 some<br />

uasllli dE'6l1iUons have been given. Jo'orco<br />

Is capacity of motion. Enel'gl Is capaclly<br />

for dolug work. ('bange I'; a Bum of motion..<br />

Jo'rederic Harrison says soul Is tho<br />

cJmbl""d f:u:uIUe. of the li.i.9 organIsm;<br />

l.onl m",,;;fonl says soul Is tho ~nsciouB belug<br />

wbieb eacb man call him,e1f. :Madam<br />

l!Iavabky says the so1l1 is<strong>com</strong>loOsed of ner_<br />

vous fluid and atma.;pJieric ellle! '. neallty I.<br />

persistence Irl't'Speclivo of paJ1lclllar condl·<br />

tions. Organization is life equllll.rating gravi·<br />

t~ and r"pulsion, or the ln'ler au, 1 dlslntergra­<br />

. ting forces. In cosmic tivo)utior , nn St!ews to<br />

be integration; lllorgaflie evolu .1011, tile pbenomelll.<br />

of illtcgration and dis lolutioll sepm<br />

aCting togetb~r. I,aw; Miss ~ meox deflues<br />

a .latement of coll_tant relalio 118 posited by<br />

the Dature of thlugs.<br />

• ORGANIZATION. It i. proposed to effect<br />

tbo organlzatlon, or SpiritUal sts upon the<br />

rcpre.olltatlve system, by sendug delegates<br />

from Btate circles 10 a central (Ollvention, or<br />

congl'ea., whlcb shall perfect tie plan of ulIllleation.<br />

Nolhlng could be bel ter for tbe intensts<br />

of spiritualism eventual!;" atld nothing<br />

is more uccessary for Its inllneC ~ate and rapid<br />

a:dvimcement. BuL, wbat Isto;)8 the d .. Ouite<br />

TSOUGU Mies Harriet Martineau, the<br />

late deceased exponent at tbe Positive I'hI-<br />

1080pby 111 l-:ngland, denied a living eutlty<br />

after d~.atb, !.bE' constitution of be~ mind was<br />

plan of organization?<br />

so unblll$ed by ber own views !.bat Rho was<br />

able to Bay: "If 1 find myself conscious after<br />

the lapse of Ufe,-it will be' all right, of<br />

coune." If ber seu,te mind bad investigated<br />

the facts of splrltuaUstic science to the extent,<br />

that It did the proofs of posiUvism, how<br />

even and steady wo'uld sho have bold the<br />

scales of judgmeutl<br />

WllI the congress<br />

meet to write out a creed, an 1 lay down a<br />

form of worship, in response '.0 tbe behests<br />

of the religious .eniiment in Spiritualism;<br />

cir to provide lIIeans lor the plomulgation of<br />

spiritualistic facts, by tbe d.,.elopment 0<br />

mediuDlB and tbe support 01 a speCiali .. d<br />

press?<br />

It would seem tbat!.be ono •• bject, beyond<br />

.ill o!.ben of tbe snpremesl Iml ortance, is tho<br />

positive demolUltration of the future exisf,-'<br />

ence to Individual Inquiry. rbls ooce af,- ,<br />

talaed, eacb Individual milld. should be<br />

allowed to draw its own COocl\ slouB .... to the<br />

qbsenance of the duUes aud r ,Iationa wbleb<br />

follow on such dcmouotration,-Com.<br />

Plfllckometl7l.<br />

It was In 1841 'that Profess)f B~chauan'8<br />

attention Was dlreeted to tbe faet that ce ....<br />

tain sensitive persons could I eel !.be wlluenee<br />

by touch from' varioll! metals, and<br />

describe !.bem without hav: ng been pre-.<br />

,iously blformcd of !.be nature of !.be substance.<br />

In a 'class at ble n ,edical school,<br />

nearly one-half of all who tried tbe esperiment<br />

dptected the luftuence < I medicines as<br />

distinctly as if they bad been 1 asted, by bold-

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